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Joseph Mackay

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Posts posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. My thoughts? Soup books are lazy, low effort rush jobs used to get armies updated quickly when gw can’t be bothered releasing new models but needs to update the rules. However, my opinion on each soup book is very different.

    Legions Of Nagash is the only soup book that felt ok, however, my belief was that each faction included would eventually be expanded into their own battletomes (like Nighthaunt was) and then Legions would go away. I personally felt Deadwalkers and Deathrattle would have been retired (effectively replaced by Flesh-Eater Courts and Osiarch Bonereapers), with Soulblight getting expanded. I haven’t checked out Soulblight Gravelords yet, the Cursed City stuff being forced to take them together killed that army for me. I’ll buy the models I like for my Grand Alliance Death army though. The fact they made an ‘elite’ foot vampire unit and then didn’t release them properly, locked them into a bundle for 750ish points and can’t be Battleline just kills it for me, it’s the only real thing Soulblight (the original vampire subfaction) needed to be decent.

    Cities Of Sigmar in my opinion is on life support. That book won’t ever get a new version. I suspect some factions within like Dispossessed to get expanded into their own battletomes eventually, but Cities will be retired. The book was a lazy rush job, the lore was fine but the rules were horrible. They took away the flavour and uniqueness the individual units had and gave them all the same stats and rules so no matter weather you took an aelf, Duardin or human, the rules were all the same. Duardin therefore lost their anti-magic banners and the allegiance abilities are worse than the Dispossessed ones from GHB (which I believe are actually still valid since they haven’t actually been replaced).

    Orruk Warclans was fine from a rules point of view, but really should have gotten new models - a Megaboss on Goregrunna was the minimum I expected, maybe a battering ram/catapult thing? Endless Spells should have happened 

    Ogor Mawtribes, much the same as Orruks, fine but needed new models 

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  2. 50 minutes ago, novakai said:

    i don't know about three, GW seems to just give you one hero model when a new edition army book comes out and that seems to be their minimum at best of times (looking at how they did 40K). outside if you get your chance of a big range update like Sister and Orks got.

    I thought the single hero only releases were lazy and a disappointment as well, only vaguely better than nothing at all but still not enough. Tzeentch for example, look at how many resin kits could and should have been updated in plastic with their book. Then you’ve got Beasts Of Chaos, Skaven and Seraphon where so much of their range is either resin or 20+ years old

    • Like 1
  3. One thing I really hope for with AoS3: every Battletome release comes with a minimum of 3 new/updated plastic kits (not including Endless Spells or Faction Terrain).

    A lot of the aos2 books felt quite lazy and rushed out with no models purely so everyone was on an ‘even playing field’ (oh the irony of how wrong that ended up being), the same happened to 40K in 8th edition and is still happening now in 9th edition so sadly it doesn’t look like that’s going to change anytime soon.

    if Fyreslayers receive another book (United Duardin not included) with no new models (actual units) then I’m done with AoS because I will have lost all confidence in GW to release models where they’re actually needed and it will confirm that some armies may as well not have even existed in the first place 

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, MarkK said:

    Out of curiosity, is anyone still planning to purchase this set or know someone that intends to purchase? Maybe GW know better than me, and will make more profit at this price point than a lower one.

    I am, yes. I bought the game components from a box splitter so I need the models, I’m not happy about the prices but yes I still plan to buy them 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, KriticalKhan said:

    I know people don't want to hear this, but until (if) Ironjawz get their own book again, I don't think GW considers them their own army that needs new models. To them, they probably think that they fixed the issue by merging them with Bonesplitterz and vice versa for them.

    Exactly why I think United Duardin will/should happen. Fyreslayers I’m convinced are unlikely to ever see a new model release and GW can’t just keep releasing books with no new models. The only solution is to combine them into another book. You would have separate Fyreslayers, Kharadron Overlords and Dispossessed allegiance abilities as well as a United faction allegiance like Orruk Warclans does it

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. Here’s the thing, I don’t believe Brexit had anything to do with it and here’s why: regional pricing.

    If brexit and/or tariffs increased their costs, they would have just put up the price in those regions affected rather than ****** the rest of the world. If the extra costs made the product unviable in those regions, they just wouldn’t sell it there. Apparently I was told there are laws that mean they can’t restrict sales like that, but even if that was the case I doubt anyone would actually enforce it against them.

