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Posts posted by Liquidsteel

  1. 3 hours ago, Obeisance said:

    I'm thinking of running SB for a team event.

    Kastelli with Arkhan, Vengorian with Fragment, Manfred and like 3*20 zombies. 

    Basically just netlisting from a team event recently.

    Question is.. what do you do about Gotrek? In my experience playing OBR, he kills Nagash if he doesn't have Drain on him and you don't get priority.

    Debuff him and hope for the best? Moveblock him with Manfred?


    So I ran that list myself at a recent 2 day tournament, but tweaked it to 2 x 10 skellies in order to free up points for the Spell Portal. With Nagash it's honestly so great for power projection, and in fact you can in later turns use another hero to cast it and get a crazy range on Hand of Dust (40" in total).

    I didn't face the 1 Gotrek that was there, but I feel that yes I would look to move block with Mannfred, maybe a unit of a chaff if possible. There are two movement blocking spells as well, Spectral Grasp (half normal moves within 3" of a terrain feature) or the Prison of Grief which stops a unit moving that phase on a 5+. Decrepify, Overwhelming Dread and Fading Vigour can also slightly weaken him but still he will be a massive threat if he gets stuck in.

    In general I found Fragment of the Keep to be okay, however the main threats were turn 1 shooting from things like Lumineth or a big impact turn. Often they will try to pop your Vengorian or Mannfred turn 1. Have been considering Grave Sand Shard which can be activated to provide a pretty noticeable buff to survivability for one turn (in theory, needs testing).

    Mannfred is fun, and his +1/+1 is fantastic combined with Nagash's reroll 1s. I do feel he lacks some punch however, and in most games even the Vengorian does no damage. 

    Currently testing Nagash + Vhordrai lists as I work towards Nagash + Blood Knight spam. Only 1 game so far vs Be'Lakor.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, McNibs said:

    On a more specific note Glogg's MegaMob gives the command ability Oblivious to Sorcery can both Troggboss and Mollog use this ability to give two different units resistance?

    No because as per the Core Rules, each Command Ability can only be used once per phase.

  3. 4 hours ago, McNibs said:

    Hey, struggling again with charging and who is in combat.

    When you charge you roll 2d6 then determine who you can charge. If I am only just barely in range of unit A for the charge, I get to pile in 3" before combat? If this 3" gets me in range of a different unit (B) that i did not charge can I attack them? 

    If the 3" puts me within 3" of a different unit that I did not charge (unit B) does this put them in combat? Ie they will not be able to move freely next turn without retreating


    I play boingrots and I am wondering about their charging ability, after I succeed on my charge at a unit do I immediately trigger the effect? Or should I complete my other charges first? 

    and last thing to check is can a unit use unleash hell on itself?


    Thank you for all the replies they have helped game play majorly!!

    1) Yes, you allocate attacks after you have made your pile in move. You do not need to have charged a unit to fight it. Using enemy units as slingshots to reach other units is much easier in this edition now, as you no longer pile in to the closest model, but to the closest unit. So as long as you stay as close or closer to the initial UNIT, you can move the full 3" around the various models in that unit to maximise your attacks or reach juicier targets.

    2) Yes, if you end up within 3" of another unit, then it is "within engagement range" and is in combat with you. Note this does mean that unit will be eligible to activate and attack you in the combat phase.

    3) The wording is "after this unit makes a charge move", so it occurs after the charge is completed, before you attempt anything else.

    4) Yes, a unit that has been charged can Unleash Hell at the unit that charged it. The restriction is for other units being in 3", not the charging units. If the unit has a Champion, it can both Issue and Receive the Command Ability.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Wordy9th said:

    Just a quick question: does the arcane tome allow me to cast two spells per hero phase or choose an extra spell to cast if I use it on a wizard (necromancer)?

    Arcane Tome: The pages of this ancient grimoire
    grant the bearer arcane power.
    The bearer becomes a Wizard that knows the
    Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield spells. They can
    attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero phase and
    attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase.
    If the bearer is already a Wizard, they can attempt
    to cast 1 additional spell instead.


    Haha yeah it's convoluted for sure, though I was trying to make it less so with my wording.

    I can see what he means though and fair enough can see he meant something different to what I thought he did (I meant locked in to a specific trait/artefact, he meant an allegiance).

    I'm willing to agree that it seems intended for the first pick to be from the book and it's how I had initially read the rules upon release, however as discussed at the start, the wording of the core rules is not clear enough and so very few events are playing it that way currently (apart from one major upcoming event which has specifically ruled it as part of their pack).

    Hopefully an FAQ can clear it up.


    Fair enough, in an effort to put this to bed I have tried again and this time managed a proper "live chat", rather than submitting my question and waiting for a response to come through via email.

    The advisor confirmed there is no rules help desk, they are all one customer services team.

    He did, however, answer my question. Below is the transcript.

