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Joseph Mackay

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Posts posted by Joseph Mackay

  1. Seraphon broken realms box sold out in NZ in a couple hours (we haven’t had Stegadons for over 2 years). Local gw store isn’t getting any in either. I didn’t have the funds to preorder and was hoping to pick it up on release day 😥 I’m going to have to scour all the third party stores here trying get at least 1 (ideally 2) as I was hoping to run Stegageddon at a tournament in 3 weeks...

  2. 20 minutes ago, Dreddships said:


    Hope Belakor and Kroak both kill eachother off - though I imagine its quite hard for the unkillable ultra daemon prince or the zombie space frog die.

    What is it with everyone wanting to ‘kill off’ new models? First it was everyone complaining Teclis and/or Eltharion didn’t die in Broken Realms Teclis and now people are going to complain that Lord Kroak doesn’t die in Broken Realms Balakor?

    • Like 3
  3. Weather it’s a dual kit with a regular slann or not, I’m definitely buying 2 and making one a normal slann. The model as-is with the headdress = Lord Kroak. No headdress and removing the outer floating bits = Slann (unless there’s an actual slann build in the kit, which I’m really hoping there is as I REALLY hate resin lol).

    Lord Kroak looks a lot less ‘mummified’ than before lol which is why I have hope it’s a dual kit

    only thing that surprises me, is that they haven’t made the new model a lot bigger than the current one.

  4. 3 hours ago, Clewzy said:

    Judging by the image that the Tottenham Court Road store has just put up on FB I think part of this is a push for them to get UK people to shop in store


    That explains it, they were hoarding all the stock for their UK stores 😛 (NZ biggest GW only got 3 copies, and didn’t receive their preorders due to shipping issues)

  5. 5 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    Josheph Mackay is 100% not correct, 40K has a LOT of "if you suffer a wound on a 5+ the wound is ignored" Tyranids have in the catalyst power, Death company have it as a 6+, etc. 

    I think you may have misunderstood. The post I was replying to said in 40K you don’t get Invulnerable Saves against mortal wounds (which is true) but I was pointing out that it has lots of ‘ignore wounds’/damage saves/feel no pain (whatever you want to call them) just like AoS does

  6. 2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    First game done.

    So much potential for fun, but I really do feel a lot was missed.

    1. How do you keep track of which enemy groups are tied to which card?

    2. How do you mark where the mysteries are?

    3. Index?

    4. No, really. Index?

    5. What is a gambit? Like, what does it do? Where is the definition of what a gambit is?


    1. There’s numbered tokens (why they go up to 5 when there’s only 4 hostile groups I do not know)

    2. There’s 4? Mysterious Objects models on the spures 

    5. Gambit let’s you spend a activation dice (not a destiny dice though) to try and swap your initiative order with a hostile group in front of or behind you on the initiative track (you roll Agility and look up the results on a chart I believe)

  7. On 4/10/2021 at 6:26 AM, Greasygeek said:

    Man I hope that you are wrong on this one.
    The easy difficulty was what killed Silvertower for me. Though we recently picked it up again and houseruled a bunch of stuff to make it harder, that really helped a lot and breathed new lide into it..

    From memory, Silver Tower also had a ‘glitch’ where you could randomly end up playing the final boss mission as your first adventure..

  8. 17 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    LRL aren't overpowered, if anything these are actually underpowered. I'll give you the lack of "interactivity" of the rules.

    This. Lumineth aren’t powerful. They’re the ultimate ‘gatekeeper’ army, they mess with everyone rather than just a specific thing. Your top tier op net list that wins tournaments? Yeah you’ll still win, but you’re damn sure going to have to work for it now instead of (generally) being ‘point and click’

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  9. 59 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    So we are all goin' all in on thunderlizards right? 


    47 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    So, is it just me who will be treating myself to the Seraphon BR box and one of each SC! set because god two stegadons is s p i c y

    These 4 overall seem way more useable than the Teclis 4.

