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Joseph Mackay

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Posts posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. A couple of interesting points about the Warcry stuff

    Sylvaneth: why no Spite Revenants? They’re made from the same kit as Tree Revenants

    Sacroscant Stormcast: no Dracolines. Honestly I would be a little concerned about balance if Dracolines were in it (I disapprove of Deepkin eels already) but the fact that the mount Runemark is a Dracoline makes it curious that you can’t actually take dracolines.

    Seraphon: exactly what I expected, all the plastic kits that’s aren’t the big monsters. I do think this supports the likelihood that they aren’t getting any new models

  2. 1 hour ago, skeen77 said:

    You'd better believe FEC and Skaven will be getting new SC! boxes with the new heroes. They'll probably do that for most of them.


    after they split Shadowspear into two Start Collecting boxes, I figured that’s how they’ll release the heroes later, by splitting the dual army boxes into Start Collecting boxes instead.
    -Gloomspite Gitz, Ogors and Bonereapers don’t have a start collecting.
    -Flesh Eater Courts & Sylvaneth I wouldn’t be surprised if gw wanted to take the monsters out of their current ones as the individual monsters probably aren’t selling anymore (that I suspect was also related to why they upped the price on all the start collecting boxes).
    -Skaven wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually had one for each clan.

  3. Soul Hunters: if any enemy models were slain by wounds inflicted by this units attacks in the combat phase, add 1 to the attacks characteristic of this units melee weapons in the next combat phase.

    do the extra attacks only apply in the next combat phase, or do they apply for the rest of the game? My opponent and I had a debate about this tonight as I believe it only applies to the next combat phase whereas they believed it applied for the rest of the game and therefore were getting +4 attacks. A gw store manager was there and took his side in the debate also for what it’s worth. Their argument was basically it doesn’t say ‘until the end of the next combat phase’ so it keeps going.

    if you’re able to provide a source/link for your answer as I will need to show my opponent where the ruling comes from

  4. 18 hours ago, xking said:

    It's a shame that there won't be any new models coming, but also remember. There was no evidence that they were going to get models anyway, it was just hopeful wishing from people.

    But at least they're getting a battletome, which I hope comes with updated warscrolls and a variety of the new rules for players. Bringing them up-to-date with the other 2.0 books.

    I'm going to get it for the lore however.

    True, but they’re the only AoS faction other than Cities of Sigmar* who haven’t received ANY new models during The End Times or Age Of Sigmar. their last release was September 2013. For a faction that’s apparently very popular, that doesn’t bode well

    Beasts Of Chaos got the new Tzanngors stuff. Bonesplittaz also technically haven’t either, but as gw has now rolled them into Orruk Wartribes the Ironjawz models count

  5. My only real complaint is the adds that show up in between posts in threads. Additionally when changing the page within a thread I have to reload it as only the adds show up the first time.

    additionally, would it maybe be possible to control the subject matter of the adds and keep them somewhat relevant to our hobby?

  6. 18 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Cleary a mastermind at work!

    You’d just have to start playing skaven, to finish your astonishing- magnificent artwork😋😉

    I play almost every army in AoS, thanks to multiple Carrion Empire boxes for my Flesh-Eaters army, I ended up with a 2000pts Skaven army too 😂

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  7. 51 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Well I like the spearmen. If they have nice mortek guard level rules and can be allied into idoneth I'll be happy. Good objective sitters while the eels do the work. 

    I really hope the lore of these guys isn't just "they are perfect high elves" and then idoneth are left as is. 

    Teclis clearly has poor taste given he wanted to kill the idoneth but allowed a creepy cat lady to be his "mount". 


    Cat-things > fish-things 😛

  8. 35 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    On the LVO Facebook post someone asked if all the Seraphon were getting was a new tome and scenery and the AoS page responded "That's all we've seen so far".  So possibility that there is more to come 

    On the contrary, they never talk about anything not yet announced so even if nothing else was coming that would be their response because so far only the book and terrain are announced

  9. 9 minutes ago, madmac said:

    True.  RIP.