    So we now have 3 responses from 3 different people from the same team with the following conclusions:

    1) you must take an allegiance trait/artefact first

    2) you are free to pick 

    3) we are not allowed to comment and will pass it to the actual rules/FAQ team


    Today’s chat with Rowan  
    Hey Joe,
    If you’ve got any other questions, feel free to hit reply and continue the conversation.
    Here’s a copy of your discussion
    You Hello, do you have a specific help desk for advice with rules for Age of Sigmar that I could connect with?
      Rowan joined the chat
    Rowan Hi, thanks for getting in touch! We can help with rules queries here, what would you like to know?
    You Hello,

    In section 27.4 of the AoS Core Rules, it states that "If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include
    a command trait and the general of your army has the keyword for that
    subfaction, then that command trait must be the one you give to your
    general. If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include an artefact
    of power and any Heroes in your army have the keyword for that
    subfaction, then that artefact of power must be the first artefact of power
    given to one of those Heroes."

    Is this referring to those sub factions which only give you one choice of Trait and Artefact that MUST be taken (e.g. Gristlegore Flesh Eater Courts), or to all sub factions that give you a range of choices e.g. Kastelai Dynasty Soulblight Gravelords?

    If it only refers to those that are "locked in" to a particular trait, are those that are free to pick allowed to use the generic command traits and artefacts from the Core Rules, e.g. "master of magic" or "amulet of destiny" as their first picks?

    Thank you!
    Rowan This rule means that if your general is locked in, you will have to pick those specific abilities and artefacts. However, if you do not have a general that is locked in, then you can pick any options you like! This includes the generic traits and artefacts
    You Thanks Rowan, this helps clear things up. Do you know if it can be addressed in the next AoS FAQ, as currently there is a fair bit of discussion on this rule due to it being a little bit unclear.
    Rowan I'll certainly pass this on to the rules team for you! I won't be able to guarantee that this will be included but I can assure you that this will reach the rules team for you. In the meantime, was there anything else I could help with today?
    You Could I ask if you are from specific rules help desk or is this just the general customer service chat?
    Rowan This is the general customer service live chat. We've got a number of hobby specialists here, including myself, who are here to help with rules, lore and any hobby queries you might have! We're not a part of the rules team who make the FAQs, but we can contact them on your behalf with questions like this
    You perfect okay, thank you so much
    You can I get a transcript of this sent to my email?
    Rowan I'm glad I could help! You'll get a copy of this to your email once the chat has ended and if you have any other questions at all, please feel free to let us know. In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely day!
    You thanks you too!
      Rowan ended the chat


    Yes I saw that banner, it does say that, and I clicked the respective chat bubble and asked my question.

    I don't think there is a specific "rules help desk", it's just the customer service team.


    Yep and fingers crossed it's addressed in a future FAQ.

    For what it's worth I also contacted the live support out of curiosity, as I wanted to see if we'd get the same response twice or possibly a contradicting answer, and will paste the conversation below. Have bold/underlined the main bit.

    I will forward my email over to the FAQ team, though they never actually respond.

    Hi There,

    Thanks for the email and your feedback. I'll be sure to forward on your feedback to our rules team to look into but at the same time I would suggest you forward this and any other rules related question to our specific FAQ emails.

    Unfortunately as a customer service team trained in assisting with order and product related issues, we are not permitted to reply to rules question or offer clarity over how rules can be used. The forge world and greater Games workshop business have dedicated rules team and staff that design and publish all rules and FAQ's. As part of their role here in Games workshop they look over all relevant emails submitted in the correct inbox and will consider changes and updates that are necessary and issue them in a future FAQ

    Any rules questions can be forwarded directly for their attention on the below email address's

    40kfaq@gwplc.com for 40k FAQ question submissions and feedback
    aosfaq@gwplc.com for AoS FAQ submissions and feedback
    KillTeam@gwplc.com for Kill Team FAQ submissions and feedback
    Whunderworlds@gwplc.com for Shadespire and Nightvault FAQ submissions and feedback
    community@gwplc.com for general community-related questions

    Thanks again!

    Kind Regards

    How would you rate my reply?
    Great    Okay    Not Good

    Leeanne E
    {#HS:1611440291-800300#} 4696291185
    On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 8:58 AM BST, Joe Grzywinski <joe.grzywinski@live.co.uk> wrote:

    In section 27.4 of the AoS Core Rules, it states that "If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include
    a command trait and the general of your army has the keyword for that
    subfaction, then that command trait must be the one you give to your
    general. If the allegiance abilities for a subfaction include an artefact
    of power and any Heroes in your army have the keyword for that
    subfaction, then that artefact of power must be the first artefact of power
    given to one of those Heroes."

    Is this referring to those sub factions which only give you one choice of Trait and Artefact that MUST be taken (e.g. Gristlegore Flesh Eater Courts), or to all sub factions that give you a range of choices e.g. Kastelai Dynasty Soulblight Gravelords?

