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Joseph Mackay

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Posts posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. 7 hours ago, novakai said:

    i don't think it was COVID because the first battletome was probably done in 2019 before the pandemic, they started advertising the spring army release in January before the spread even happen I think what may have cause the split was rather 40K 9th edition that was slated for that summer and they couldn't everything out in that deadline before production began for 40K

    Weather covid affected Lumineth directly, or other releases that then delayed Lumineth is kind of irrelevant. I suspect *something* happened and the ‘wave 2’ models weren’t going to be out in time.

    the limited edition battletome Howe is a different story, I believe that was supposed to be a ‘preview’ until the real one came out, until whatever went wrong happened

  2. 3 minutes ago, Mark Williams said:

    Can't the mortis engine be made as a Coven Throne or a Bloodseeker Palanquin? And the Hexwraiths can be made as Black Knights instead of Hexwraiths. In such a case, that box makes a decent start collecting box for a Soulblight army. Yes, it wouldn't cover everything, but they are all units that are useful in those armies.

    Legions Of Nagash yes, Soulblight Gravelords to be confirmed. I wouldn’t be surprised if anything in the Nighthaunt or Bonereapers book is taken out, but possibly allowed in via a 1 in 4 units rule (like Cities Of Sigmar)

  3. 7 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Well, that's what I'm asking. Which ones, and against which armies, and why? Let's talk about some specific examples.

    People tend to talk about these things in terms of definitive absolutes, as though winning is literally impossible in some matchups. Since I've personally seen games where the "worst" armies (BoC, BoK) beat the "best" armies (Seraphon, Kharadrons) I know that's pure tosh. Yes, the odds are heavily stacked against them and they will lose far more often than they win - but that's not the same thing as not being able to win.

    Stormcast vs any horde army for example (Skaven, Flesh-Eaters, Nighthaunt, Legions Of Nagash, Bonereapers, Seraphon, Gloomspite Gits, Beasts Of Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Slaves To Darkness, Cities Of Sigmar, Daughters Of Khaine - all of these armies, and that’s a pretty large chunk of available factions, can build a horde)

    Stormcast vs Ogors (similar model count, but Ogors put out more damage-killing Stormcast faster than they can be killed, are more resistant than Stormcast, and have a special rule that doubles their model count for objectives)

    Stormcast vs any Alpha Strike list (kills the Stormcast before they even have a chance to claim objectives)

    these are just some examples 

  4. On 4/18/2021 at 8:37 PM, NinthMusketeer said:

    "Q: How does the Rend characteristic of attacks interact with the Bastiladon while it has a 1+ Save characteristic? A: An unmodified save roll of a 1 always fails. When a save roll is modified by the Rend characteristic of an attack, it can never be modified to less than 1. When a model has a Save characteristic of 1+, modified save rolls of 1 are successfully saved. This means, while the Bastiladon has a Save characteristic of 1+, only unmodified save rolls of 1 will inflict damage regardless of the Rend characteristic of the weapon used for the attack."

    Can you articulate how, exactly, I am demonstrating an inability to read the rules properly?

    Because before that faq, people were applying rend to the save characteristic rather than the save roll. The faq, is basically telling you the same thing the core rules always have - that rend modifies the save roll, not the characteristic, in the same way -1 to hit affects the hit roll not your To Hit characteristic (this is an important distinction because of rerolls and other abilities)

  5. 1 hour ago, Cronotekk said:

    I've never used my battletome for warscrolls, the app is just too convenient for that.

    This. Additionally, the app is the most *official* source of warscrolls as it’s the only format that gets updated with the errata etc. the PDF downloads on the webstore the 100% just photocopy’s of either the physical warscroll card or the page from a battletome. Beyond that, they never update them

  6. 5 hours ago, dekay said:


    But it's a difference between 'complete' and 'incomplete' still. Time period when you only needed to carry one book to the games is over after two months. The book is still new and you must download extra rules to supplement it.

    Especially that here we're talking about characters that literally showed up in the narrative right before the battletome came out. So the battletome does seem like a reasonable place to introduce them.

    Honestly, I see it as a solid argument for all those claiming that printed rules should be the thing of the past. After lumineth thing people's trust about rulebooks' expiration date has been damaged already, and yet, most still bought the book and they will buy the next book despite knowing they might need extra rules right after it. And, I think, they'd buy the book even if it was lore, illustrations and photos only. Infinity does that, works just fine.