    I don't want to be a downer, I was obsessed with Lizardmen years before ever getting into Warhammer and I have a fully painted Seraphon army but I hate the basic Saurus Warrior/Knight models so much that even a new book isn't making me motivated to pull them off the shelf.

    I was going to convert them out of the Bloodbowl team, but I really need to know if they’re getting updated before I start on that project :/

  10. I have a few suggestions
    -roll off for first turn, +1 to the roll for the player who finished deploying first like in 40k.
    -I would prefer the double turn went away, but as long as priority is changed to the above I’d be ok with it remaining.
    -Battalions no longer affect number of deployments, don’t give extra command points or artefacts.
    -artefacts become like WFB magic gear that you buy.
    -command points, you get 1 Every battle round + D3 (if your general is alive and on the battlefield). You can buy  only 1 command point like now.
    -subfactions become like mega-battalions but can include any Units and battalions from the correct allegiance.
    -mortal wounds should be a rare occurrence, maybe 1 or 2 units per faction have access to them (outside of spells).
    -base size = number of wounds. 25mm=1w, 32mm=2w, 40mm=3w etc. heroes get +2 wounds. Mounted models (that aren’t monsters) get +1w etc.
    -terrain having simple rules like Trees block shooting etc rather than warscrolls as nobody really uses them except faction terrain.
    -remove this ‘standing halfway up a wall’ nonsense with terrain, if your model can’t fit you can put it there (wobbly model syndrome is the only exception). Flyers would ignore vertical distance when moving over terrain, but if there base can’t fit then they can’t finish a move on it.

    more controversial suggestions
    -remove allegiance abilities and go back to aos1 days when the rules on your warscroll and battalions is all you had. My reasoning is that I feel the game was better without them and I don’t feel that they’re factored into points costs as much as they probably should be. Additionally they create a lot more imbalance within the game.
    -scrap points and use something like 40ks Power Levels. Points don’t create balance but rather a way of structure for building an army. Unfortunately people assume points are balanced. AoS honestly was fine in the beginning where you just had to have a discussion with your opponent to decide what we’re fair army lists.
    -ditch matched play completely. Focus purely on Open Play and Narrative Play. Tell the competitive scene that they can play it competitively if they wish but acknowledge that it isn’t how it’s meant to be played and therefore any issues that arise only in a competitive environment won’t be addressed. My reasoning for this is simple, I’m sorry that some people will be offended by this, but I strongly believe that the competitive scene has and are ruining the game. A lot of faqs and erratas wouldn’t have been needed if people weren’t trying to ‘game the system’ or interpret rules in ways that obviously weren’t supposed to work in such a way.
    -remove Nagash and those types of heroes from Matched Play (assuming the above doesn’t occur).
    -if you include any named characters then at least one of those must be your general. Ie no Bloodwrack Medusa general when you have Morathi in your list.
    -endless spells/Khorne judgements etc become free but you can only include 1 per wizard/priest. However they’d all get toned down so they’d basically be like a normal spell except it moved and does it’s thing every turn. If the caster dies it dies with them.

    to better control balance within the game
    -all battletomes should be written at the same time and compared with each other during the writing stages to prevent unintended power creep from new ideas that occur later. The books would then be released in the usual way. This would stop the issue of the Haves and Have-Nots battletomes. I’m talking about things like Sylvaneth aos1 introducing Allegiance Abilities, Kharadron Overlords aos1 introducing a type of sub faction, Ossiarch Bonereapers possibly introducing Unit Leaders working like Heroes (it is my hope that for the health of the game, this is rolled out to other factions otherwise Bonereapers need a massive points hike to account for this).

