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Posts posted by Fairbanks

  1. 4 hours ago, Banshee1978 said:

    Here are some examples. Definetely nothing to win a painting contest with but i think and most people  agree makes  the game 10 times more immersiv as playing with grey plastic or even with just base coloring them with normal colors. Even if you look closer (above from the battlefield player perpective) I am still proud and dont think i need to hide my guys or feel ashamed. And btw:it still takes  many hours to complete them even with contrast






    I disagree. Any of those would win the Contrast-Only category at a GW store contest.

  2. This month’s hopes:
    1. Finish painting the Lord of Change (at least basecoats)

    2. Assemble more things (With the way things are going with the newborn twins, I’m starting to realize that there’s almost no way I’m getting my start of the year goal of everything done).

    3. Start blog about my Armies project.

  3. I finished my yearly inventory project, only to ruin the whole thing by buying a bunch of older boxes that still had the old Warhammer Fantasy printing on it, because it filled gaps in the collection, and it was 25% off.

    But my paints are now organized too :D


    Also the newborn twins helped me beat my fear of painting large models. Just that subtle realization about how much they mean to me, that I’m carrying them around one armed (if not nearly one-handed), and the big models were $100 at most and won’t be damaged permanently by painting.

    If you think that this might help you get over your fear of painting large models, I also suggest checking with your wife before having a kid, she may not be as enthusiastic about having so many of your works of art around the house.

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  4. On 10/2/2019 at 12:04 PM, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    Time for an update. My collection has grown more than the numbers reflect as the General's Handbook 2019 had a lot of point reductions. Warscroll changes where options were removed also reduced numbers (for example no Freeguild General on horse any more). I almost lost 10k in this way (values are rounded to hundreds or thousands). The second number is the change since April 2019.

    And I thought I had a lot at 75,000 total points. That’s amazing. How built/painted is it? I’m nowhere close to having mine entirely done.

    For older models, I use either the last known point value that I had down, or what was listed in one of the older Legacy warscrolls, or one of the older GHBs. I also separate Legacy/Retired from the rest of the allegiance.

  5. 17 hours ago, RandyRyan said:

    Well, I've just welcomed my second son into the world so don't have much time.


    We’ve been in the hospital for the last fifteen hours undergoing the same process for our first two. Yes, twins. And yes, I am literally one upping you.

    Your painting goals are a lot loftier than mine though, I’m pledging just one model for February.

    • Haha 1
  6. Katakros strikes me as the kind of character to see the whole battlefield and make the sacrifice play to lose the battle, but win the war. Yes, he attacks the Allpoints to distract Archaon from Slaanesh (icing on the cake), and he will take and hold a key region (Allpoints). When Archaon inevitably returns to reclaim the parts that Katakros took, Katakros will probably die, closing the Endgate to shut Archaon's easy access to Shyish.

    Also, who wins, Katakros or Khorne? One is empowered primarily by bloodshed, while and the other has an army of bone, attacking the guy who has an entire throne made of bone.

  7. 5 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    I think this entirely misses the largest type.

    D : Casual players who like to play games and pick up some models to play, might never get fully painted, might never get beyond 1500-2000 points, might not ever go to a tournament.  (My local AoS league is at least 2/3 type D )

    There's another big group:

    E: 40K players, either curious about the fantasy game with 90% less complication, or upset that their faction isn't good right now.

    11 hours ago, Spears said:

    I recently Took a bunch of screenshots to try and demonstrate just how good the Infinity Tournament System is. 

    By tying in the ITS login to the army builder and tournament organiser its possible to track not only win rates of the faction, but who was playing them and against whom all the way down to unit level. (not all of this is directly available through the portal).

    Now I'm not saying its flawless and I'm not sure Cb always get their balancing right but it does make attending a GW event feel slightly quaint with TTO etc.

    Edit: how on earth do i paste in a tweet like that above? 

    First up is Infinity Army a free army builder that links straight to the rules wiki.

    From here you can submit your lists straight to the tournament manager used for pairing on the day. Results effect your global elo and gaming style achievements. All that data is then used to monitor the performance and popularity of armies and missions.