    Sigh 😔 looks like my Lumineth are being put on hold. Stegadons have been out of stock here in NZ for the last 2 years and haven’t been restocked during that time, so I kinda have to ‘drop everything’ and pick up 2 of those boxes ASAP to finish my Wishlist of Stegadons (3x Bow, 3x flame throwers, 1x Engine). I didn’t particularly want any more Bastiladons but I suppose 2 of each option would be nice to have.

    now if only we could get new Saurus Warriors, Saurus Guard and Saurus Knights... I’m down for all the resin being replaced with new plastics too, but Saurus are the bigger issue for me

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  10. 59 minutes ago, Svalack said:

    I think the unlikely alliance refers to nighthaunt who probably side with belakor. If i recall his ultimate plan was to destroy the anvil which would align with death.  They consider sigmar a soul thief as he reforges stormcast when they die preventing Nagash getting their souls. 

    In the teaser for the book you can see belakor is preventing their souls from going into the sky.

    Assuming the narrative of BR: Balakor occurs after the events of BR:Teclis, the Nighthaunt probably don’t really care about the Stormcast anymore 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Gargamel196 said:

    I found this picture on FB, I hope its the current wording as my argument below relies on it. Apologies if not!

    The same paragraph you are referring to also has more wording. If my opponent would insist that paragraph prohibits me from moving with the model that is the caster/sanctum, I shall insist it cannot be attacked. However I think thats is wrong and the people above and in my earlier thread have given good arguments for it being able to move. 

    Also note that the paragraph you are referring to initially states, "unless noted otherwise".  Since you have unified the warscrolls, this allows other rules to supersede those of endless Spells not being able to be targeted or moved or being considered "friendly to both factions".


    The Sanctum specifically says it’s treated as an enemy model for the opponent though 

  12. 30 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

    Remember, it’s just a rumour - there’s been literally nothing else to corroborate FECs getting absorbed, and to be frank I wouldn’t be surprised if I it was just misphrased speculation.

    This. I found the rumour unbelievable honestly, I am 100% sure that Flesh-Eaters aren’t being discontinued (the zombie dragon/Terrorghiest kit is shared with Soulblight for the mounted Vampire Lord for a start and I don’t imagine that kit going anywhere). So the only way that rumour COULD have any slither of truth to it, is if they were rolled into Soulblight Gravelords, but we’ve had nothing to suggest that’s happening, except maybe the similarities between the Grymwatch and Cursed City bats, but that’s not really enough of a hint to me.

    im a bit nervous about the possibility of it though. I have my issues with how Fec work now (mostly that list building is too difficult as you basically only have 1 Battleline option unless you take either a subfaction that only benefits a single unit type, or making an underling your general and wasting the command trait, and I think some units are overcosted), but we have no idea what changes, if any, would happen to their warscrolls and allegiance abilities. On the other side though, I’d look forward to finally being able to have Mannfred lead an army of Fec and not be gimped by being an ally

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Khaedhras said:

    As a comment, the Azyr app has several bugs regarding Lumineth. As a techy guy, I've sent a couple bug reports myself, but to no avail so far 😅

    For instance, the loreseeker being discussed is also a wizard, and per the rules in the spell pages, he should be able to take a spell. The Azyr app doesn't allow that.

    There's also the fact that stoneguard should be battleline in Ymetrica and windriders should be battleline in Helon, the app only shows them under 'other'. In addition, one unit of wardens allows to take either one unit of sentinels or one unit of dawnriders as battleline, and the app allows to add one of each per unit of wardens. And these are just a few examples of how undertested the app is, I'm afraid.

    I'm inclined to think that, being the loreseeker unnamed, he will be able to take artifacts and such. But I guess we'll have to wait for the FAQ. But I'd very much like for the 'named' and 'unique' tags to be separated going forward.

    I don’t understand why, but Warscroll Builder (developed and maintained by a third party and hosted on Warhammer Community) is more reliable than Azyr has ever been. One is free, the other is a paid subscription. I expect better from Azyr tbh and haven’t used it in over 2 years because of these sorts of issues 

  14. 1 hour ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    I'm sorry if I missed something, but what rumor is this?

    Tom? From warhammer weekly podcast said he’d been told by reliable sources that the Flesh-Eaters battletome was ‘on life support’ and the endless spells were ‘not long for this world’ they then speculated about what that means for the faction for a few minutes 

  15. 4 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    They also increased a number of point costs and faq'd khemists to not stack.