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  11. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220)
    - General
    - Trait: Deathly Aura  
    - Artefact: Soulthief  
    - Spell: Chain Lightning
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220)
    Knight-Azyros (100)

    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 1x Shockbolt Bows
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warblade & Shield
    - 1x Grandblades

    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 109

  12. My frustration with the long wait for Seraphon is the Bloodbowl plastics. If Saurus aren’t getting updated models then I’ll just convert the Bloodbowl ones, but until I know what’s coming I can’t do anything. Same with Chameleon Skinks, I’ll convert the Bloodbowl ones

    seraphon need updated models for Saurus, Saurus Guard and Saurus Knights to match the newer Saurus Oldblood from the carnosaur kit and the bloodbowl team. Skinks I think are fine as is but wouldn’t complain about an update to match the Bloodbowl ones (this kinda causes issues with some of the newer big dinosaur kits though). Slann/Lord Kroak just need to be plastic, same with the Kroxigor, Saurus Sunblood and Saurus Enternity Wardan. I personally don’t like the Saurus Astrolith Bearer so I’d like a new one but I think he’s a newer model (part of the 2013 releases I believe) so don’t expect that. Salamanders/Razordons need to be completely new sculpts in plastic. The Cold Ones for the Saurus Knights need to be completely redone too, I’ve always hated the fat cartoony look when every other dinosaur looks somewhat realistic and the Dark Elves having their awesome Cold Ones was always a bit insulting. Scale down the Carnosur and give it a different head would be awesome. I think the army could use some more ‘medium’ sized dinosaurs, not big enough to be Behemoths but also not necessarily having riders, something a bit bigger than the Salamander/Razordon.

    id like to see the allegiance abilities changed a bit too. Give them sub factions. One could be as they are now (celestial daemons who get summoned etc) and then you’d also have the somewhat feral and aggressive physical beings, they can’t summon or teleport or anything like that but instead they hit a lot harder and are harder to kill

  13. Cities Of Sigmar - bad. Units overcosted, condensed rules across the book taking away the ‘flavour’ of some units, no synergy or benefit to mixing factions even though that’s how they want you to play them. These factions really needed their own books.

    Ossiarch Bonereapers - bad. Petrifex Elite is a Hag-Narr situation where it’s bonuses are just so much better than the others. The whole Hekatos system is cool and all but if that doesn’t get rolled out to all the other factions then they should probably cost a lot more points (I’m talking about the fact the unit leaders act like heroes for the purposes of using command abilities and death saves). Morghasts and Stalkers are not pointed appropriately.

    Stormcast Eternals - bad. Sacrosanct Chamber units are so much better than the older stuff and points don’t reflect this (Retributors and Evocators are too close in points but so far away from each other in what they do). The army has a few game breaking negative play experiences, Gavriels command ability stacking allowing you a guaranteed charge from reserves, Longstrikes and Hurricane Raptors counting as stationary after using Scions, the Comet is way too good-for a start it’s range allows you to cast it outside of dispell range and still hit a ton of units.

    Idoneth Deepkin - bad. I don’t agree with the majority that everything but eels is bad, however eels are just so good that nothing else is really worth taking. Volturnos + eels is a negative play experience.

    Flesh-Eater Courts - unsure. I kind of think the old book was better and just needed some tweaks. I dislike how all the battalions lost the good rules and kept the bad ones (Ghoul Patrol adding models to units, Royal Family summoning Ghoul Kings). Feeding Frenzy went too far, before it was bad and hardly ever went off and now it’s too good, Savage Strike was fine but combined with Feeding Frenzy it was too good. The endless spells I think are a bit too expensive (the Corpsemere Stampede at least), the throne is basically pointless after using your summon. Mixed lists (ie Ghouls, Horrors and Flayers) are difficult to make due to needing Courtiers of the right type to babysit them. Archregent is too expensive, change his summon from 20 to 10 Ghouls and drop his points to 200. The internal balance between units is good I think, but the army needs more units.

    Slaanesh - bad. All I can really say is it’s always a negative play experience facing them.

    Nighthaunt - unsure. I think Ethereal and Fly were given too much value when they pointed these units. Aside from that I can’t say much as they generally don’t get played around here. Legions Of Nagash being allowed to use most of the army was a bad decision which they seem to have learned from with Bonereapers.

    Fyreslayers - bad. Points costs are all wrong. It feels to me like they changed the points costs based on what was happening before the book and changed the rules afterwards resulting in units now costing more than they should (Battlesmith stood out as the first noticeable issue). Hearthguard and Vulkites are too similar in points creating a situation where Hearthguard are being taken instead. I like that the Grimwrath and Doomseeker no longer count as Leaders. I dislike the nerfs to Magmadroths (reduced range on fire breath, volcanic blood nerf etc), extra wounds was appreciated though.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, Mark Williams said:

    What units and models do you have available to use?

