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Everything posted by Aren73

  1. Nah, no use for Myrmourn Banshees, they're just a gimmick... Are you kidding? They're one of our best units. They're not super expensive, they unbind spells well and they have quality attacks, while also being relatively speedy. Plus they're as survivable as grimghasts or Bladegheist, there just aren't a lot of them. You take 12, teleport them up outside of 9'' of their spellcasters and wait. They either don't cast a spell or you unbind it with your +3 and remember, hero phase before anything else so they should get to unbind before taking much if any damage. Here is where placement and target selection is key, if you placed them correctly they should survive. This goes for any of our units, we're really quite squishy and it's easy to shift all but the largest hordes of grims or rasps, Nighthaunt take more skill to play than just throwing things at the enemy. Myrmourn banshees are downright scary, they can do a lot of damage and are great anti magic. But place them well, keep them safe in the underworld till you need them, when they pop up make sure you have cogs off so they have a good charge chance or alternatively put a mortality glass in front of them so it's harder to charge them, or make sure they'll get healed easily by any number of our healing tricks. Take care of your banshees and they'll take care of you!
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