    Most things don’t stack though? And anything that does probably shouldn’t anyway (Gaveriels command ability, Volturnos/Akhelian King command ability etc) That’s like the people complaining DOK were ‘nerfed’ because all their abilities changed to ‘wholly within’ - yeah just like every other army in the game lol it was obviously going to happen

    i have no sympathy over points costs as shooting units in general are way undercosted 

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  16. 28 minutes ago, Sception said:

    That's it.  Honestly, it seems pretty unlikely, though there's really no telling right now.  We may not have that long of a wait to find out either way.

    I think how similar the bats from The Grymwatch and Cursed City are to each other might be a tiny hint, considering the rumour about the book and spells

  17. Has anyone got ANY information suggesting Flesh-Eaters will be rolled into Soulblight Gravelords beyond the Warhammer Weekly rumour that the battletome and endless spells are going away?

    I just started Lumineth about a month ago because I didn’t want to wait for the vampires, but if Flesh-Eaters are rolled in then I’ll drop them in a heartbeat to expand on my Fec instead

    • Like 2
  18. On 4/10/2021 at 5:13 AM, NinthMusketeer said:

    I think you are underestimating how tremendously unfun it would be for the OBR player to have their core allegiance ability cut in half by a spell. OBR eat the downsides of relentless discipline not being command points, on a very basic level it is only fair that they get the upsides too. If that was not the design intent they would have left it as CP. (Also, I don't get what you are referring to in terms of immunity.)

    I know there is a lot of anti-OBR resentment because of the old Petrifax, and Katakros/Pratorians now, but letting one army easily cripple another's allegiance mechanics is not good game design.

    Every other army is affected by Total Eclipse the same way Bonereapers would if it also applied to them, it wouldn’t be ‘unfair’ to bonereapers anymore than it is to everyone else. Bonereapers also generally get more RDP than everyone else gets command points so I don’t really see the problem 

  19. 5 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    People forget that at launch 1st edition KO actually had some hideously overpowered options. But TBF to people, they were quite rapidly nerfed into oblivion. I do think there is a general lack of knowledge for some of the absolutely insane stuff 1st edition armies could pull; many players joined in second, many more did not encounter such things because there was less discussion around AoS at the same, less games were being played, etc. But rest assured even the likes of pre-nerf Slaanesh would have struggled against 1st edition Tzeentch, Kunnin Rukk, or Tomb Kings in their prime.

    I get quite annoyed honestly when people say KO were ‘nerfed’. From memory, the only thing that changed was the Thunderers weapons were restricted to how many came in the box so you couldn’t just sit there on the other side of the board and spam the mortars anymore because that’s not how the army was supposed to play

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Austin said:

    At this point I am just enjoying the absurdity of the trolls.

    According to more than a few (all of whom should know better) members of this forum and the internet writ large, the LRL book has managed to single handedly suck the fun from their chosen hobby.  

    The really interesting this is that it appears this forum is filled with lawbreakers who have been out in violation of the various global curfews and shutdowns, but only to visit their local game stores (open for in-person gaming somehow) where the eeeeeevil LRL players (again, lawbreakers) have been waiting at the tables to spread the gospel of NPE.  This is the only way I see that so many people have the experience against LRL,  because of course they are not just posting without actual evidence.  That could never happen.

    Unless you’re in New Zealand where we’ve basically been back to ‘normal’ for over a year 😛 (occasionally going back into lockdown every few months when too many cases have passed through the border somehow)

    In all seriousness though, Lumineth don’t seem to get much play here from what I’ve seen. They’re pretty popular from a sales point of view, but that is most likely due to the exclusively painters

  21. 13 hours ago, Honk said:


    from the recent core rules designers commentary. if a model is allowed to „hang on to a wall“ for consecutive turns, it should also be able to be placed upon it and wobbly model syndrome applies.

    the „Place it or leave it“ rule is a houserule 

    ‘Place it or leave it’ was added to 9th edition 40K so it could have been confusion on the players part. Additionally I wouldn’t be surprised if that carries over to AoS in 3rd edition.

    but as it currently stands, the rules allow you to place models where they couldn’t actually be physically placed as long as you have the movement to get it there

  22. 8 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    Just got told by my local GW store staff that Cursed City is only going to be done as a single production run. Once sold out then that's it apparently :/ . If you really want it then perhaps don't hold off too long. There were quite a few copies on the shelf at my store in Australia. Also was told that it was far more popular than expected.

    Yes I’ve heard the same here in NZ, email from HQ said it’s limited 

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