    the copyright theory: if true, they would have completely removed the Cursed City website and the novel would disappear as well (I believe it’s still available digitally). The things people have pointed out as possible copyright infringements are not. Let’s also not forget about the Chapter House lawsuit, GW are well aware of what is and isn’t copyrightable these days (hence why Space Marines became Adeptus Astartes etc)

    the only thing that really makes sense (and also explains why they haven’t said anything) is issues with the printers in China. GW can’t really say anything without possibly pissing off their printer, if they still have one since one theory was the printer they used went out of business/closed due to covid. Additionally, they can’t say for sure if it’ll be back as that’s completely up to when they can fit it in to the printers schedule while also printing all the other GW stuff as well as whatever else the printers have to do. However, nothing has been said about the expansions which is a little bit concerning, because that kind of supports the theory that maybe they’ve dropped it completely (the ratprince vampire and the lady with the fan I believe were supposed to be expansions at some point)

  7. 9 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    He's just being obtuse about whether or not it's still legal to use in matched play. It's obvious that it's been replaced and won't receive any further support, but until GW releases some kind of FAQ or errata, technically it will still be usable, but if I'm remembering the rules right, you'd have to use the updated warscrolls and points.

    Actually, all the warscrolls now have the Soulblight Gravelords keyword and no longer have the Legions Of Nagash keyword. I don’t even think you could try to argue Legions is still legal, as it would be a book with no units

  8. I didn’t have the money when it went up for preorder. Based on the previous Warhammer Quests and the fact GW said it was a ‘permanent’ range item, I planned to pick it up shortly after release. However, that doesn’t seem like an option anymore.

    I picked up the components (rules, boards, cards etc) from someone who split out the box in case it doesn’t get reprinted, so I’ll just have to pick up the models as they’re released separately 

    off-topic note: I’m extremely disappointed that in the Soulblight Gravelords battletome, they’ve made it like the Underworlds Warbands where you have to take the full set. The fact you can’t have battleline Vyrkos Blood Born basically killed any interest I had in Soulblight as an army, but I’ll still pick up the models I like for my Grand Alliance Death army. Additionally it makes no sense they’ve made all these new Vyrkos heroes (Radukar etc) but they have no Vyrkos units to lead

    • Like 3
  9. On 5/15/2021 at 2:54 PM, Scythian said:

    They claimed there was charge reactions.....true

    They claimed there was going to be Stormcast vs Destruction.....true

    They claimed a summer AoS 3.0 release......true

    So far, a pretty good track record.

    This has not yet been confirmed or even hinted at from official sources (aka the Warhammer Community website)

    • Like 3
  10. 4 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    In my AoS playing group we joke that rules writers should have their name written down on the front page so we could know what kind of power level to expect.

    "You bought a battletome from writer A? Ahhh, I can't match that with my battletome from writer B. How about this time you bring your old army with battletome from writer B so we can both have fun?"

    This is part of the very reason they stopped doing it, writers like Matt Ward were receiving death threats and all sorts of nonsense 

    • Like 3
    • Sad 2
  11. 8 hours ago, PJetski said:

    They're costing units in increments of 5 now? 

    I like the smaller unit sizes and removal of horde discounts. I hope it's a common theme moving forward into 3rd ed

    Awesome, now they can fix the balance by raising Eels points by only 5 every six-twelve months instead of 10! 🙄

    note the sarcasm, and very strong bitterness in my comment lol

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I'm not sure how I feel about this rule - it makes him often uncatchable. That's not to say it's OP (after all, he can be zoned out and won't hit back in combat), but it's the second time they've created a model that the opponent can rarely interact with in the combat phase


    Unless Mannfreds warscroll massively changes, he’s a 11 wound 4+ save hero that costs 340pts, I think it’s fine (based on his current rules at least). He’s very weak and fragile considering he’s the only Mortarch that wants to fight you, the others are all support pieces that want to stay far away from combat as possible (Katakros being the exception)

  13. On 5/9/2021 at 5:00 AM, zedatkinszed said:

    What ever it is we have a fairly straight comparison with the launch of the new Hive War starter today. A boxed specialist game full of card, terrain and niche models (i.e more niche than Space Marines). Almost 8 hours later it's still available for preorder even in my FLGS. 

    If you look around online at least, new Necromunda isn’t very popular (almost everyone complains about how they’ve released and then released the gang stats 3 or 4 times since 2017, a lot of stuff changed from previous editions people aren’t happy about etc). I don’t know how correct that view is however. Our regular group of about 10 people all like necromunda, and aside from AoS it’s the only gw game we all like.

    Hive War is also the main ‘starter set’ for necromunda, a game that will live on for as long as sales allow it to. The other issue is Escher have been released in so many boxes by now that people just aren’t interested. It’s not like AoS or 40K where you can keep buying multiple boxes, necromunda roughly uses only 10-20 models (varies by gang, how long you’ve been in the campaign etc)

    as for content, the plastic components make up most of the box contents, unlike Cursed City

    • Thanks 2
  14. The issue with the Brexit tariff theory is GW use regional pricing. The tariffs only affect imports to the EU so they’d just up the price in the EU. It wouldn’t affect the rest of the world, or ir the tariffs raised the price too much they just wouldn’t sell it in the EU but again wouldn’t affect the rest of the world 

  15. 11 hours ago, wayniac said:

    Thing is, without restrictions it will be ignored.  That's the issue.  If you want that to matter, you have to enforce it because trusting people to do it proves time and time again to not happen.