    If it only refers to those that are "locked in" to a particular trait, are those that are free to pick allowed to use the generic command traits and artefacts from the Core Rules, e.g. "master of magic" or "amulet of destiny" as their first picks?

    Thank you!
    • Haha 1


    As RuneBrush said, it's a transcript from customer support who may or may not be fully clued up, and in any case can't be used as a reliable source and not one that anyone "has to follow".

    You've asked the question in quite a loaded manner also, for what it's worth, stating that core rules say x then asking whether bloodlines are sub allegiances in order to get the confirmation you are seeking.

    You are free to interpret the rule as you think it is and others can do the same, until GW come out and clarify then it's a grey area and nobody can claim their interpretation to be the only way.


  5. You have to pick your General, if it's not a unique character (in this case only the Troggboss) you can give that General a Command Trait.

    You can also grant an artefact to one of your heroes, doesn't have to be the General, though again only to non uniques. 

    Some allegiances or sub allegiances may specify a certain Trait or Artefact that must be given, else you are free to pick from those available. 


    Right, but the wording in the core rules is not the same as the old specific trait and artefact. 

    It is vague and ambiguous. 

    Most events are not in agreement with your interpretation. 

    Who is your GW representative? Someone from the actual rules team or a local store manager? 

    • Like 1


    Sure, as I said it's ambiguous. 

    But the consensus in the competitive community here in the UK is that you are free to pick, unless it calls out a specific artefact and trait.

    There are plenty of examples of this, such as Gristlegore FEC where you MUST take Savage Strike and Ghurish Mawshard.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1


    It's a valid discussion and the wording is not 100% clear, so ultimately up to TO discretion. 

    In fact there's a tournament I'm going to in October that has done just that - required you to pick a book artefact first.


    I did initially agree with you, however that's not actually what the Core Rules say.

    They say if the sub allegiance lists "an" artefact or "a" command trait, then you must take them as your first choice. Our allegiances list several artefacts.

    This has been discussed on these forums and various other social media sites on several occasions, and the general conclusion has been the opposite of what you are saying.

    Do you mind disclosing who this "GW representative" is, are they one of the rules team from HQ? 

    • Like 3
  6. Ordinarily I agree, Mounted King is way better, however the comparison here is what can you get whilst sticking to the one drop. 

    I definitely feel it's worth exploring, maybe try a few games with both variants and see how you get on?

    I haven't played my FEC yet this edition as I'm still exploring Soulblight, however if I was I would probably do double dragon with a battle Regiment plus command Entourage, to access the second mount trait and settle at 4 drops.

    I would probably take Blisterskin myself if I were to run it now, though that's still my preference and not saying it's better. Feast day is nice but extra 2" move is even better now with the smaller boards. Also Feeding Frenzy can be shut down now with roar which really hurts FEC.

  7. Correct, Core Battalions are based on battlefield role and not keyword. 

    It's the same way conditional battlefield roles allow Stegadons in Thunderlizard or Terrorgheists in Gristlegore FEC to fit in to Battle Regiment as Troops but not as Monsters, nor in Alpha Beast pack etc

  8. 8 minutes ago, KibaWildFang said:

    When I go to list building, it says the archregent can fill the Commander or Sub commander role. I have the Gheist King take the monster role, while the Varghulf and the Infernal Courtier both take Sub commanders

    The King is a Leader and therefore cannot fit the "Monster".

  9. Just now, KibaWildFang said:

    With this in mind (thanks for the input btw), I came up with a one-drop list!

    Feast Day, Battle Regiment

    Archregent (general: Dark Wizardry)

    Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (Gruesome Bite, Amulet of Destiny, Flaming Weapon)


    Infernal Courtier

    3x10 ghouls

    2x6 flayers

    comes out to 1985 and hits the table all at once. Summons are of course 3 flayers and 20 ghouls.

    You've taken too many sub commanders for it to be one drop.

    It's 1 x Commander (GKoRTG) plus 2 x optional Sub Commanders (AAR and Varghulf).

    Remove the Infernal Courtier to make it legal and tweak the points as you see fit.

  10. On 8/21/2021 at 6:40 PM, Fert said:

    They do not, because abilities that have the same title cannot stack.  For example, Grundstok thunderers have fumigators with an ability called Choking Fug that gives a -1 to hit bubble within 3" of a model with a fumigator.  If you are within 2 fumigator it is still only a -1.  However, an aether khemist has an ability called Atmospheric Isolation that gives a -1 to hit bubble within 3".  This ability will stack with the fumigator as it is two distinct abilities.

    Unless you can provide the core rule for abilities not being able to stack, then this is not correct.

    The reason the fumigator doesn't stack is because of the way it's worded, it's simply a check if enemy models are within range and then the effect is applied.

    You can stack Mystic Shield. You can cast debuff spells such as Overwhelming Dread or Fading Vigour and if they proc twice from Locus of Shyish, you are free to resolve the effect for a second time on the same unit, providing -2 to Hit / Attacks respectively.

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