    The picture above is actually one of the things that keeps me from playing Infinity, and yes I am a newb. Why are we selecting units by little logos that mean nothing to me, instead of by their names or having an actual picture of the model(s) to reference? 

    Also, nothing against having a heap of data to comb through. But unlike the Warhammers or Warmahordes, I always felt that a massive plus to Infinity was that pregame list-building didn't have near the impact on the game's result than in-game decisions did.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Vakarian said:

    I generally have a hard time believing that tournament players “chasing the meta” actually make GW all that much money.

    A month ago, I would have been right with you.

    19 players bringing OBR to LVO, all taking Petrifex Elite, being the largest represented faction makes me think some people do meta-chase. Makes you wonder how many of those guys are currently building a Tzeentch army.

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  9. Two Player Sets From Memory:

    AoS Starter (July 2015)

    Blightwar (2017 I think)

    Soul Wars (June 2018(Thanks Zanzou)), Tempest of Souls, Storm Strike.

    Realm of Chaos: Wrath and Rapture (Dec 2018/Jan 2019)

    Carrion Empire (Feb 2019)

    Looncurse (Apr/May 2019)

    Feast of Bones (Oct 2019)

    Aether War (Jan 2020)

    I can remember the armies in the XMas sets, but not the names (All Late Nov, Early Dec)

    2019: SCE (Sancrosanct), Gloomspite, Nighthaunt, Skaven

    2018: Daughters, Idoneth, Slaves, Seraphon

    2017: Kharadron, Tzeentch, SCE (Vanguard), Death

    2016: SCE, Khorne, Ironjawz, Sylvaneth

  10. 28 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    First - because then you make them situationally useful in that I may be wasting points and I don't want to have to waste points on something I may not get full optimal use out of.  

    Second - because the points being charged for these abilities wouldn't be balanced anyway.  GW would make some underpointed, some overpointed, and you'd be left in the exact same place you are now with the balance situation - effectively achieving nothing but adding more complexity and another layer of points that is not needed.

    Third - because adding costs to the game and abilities is seen as a negative trait and will likely off put a lot of people who enjoy getting things for no cost.  Some of you may balk at that but I believe there is a reason why the game is designed how its designed and also making a ton of money.  

    I think there’s a lot of good points here, including #2, which we have even before all the meta changes.

    Counterpoint: Battalions. They are more restrictive than the sub-faction AAs, have just as many rules tied into them, and still cost points.

    I’d also be interested if they move into other game design territory such as getting points to take weaker abilities.

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  11. 1 hour ago, whispersofblood said:

    Is there satisfactory evidence to suggest that sub-factions are intended to be equivilent or roughly balanced against each other. Rather than simply being different personalities for which the Faction can represent itself on the table top?

    Yes, but actually no.

    Sub-Factions weren't designed by the GW Teams to be balanced against one another. They were designed to be flavorful versions of each army.

    Matched Play on the other hand, which is the only format where points matter, was designed by the GW Teams so that two individually built armies can be balanced against one another. From GHB 2017 (Sorry, it's the only reference in front of me on my phone at work):


    While narrative play games allow you to assemble your army based on a theme or story, and open play games enable you to include any models you like, matched play games give you the option to fight battles with forces that are intentionally balanced against one another.

    Matched Play doesn't currently balance sub-factions. I believe OP is suggesting we should use points to balance them against one another. I am pointing out that in a competitive environment, all of the players of one faction didn't even try out one of the other sub-factions. I believe that competitive players are doing the math and trying to take the best option to win. Thus when I see all of the players who have picked one faction and have picked only one sub-faction, I'm inclined to believe there is something with the format that isn't balanced (aka it's broken).

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  12. Thought of another: I have a ton of new people and 40K players looking into Sigmar, they ask how to get started and maybe one of the hardest things that everyone misses and even when it it pointed out isn't the easiest to read is how to build your army and what abilities you get.

    For reference, it's Page 15 of the Core Rules. It should really be a) Placed near the beginning of the Core Rules, and b) Bullet-pointed for beginners to know what they are looking for.

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