    Lumineth was a causality of covid. I’m not convinced gw intended to replace the battletome so quickly. I believe the second battletome is what we were supposed to get from the start, but something when wrong and the rest of the models weren’t going to be out in time, so due to gws ‘no model-no rules’ policy they had to remove stuff from the battletome. Considering how much hype Lumineth was getting, if they’d delayed them entirely until the ‘new’ stuff was ready, they would have been receiving a lot of complaints everywhere, probably worse than the Cursed City complaints 

  7. 3 hours ago, Sception said:

    Except the ghostly things don't actually look like the rest of the nighthaunt range, apart from the couple other hold overs like hexwraiths and tomb banshees.  Nighthaunts in general have a pretty distinct look and style with their shrouds, and their whispy but not cloudy or billowing smoke effects.  The mortis engine really doesn't fit the nighthaunt look.

    As for the malignants box, even if the mortis engine was nighthaunt, it would still be a pretty poor box for starting or building up a nighthaunt collection.  The units you'd most want in such a box, chainrasps especially, no character, mortis engine isn't something you'd want to field in multiples, if at all, even if it was a nighthaunt unit, etc.  It's not a good start collecting box and never was.  Even if it were fully playable in nighthaunt, it would still pretty desperately need to be retired and replaced.

    Start Collecting boxes aren’t actually meant for you to be able to build an army out of multiples. Additionally, competitive/tournaments aren’t the only way people play AoS so your assessment of how good or bad a Mortis Engine is, is completely irrelevant to weather it’s a good box or not. None of those boxes are designed around what’s good competitively anyway.

    The thing is, make the Mortis Engine Nighthaunt and that box at least has a purpose - as a start collecting box for Nighthaunt. But currently, that box isn’t very attractive to anyone, Legions Of Nagash would tend to focus on skeletons/zombies rather than ‘elite’ ghosts

  8. 14 minutes ago, novakai said:

    That what they would prefer to happen but it not like delaying it a month or two means much.

    as a company they have to keep releasing product to sell and they are not going to hold back a finish project for that long. 

    if it is logistic issues is just something they have deal with and find ways to go around it not stop completely

    If they have stock issues like Cursed City though it’ll do too much damage. People WILL leave the game if they feel gw are exploiting ‘fomo’ on a core item that you NEED to even be able to play the game (referring to both the supposed starter set and rulebook as I suspect the rulebook would be the biggest problem production wise as it’ll be printed in China if it’s a hardback again). And let’s be real for a minute, the amount of people who ALREADY believe gw exploit fomo is insane 

  9. On 4/18/2021 at 3:17 AM, Sception said:

    Don't know why the mortis engine should be nighthaunt.  It's not ethereal, it's not a ghost, it doesn't fit the aesthetic look of the current nighthaunt range.  It's got some banshees stuck to it, sure, but I just don't see it.  Might as well say Mannfred should be in the nighthaunt book cus he's got some ghosties on his base.

    Still though, I agree that the dual kits probably aren't going anywhere.  I also expect the corpse cart to stay as is.  We also might see the wight king on foot and necromancer stay, or maybe only change in so far as to re-cut their sprue with a molded round base, instead of a molded square base with a plain round base randomly thrown in.

    Mostly because of the Start Collecting Malignants box. Would be perfect for Nighthaunt, if only the Mortis Engine had the Nighthaunt keyword..

    Honestly that model looks like it belongs in the Nighthaunt faction, the whole thing is made up of ghostly looking things except for the Necromancer on top 

  10. This is because AoS movement rules (including pile in and charges) allow you to move models halfway up a wall (if you have the movement to do so) and stop there, even if the model can’t physically be placed there. (I don’t like this rule and I’m hoping they copy 40ks rule where you can only stop there if the model can actually be placed there)

    it’s also worth pointing out, that this sort of problem didn’t exist in aos1 when you measured from the closest point on the models, but of course the competitive/tournaments hated that rule and complained the loudest and it changed to base to base

  11. 2 hours ago, novakai said:

    i mean the year is still 8 months left that like plenty of time really, i wouldn't know how they delayed the edition that much anyway considering that most of its done by now

    New editions are released usually at the start of the financial year for gw, if they wouldn’t be able to meet sales expectations due to low stock then I wouldn’t be surprised if they held it back until the next financial year 

  12. 2 hours ago, alghero81 said:

    After the rush to get all Broken Realms books out they made me believe they were still trying to get AoS 3.0 on time, but after all these delays and the debacle with cursed city? I mean what if they have the same issues with the starter set? Can AoS survive a limited edition starter set almost no one interested can get into? What are the stores going to display to entice people? The old starter set? Hey look how cool these models, yes they are four years old, but don’t worry you may be able to buy newer models but not a starter set...

    Exactly this. People not being able to buy Cursed City is no where near as big of a problem as people not being able to buy the AoS3 starter/rulebook

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    I was head AoS judge at the last LVO, what's your qualification?

