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Joseph Mackay

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Posts posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. i like Anvils for the attacking in the hero phase, it also triggers their mortal wound ability

    i wont run big units as i feel the risk of losing 100pts models to battleshock is too great, a big unit is also going to be focused down as much as possible so will take casualities (i dont scions them as i want their spells active). 3 small units is kind of harder to focus down. using command points to auto pass battleshock isnt an option as i need the CPs for the Anvils ability and without battalions i dont get extras

  2. so since AOS2 came out, i love the Dracolines and ive been trying to basically run a cat spam list. ive had mixed results.
    generally they shred most things they touch, but against mass shooting lists or something like nighthaunt that ignores rend, they just sort of fall apart.

    ive experimented with 5 units of 3 with the mounted Lord Arcanum and 4 units of 3 with 2 mounted Lord Arcanums, but the best results ive had was from something like this (i dont remember the exact list)

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (240)
    - General
    - Trait: Deathly Aura
    - Artefact: Soulthief
    - Spell: Stormcaller
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Chain Lightning

    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows

    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Terrifying Aspect
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Terrifying Aspect
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Terrifying Aspect

    War Machines
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 101

    it still needs some tweaking to really work, but it did alright compared to the prior lists ive tried

  3. dwarfs and khorne dont do magic, people just need to accept that and move on.

    those armies should however be compenstated by either being able to ignore the affects of magic or have an easier time of shutting down magic
    i dont buy the suggestion that khorne is compenstated for lack of magic via their melee abilities

    also, i dont play competitively so please help me understand why Overlords are concidered to be so bad? because the only change im really aware of is the Thunderers warscrolls changing to reflect the actual box contents so you cant build units of 5 mortars anymore

    • Like 1
  4. not every faction needs to, or should have access to magic and endless spells though

    Kharadron Overlords, Dispossessed, Fyreslayers, Khorne (except for Archaon) all lack magic without allies and none of them really should have magic. instead they should have ways of dealing with magic (dispossessed banners ignoring spells for example)

    its the same with shooting, not every army has access to it, and some just shouldnt

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  5. in regards to the rumour of updated battletomes coming for older 1st edition books, why are people expecting Kharadron Overlords to be one of them?
    im aware people think theyre bad right now, but as that is a newer book with allegience abillities etc i wouldnt expect to see them getting anything at the moment.

    the books i would expect to be updated are those 1st edition books without alleigence abilities/ghb alleigence abilities such as Everchosen (basically confirmed due to Darkoath), Flesh-Eater Courts (again, basically confirmed with Carrion Empire), Fyreslayers, Skaven Pestilens (beasts of chaos type Skaven book), Ironjawz.

    Slaanesh are basically confirmed to get a book with new models and id say at this point Khorne needs a new book due to the scattered rules and faq/erratas making the current book almost useless (daemon warscrolls at least are due to be updated to match the new rules from Wrath & Rapture-all the Hell Blade weapons)

  6. Ishlaen Guard compared to Blood Sisters (same points cost, both battleline if a certain general is taken), i feel the guard are too cheap
    -4+ save ignoring rend (3+ if charging or 1st turn-alleiegnce ability) vs 5+ (with 6+ damage save-allegiance ability)
    -3 sets of attacks 3 (4 for champion),1.D3 at 3+ 3+ 0 1 (2 damage for one of those) vs 3 at 3+ (2+ for champion) 3+ -1 1 and an addintional causes a mortal wound on 4+ (3+ for champion)
    -move 14" plus fly vs 8"

    im not sure the points are fair you know? the eels just look better in every way (except no mortal wound output)

  7. 8 hours ago, Asore23 said:

    Hi everyone!i was think of maybe start playing Idoneth, but i heard most of the lists are eel squads spamming, is it true? Are namarti that bad? And the sharks?

    I was thinking about buing the christmas army box but so many players from where i play said it's no  worth it. Do you have suggestion for a noob?


    ive only played one game using Deepkin and most games against them were eel spam.

    my limited opinion is:
    -Thralls arent bad but unlike eels, are weak to mass shooting (i had a unit of 10 kill 3 retributors, but my unit of 20 got decimated by shooting before it could do anything)
    -i feel like maybe you have to focus on either Namarti or Ahkelian, mixing them i think limits what you can take and maybe isnt the best option for trying to win.
    -eels are just insane haha. both playing with and against them, i feel like something isnt right. i dont know maybe theyre too cheap. Volturnos command ability makes them completely broken (although only during High Tide) especially if you use it multiple times

    i always liked the models when they came out. i bought and painted Volturnos and was planning to do a sea creatures llist with all the eels, sharks and turtles. but with how good the eel spam lists seemed to be, it sort of put me off them and its taken a while for me to get past that

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