    I have the following, but with access to my friends army also then I pretty much have everything you could possibly want
    Abhorrent Archregent
    3x Abhorrent Ghoul King
    2x Crypt Ghast Courtier
    2x Crypt Haunter Courtier
    Crypt Infernal Courtier
    Duke Crakmarrow
    The Grymwatch
    60x Crypt Ghouls
    6x Crypt Horrors
    6x Crypt Flayers
    Zombie Dragon

    i eventually plan to add the following
    9x Crypt Flayers
    9x Crypt Horrors
    Vargulf Courtier
    Zombie Dragon
    20x Crypt Ghouls (made out of 4 sets of the Grymwatch models)

  15. I’m looking for some help/advice with list building these days

    firstly some background: pre 2019 battletome, I occasionally borrowed a friend’s army and really enjoyed playing them. With the 2019 battletome release and Carrion Empire I finally bought my own. I only played a few games before abandoning them. Every game I played my opponents complained about them after the game which really sucked all the fun out of it and made any victory feel worthless. Additionally the changes to their summoning and battalions changed some of the things I enjoyed (pre-2019, I liked running Ghoul Patrol and Royal Family-summoning Ghoul Kings who then got to summon other units was pretty fun, and adding models to the Ghouls via Ghoul Patrol was cool).

    now I’ve decided I want to stay focused on Flesh-Eaters but I’m having some problems building lists
    Flesh-Eaters rely heavily on command points so you sort of have to run at least one Battalion and preferably take an Extra Command Point too.
    -Ghoul Patrol I feel isn’t worth it. It stayed at 180pts but took away the adding models to units.
    -Royal Family also isn’t worth it anymore, it’s old rules were better.
    i don’t really have opinions on the others. Deadwatch is my favourite but I don’t currently have the models to build around it
    i find it difficult to fit varieties into lists as points seem to disappear quickly, it seems you kinda have to focus on one of the 3 units and build around them, this also causes problems with the Grand Courts as each one is focused on a specific unit. Additionally each unit sort of needs a Courtier to babysit them for healing and the 6++ save. Not running monsters (mounted or not) is something that seems like a bad idea as they create a “I need to kill that ASAP” moment for opponents, and it’s always hilarious when a Stormcast Gav-Bomb of 10 Evocators fails and gets eaten by a Terrorghiest.

    im not looking for specific lists, but rather tips and advice for building a Flesh-Eaters list. I play in a mostly casual environment with a few Competitive minded people bringing netlists. I occasionally play in tournaments also but more so just for the chance of playing more games

  16. 3 hours ago, EMMachine said:

    There is another exception. Gloomspite Gitz got their Battletome in January 2019 while Looncurse was Release in May 2019. So one army could have the Battletome Release before the Box.

    So a future Released Battletome vs. Slaves to Darkness wouldn't be impossible.

    That was due to the Sylvaneth delay though. They confirmed in twitch streams that they worked on Looncurse at the same time as Gloomspite battletome

  17. 9 hours ago, Honk said:


    they are too cumbersome and expensive in a competitive setting, maybe dropping down to 4-5hp each and upping them to 3 per unit, suddenly their damage output is on par... 


    Unit sizes are tied to how many come in a box

  18. Dispossessed
    -Warden King down to 90pts (comparable Fyreslayer heroes are cheaper and do more damage/have better abilities)
    -Runelord down to 80pts
    -Longbeards down to 80/200pts, no longer battleline
    -Irondrakes down to 120pts, loss conditional battleline
    -Ironbreakers down to 100/270pts
    -Hammerers down to 120pts
    Order Serpentis
    -Drakespawn Knights down to 120pts (for what it’s worth, I don’t think points can fix them. The spears need 2 attacks minimum)
    -Dreadlord on Dragon down to 280pts

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  19. 4 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    I dont think they block each other. Bts are still released during new armies releases.

    That said i belive BT Seraphon will come before Pointy Elves.

    I’m just doubtful that both would be revealed at LVO and I’m expecting Seraphon first

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