    I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that to come across argumentative, I’m just sick of people complaining about how the rule works when it’s always worked that way and no one seemed to have a problem with it before.

    additionally I get a bit extra salty about the complaints because the only unit so far (to my knowledge) with a 1+ save is the Bastiladon, a Seraphon model, and I love me some reptiles and dinosaurs and seeing people complain about them is upsetting.

    talking about the bastiladon though, the 1+ save is actually a nerf from its old rules. It used to have a 3+ save ignoring rend (specifically only ignored rend so you could still buff it somehow) AND a 4+ mortal wound save. It’s save didn’t degrade like it does now (or maybe it did but not as quickly?)

    • Confused 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    Regardless of the state of cursed city returning or not the way GW has handled it is appalling no matter the reasoning behind it. Telling almost every comment on Facebook that it’s a long term product then acting like they never said it by the time it had been and gone is ridiculous, a simple apology to the people who missed out on it based on what they said would’ve helped, maybe even made to order sets. They need to sort their communication between teams/with the community out. 

    The problem with made to order is all card product is made in China, they can’t just print more whenever they want like they can with models.

    among the speculation and conspiracy theories I’ve seen:
    -brexit adding tariffs because the China made components exceeded a 30% allowance of total content. The extra costs make it not financially worth making more. They sold what they had from their initial run at a huge loss and decided to discontinue it.
    -the contract with their Chinese printer expired and the company no longer exists so they’re trying to sort out a new one (this one seems odd since no other product has been affected, yet all hardback books are printed in China too).
    -gw did it on purpose to fuel fomo (fear of missing out).
    -gw underestimated demand based on Blackstone Fortress sales (40K is a bigger seller than AoS so presumably they looked at BSF sales and made less than that - supposedly the stock should have lasted 6 months).
    -nobody was supposed to say it was a regular range item and they’re removing those posts because it was a mistake. Theory being it WAS limited and they chose not to announce it so scalpers wouldn’t buy it all.

    note that this is all just what I’ve seen posted around various places and none of it is my opinion or anything 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Austin said:

    I thought the newest drama was that Cursed City was not making an appearance on shelves again? If that is true, then I doubt expansions are in the  future.

    Everything relating to what’s going on with Cursed City is speculation and conspiracy theories. Supposedly they’ve said the box isn’t coming back *online* (a fact people are ignoring and reading it as ‘never coming back at all’) though that response was supposedly about the novel not the game.

    they said expansions were coming, the rules say expansions are coming, the website hints at Nighthaunt and Flesh-Eaters. Expansions would have been ready ages ago, so they aren’t just going to scrap them now

  16. 6 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

    If you can get three. Belakor sold out in the UK

    He’ll be back though so it’s not a big deal.

    gw have limited production capacity at the moment and can’t make as much stock as they want without delaying things (Cursed City was supposed to be a November release based on the warscroll book). The theory is, like 40K last year, that most of their capacity is being put towards AoS 3 so they don’t have any issues with the planned release in June/July, so just like last year, every other release is kinda getting the short end of the stick

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  17. 1 hour ago, Me-dude-sa said:

    I think I may have figured out the new Idoneth Underworlds Warband. These specific pieces seem more organic than BoC and Orruk models and also more aquatic, so it seems like the models maybe some sort of IDK hunters and a Beastmaster using a flute like a pied piper with some critters in the warband for good measure.








    I believe that bone flute is Flesh-Eaters, possibly a Cursed City expansion 

  18. 3 hours ago, Angela said:

    My husband’s take on it was that lots of stuff would get squatted.  I was just so excited because Seraphon was my first army, and I’ve had so much trouble with resin models. 

    The problem with that is, especially Seraphon, most resin stuff is heroes. Kill off all resin and seraphon are left with a Saurus Oldblood and Skink Starpriest (not including the various mounted heroes or the new Kroak)

  19. 8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    So my best guess is this.

    Tomorrow we have a Preview announced for the 24th.

    Mondays Model reveal is Kragnos.

    Saturdays Preview shows Broken Realms Kragnos.

    Following Monday reveal is another mini for Kragnos or alternatively something for a 5th BR book, if that happens.

    May's Preview is a tease or reveal of 3.0 for June or BR 5 reveal and tease for 3.0 in July.

    Na Kragnos is definitely something they’d hold back for a Warhammer Online preview show

  20. In my opinion, anything that is a dual kit isn’t going away
    -Zombie Dragon/Terrorghiest shared by Flesh-Eaters and Legions Of Nagash
    -Black Knights/Hexwraiths shared by Nighthaunt and Legions Of Nagash
    -Crypt Horrors/Crypt Flayers/Vargheists shared by Flesh-Eaters and Legions Of Nagash
    -Arkhan/Mannfred/Nefarata shared by Bonereapers and Legions Of Nagash
    -Coven Throne/Bloodseeker Plaquin/Mortis Engine shared by Legions Of Nagash and Nighthaunt*

    *it’s not a Nighthaunt unit but it should be 

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