    Case in point: multiple Auric Runefathers or Abhorrent Archregents in the same list, when the lore outright states there’s only ever 1 at a time

    • Like 1
  16. 18 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    Generic battalions... Hope this is just a rumour. It kills diversity. Everything generic is the opposite of what we should want for AoS. It's the diversity in rules, models, playstyles that makes this game interesting. Just as with other rules, some need to be balanced. There is a lot of useless ones used only to lower drops and many that seem op like reroll all hit rolls. That they are not balanced isn't the fault of them being specific for every faction but the battletome writers. It's like removing allegiance abilities because some are better than others.

    Generic battalions fix the biggest issue with battalions currently - they create a war between the haves and the have-nots. Factions are not currently given battalions in an fair, equal or balanced way. Some armies have lots of choices-anything in the book can be included in some battalions, others have 1-drop battalions, and others have extremely limited choices for battalions

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  17. 3 hours ago, wayniac said:

    So I got to thinking, and 9th edition 40k changed the board sizes to be smaller.  I noticed that A) the Shattered Dominion board is no longer available and B) the Hallowheart or whatever it's called board, the one that's several pieces of thick card, is roughly the same size as the new 40k board size.

    Could that mean that AOS will get a reduced board size too?  Considering that would make melee better, maybe that's the counter to the fear of charge reactions making shooting even better?

    *I know the size is a "minimum" but in 40k at least it quickly became the default once all the major tournaments said they would adopt the new size as the baseline.  So I'd expect the same thing to happen in AOS and the "minimum" to become the only way.

    100% guaranteed at this point. The new sizes in 40K are specifically the size you get by adding multiple Kill Team/Warcry etc boards together. Also it’s the same size as the Hallowheart/Moon Base board+terrain sets

    • Thanks 1
  18. 6 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    "Just what plans do these powerful scions of Slaanesh have in store for the Mortal Realms? You’ll need to read Broken Realms: Kragnos to find out where they interweave with the Seraphon’s venerable Lord Kroak and a certain family of witch hunters."





    Ah I see, I stand corrected. My apologies 

    • Like 1
  19. 6 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    The twins, Kroak, and the Witch hunters (CoS) are all already confirmed for Kragnos.


    Not true, they’re confirmed for a ‘future’ Broken Realms book but they didn’t actually say which one unless they updated the articles

  20. So much discussion about ‘competitive’ or ‘tournaments’ let’s not forget the fact gw openly admits that AoS (and 40K for that matter) are NOT competitive games, are not designed for that type of environment and are not really appropriate for tournaments. However, they acknowledge that a lot of people play that way so throw you a bone with the ‘tournament guidelines’ stuff in the GHB

    tournaments and competitive environments skew the ‘balance’ of the game as basically everyone only takes the armies considered the most ‘op’ and more often than not run ‘netlists’. GW supposedly use a ‘paper siscors rock’ method to balance armies, but in the tournaments/competitive nobody is running ‘paper’ so ‘rock’ is over performing and ‘siscors’ suck

    • Like 4
  21. 3 hours ago, Mutton said:

    Mortal wounds as a mechanic is fine. The number and extent of attacks/abilities that have them is not.

    We're at a place where heroes and units are considered lackluster if they don't have mortal wound protection. So now everyone and their grandmother gets a ward save, even if it doesn't make much narrative sense. And the ones who don't have saves? Woe betide them and watch the avalanche of mortals crush them beneath the earth.

    Additionally, the ones that narratively make sense to have a ward save, usually don’t get one *shrugs* (all Fyreslayers for example, the lore says this comes from the Ur-Gold runes, yet only Hearthguard get this save. Daemons should all have one really etc)

    • Like 1
  22. 5 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Except Warp Lightning Cannons and Magma Cannons.  I mean, those are like phasers and photon torpedoes compared to Aelvish arrows.  MW forever!  Even though I voted no because they should be less prevalent, and we need more rend -3 and 4 stuff instead.

    Yes, special weapons that don’t hurt you in a normal way (breath weapons etc) should be the only exceptions

  23. 1 hour ago, Fyrenn said:

    Question - with all the talk about a new edition, and then the talk of potential printing issues / tariffs with China being behind the Cursed City stuff - do we know if there is going to be an GHB2021, and if so, would the fact that it's printed in China (or at least it was last year) impact that at all?

    Do they tend to release when there is a new edition within a few months? would the announcement (or lack of) mean anything?

    I believe we saw the import records of GHB2020 by this time last year....

    Softbacks are printed in the UK I believe, so would be unaffected 

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