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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. I remember seeing this in someones massive Slaanesh army in an old White Dwarf and just though wow! It was this model and that hobbyist that made me plan to do a full army for each Chaos God.
  2. That would be a huge surprise if true. Was that on his latest livestream mate? Love having Val on while I'm painting, missed the last couple of streams.
  3. Slightly unrelated news, but CA just released the launch trailer for Total Warhammer Immortal Empires (out of beta release) and there's a little special tease for you fellow Dawi-Zharr enjoyers! Everyone board the Daemonic Hell Hype Train!!! Immortal Empires I still have my Warhammer World Daemonsmith unopened ready for their tabletop return, we're one step closer!
  4. Slightly unrelated news, but CA just released the launch trailer for Total Warhammer Immortal Empires (out of beta release) and there's a little special tease for you fellow Dawi-Zharr enjoyers! Everyone board the Daemonic Hell Hype Train!!! Immortal Empires I still have my Warhammer World Daemonsmith unopened ready for their tabletop return, we're one step closer!
  5. I don't think we'll see the release this year but I'm confident we'll see the full reveal this year with the anniversary and a proper hype drive for it. Am exciting year anyway mate.
  6. My goodness Bloodhunt looks to be the best set yet. Just looking over the sprues, I bloody love there's sword options for all the Vampire guys. Also, there appears to be more of those half wolf mask heads for the Khorne guys. Going to put the masks on the vampires for that Samurai Menpo look, and also use them for some cool White Scars/Sons of Horus/ Space Wolves characters I think they'll look really nice on a lot of minis. I'm looking forward to the AoS rules for the Vampires, could finally be a good substitute for Vampire infantry!
  7. That's actually a good shout mate, I know the Eavy Metal team are actual wizards but that looks like a big feather highlight. This isn't just your everyday feather, this is, an advanced feather! Also that Astrolith Banner art is sublime.
  8. I could see Cold Riders going, to be replaced by the new Skink cav to fill that slot. Man if they got another big dino, that's just insanely amazing!
  9. Oh I can't wait to buy every single Seraphon model, that is a gorgeous model!! Article also states more AoS reveals next week. I wonder I wonder.
  10. Ah more Drakanoid Kroxigors would be amazing too. Really excited to see this new take. Could this be what Whitefang is hinting at a new design? Seraphon hatched Draconith egg clutches in secret right? Perhaps these Kroxigors are part of a new clutch? I do like big beefy crocodile bois but I also love me some Warcraft Drakonid and a design similar to those would be really nice I reckon.
  11. Whitefang's react. Oh my lawwwwwwwwd. This Seraphon release is going to be amazing isn't it.
  12. Don't know why it's just jumping out at me now, but I really love the new shield designs for the Warriors. I thought I'd miss the old style for nostalgic reasons but just the flow of their design now it looks so good.
  13. AHHHHHHH! I'm blown away. Honestly that is everything I hoped for. Lad! Seraphon! Saurus WARRIOOOORRRRRRRRRRS! And that's not even all?! My goodness. Oh I am buying a full army to paint as soon as they release. And those Vampires!!! Holy Sigmar, look at them, they're practically Cathayan Jade Vampires. Even with the that proper Asian style demon looking thing, looks straight out of Sekiro or Onimusha. Absolutely perfect. I wonder if they can be used as Heroes in AoS, or we'll have our first Vampire infantry box! Arbites are cool but AoS absolutely knocked it out of the park. Ah man I am so hyped that was glorious. I'm so happy. My low expectations and frustration was too harsh, GW let us eat good today.
  14. I'm just nervous af for Seraphon. After Beasts of Chaos and the rumour list being fake, I am so nervous to see what Seraphon will get. The only thing I want is new Saurus Warriors, anything else is a cherry on top of an amazing cake. I really hope it's not another hero release. The prospect that we could see Seraphon this very Friday, the preview will be god tier if true. Honestly more excited for Seraphon than the Cities refresh.
  15. Just to perhaps temper expectations, it could just be a tease for Warcry itself, since the setting is currently centred around a crashed Seraphon ship. I'm going to assume this is just teasing the Khorne and Vampire Warcry box, but oh.boi! If this is Seraphon....Sigmar help me.
  16. Honestly guttered man, just going to set my expectations that Seraphon are just getting a new hero if that. I know it sounds petty when we've just had S2D huge wave and we'll have a massive revamp of Cities, but man, the factions that just get the one hero or even couple new random units just feels so disheartening. I mean Necromunda gangs have had more variety and new releases than an entire AoS faction. Feels like it's a specialist game sometimes. Don't want to be petty or ungrateful but it annoys me sometimes. It constantly reminds me of that argument for why Fantasy/AoS isn't as popular as 40k. It's because sales are low? I have no incentive to start a new Gits army when the new enticing feature is one random unit that doesn't fit thematically or practically with the rest of the army. Sales low? No support, no support? Low sales, neverending cycle. Every faction deserves at least the Sylvaneth treatment, sick of this one hero/unit BS. Sorry for the venting.
  17. Completely understand the business decisions for going with the box designs they have now. But boi, those old artworks, THAT is what made me invested in Warhammer, I didn't realise until later life that Kopinski was perhaps the sole reason I was brought into Warhammer. As a kid I had no idea about those responsible for the art. As a kid I just wanted the cool af looking boxes. I do miss it, I miss Kopinski's style in Warhammer today. it just felt real, or like a historic painting. Nothing made me want to collect Skaven more than seeing the Clanrat box art, stupendous.
  18. That's next week?!! Damn it's gone fast, Lets goooooo!
  19. I thoroughly expect there to be a good influx of new and returning players with the Old World, the shear success of Total Warhammer alone, you have people who just don't like AoS, currently active in the hobby and genuinely waiting for Fantasy to come. You have people like me who can't wait for both and for more models to use in AoS, good times ahead.
  20. Are you telling me this could be some Jade Vampire like Vampires? Cos I'll buy it, I'll buy 10, is that what you want, cos I'll do it!
  21. The crest on top of the Vampire's head reminds me of Neferata's symbol, is it also the Legion of Blood? Reminds me of her crown anyway.
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