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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Oh it is GOOD to see the official Old World logo on an event page. The time is nigh folks!
  2. Well that's a nice confirmation we will get some news at Warhammer Fest. I don't want to get excited.. BUT LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FULL ARMY REVEALS AND FULL ROADMAP OF RELEASES AND CHORF, IND AND KHURESH REVEALS LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ah I really hope this will be the main reveal. Or actually, perhaps it'll be a main teaser for the full reveal on the 40th anniversary, that'll be my guess. It's so good to know we'll be hearing something at the end of the month, can't wait.
  3. When Whitefang said something is on the way for Kurnothi. What if it's just this? A cameo in Blacktalon EP1? 😂 Kurnothi fans eating good this week. I just I jest.
  4. Well that's an instant buy then. Congrats mate.
  5. It's a damn shame what poor management can do to its workers. Was listening to Peachy on The Painting Phase and discussing how an amazing job can become quite tiresome and frustrating, and it was so refreshing to hear as I've felt pretty much the same in my job in that I started to feel guilty because from what I came from, I started to think surely I'm just being entitled, my job is actually fun and chill and a complete contrast to my first job, so how can I be annoyed, others have it way worse. But when they were discussing how management can make or break a job it really hit home. A job can be well paid (for what you do), your colleagues can be amazing, you can be doing your dream job, what you've trained for all these years, but if top management has problems, it absolutely can affect your outlook on the job, all those tiny tiny frustrations, day by day, policy by policy, month by month, eventually build up, and becomes something you resent, no matter how good the actual job is, and you shouldn't be ashamed to feel that way. It is really such a shame that some of these amazing individuals are having to do this, but you know what, if that's best for them, then that's perfect. Warhammer isn't going anywhere, we have so much to thank to the current and past GW employees who make this hobby what it is, but whatever is best for them is the best outcome.
  6. Cheers la! July sounds perfect for a reveal too if the end of year release rumour is true.
  7. When is the 40 year anniversary of Fantasy supposed to be? I have it in my head it was to coincide with Warhammer Fest but I could be completely wrong. Either way, I certainly feel an Old World reveal next month! It's gonna be hard to top Adepticon but if we had Old World, full 10th edition box and more CoS, that would be pretty darn close for me.
  8. "CAM AN AV A GOOOO IF YA FINK YA ARD ENUF!" Is my new head canon for the war cry of a lowly peasant smushed into a breastplate too small as he sees a 8ft Chosen of the Dark Gods clad in fel magic armour slowly walk towards him with a mace 3x taller than him.
  9. There was something that didn't give me the immediate wow factor with the Cities fellows. It's the paintjob for me. I think it makes them look more busy than they are, as every single part seems to have a different colour. Really looking forward to seeing them in different schemes. Obviously not bashing the paintjob technically, beautiful work by the team as always but personally I'd just prefer a different scheme.
  10. Cheers for the picture mate. At least if not the full body, the heads should certainly fit nicely. So I'll definitely be doing a unit of Crocodile bois and then use the Drakanoid heads for some Dragon Ogors! Oooof I can't wait.
  11. I really want to see those Kroxigor torsos on some Dragon Ogors. You think they are big enough? Cos I'd love to see some Drakanoid Centaur dudes. Can't stop looking at everything it's all beautiful. And not even a month to wait until the next big event. Scrumptious.
  12. Dunt lyke Chaos, not raecist, juss dunt lyke em. Simple as.
  13. Just woke up and saw all the images, gonna deep dive into everything when I get to work. But holy Emperor, that is probably the best preview, every single thing revealed is absolutely stunning. The Kroxigors man! THE KROXIGOOOOOOOOOOORS! They are perfect, and who would've thought 2 head choices, literally perfect having the best of both worlds, can't wait for some croccy Bois. The Lion with helmet is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what's in store for Cities. So so so so so happy at those updated Terminators! Those beastmen..... Good lawd they're amazing, but that's the only shame, how good they could've looked for the Beasts of Chaos. At least hoping they can be de-40k'd enough. Oh and that Tzeentch warband! Insane, that's the best imaginative design I expect from the Lord of Change. Eye-rolled initially when I saw the Storm cast thumbnail thinking oh another SC band? But they're stunning too! We got Dr Doom in AoS now. What a preview, what an amazing preview and an amazing glimpse into the future of the hobby. Today's good.
  14. Luckily had some things to keep me occupied this week but time seems to slow down everytime I realise Adepticon is next week. Really looking forward to 40k because it's either gonna be The Lion or 10th but Seraphon or CoS for AoS? Gonna be a good morning to wake up to.
  15. Ah you think we're just going to see the Krox, Saurus cavalry and Temple Guard at Adepticon then? It's entitled but I would be slightly disappointed, only because we've been getting the Seraphon reveals most Mondays and would be happy for that to continue. Save Adepticon for something completely new. Hope it's not a rehash of everything revealed so far with an army box.
  16. @Whitefang nice to see you and your hype drops again, hope you've been alright 🙂
  17. Lost for words at that trailer! Also noticed the wolf rider on the end artwork piece, has near the exact same shield design as the Rippa Snarlfangs. Can't believe we get Hobgoblins too! THE K'DAAI!!!!!
  18. New plastic TK. And plastic Bretonnians, what.a.time.to.be.alive! And a preview to look forward to. Let's just go la.
  19. Looks like there's a glow from his palm, and that forearm looks too stubby to be a SE. Dare I say, a Chaos Dwarf?!
  20. I remember seeing this in someones massive Slaanesh army in an old White Dwarf and just though wow! It was this model and that hobbyist that made me plan to do a full army for each Chaos God.
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