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Posts posted by martinwolf

  1. On 5/8/2019 at 5:12 PM, awcamawn said:

    @martinwolf What kind of list are you using? What factions do you see play against most often locally? What battleplans have you played? Are your opponents using highly optimized tournament lists? 

    I always forget to take pictures mid game myself, keep meaning to make some sort of battle report.

    I can choose from: 40 Glade Guards, 10 Sisters of the Watch, 20 Eternal Guards, 5 Wild Riders, 1 Nomad Prince, 1 Spellweaver, 3 Waywatchers, 1 Wayfinder, 1 Waystrider. I often use 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Swords as Allies. I have also run 20 Dryads as Allies. I have also access to a Tree Lord Ancient.

    I mostly play against Slaves To Darkness, Khorne, Grand Alliance Death and Legion of Blood. Mostly optimized lists.

    Battleplans have been all over the place. We mostly roll on the 3 tables in the Generals Handbook. 

  2. I have absolutely no idea how you do it. I would love to learn mor about general tactics, formation, deployment layout, and all those things. I either kill a couple of enemy dudes, but lose massively on victory points. Or I get a few victory points but get pretty much all my stuff killed before the fifth battleround. I have to say I'm mostly playing around 1k to 1.25k matches and can't use the battalion.

    But I don't know, I made around 20 matches or more and won one of them. And the rest are mostly not even close. I'm under a year new to playing AoS, but I feel like I can't be THAT bad, but maybe I just am?

    I wish there were any battle reports (video) with Wanderers, so I could learn from better players. :D

  3. It has been this way for a while now. I think they grouped it around christmas. Some people say did only did it so parents have an easier time finding stuff, other say it's an indicator that Aelves will get a combined Battletome. I don't know what to believe. :D

  4. Quote

    The trees don't block your horizontal move, meaning you can move accross them without having to measure the distance to climb the trees. 

    Oh wow. I always moved around the trees. Which made moving a big unit of Dryads very annoying. So I can't stand inside a tree, but I can move through it if my movement is enough to pass it completely?

  5. I enjoyed the battle report a lot. Thanks for writing it up!

    I think Glade Guard can be good, but only in groups of 20 or more to get the +1 to hit. I’m not a big fan of big units either, and they cost a lot with 240 points, but Arcane Bodkins, 3+ to hit and rerolling 1s with Nomad Prince comman ability CAN do some work.

    But you are right, SotW against Chaos are pretty awesome.

    I should try the Wayfinder again. Only have run him once and was unimpressed. I always take the Waywatcher, love it with Masterful Hunter command trait.

  6. Hey fellow Wanderers, not sure if it‘s okay to post here about painting stuff? I was wondering what your go-to green color for capes/hoods is? I‘m currently mostly using Caliban Green -> Athonian Camoshade -> Highlight with Warpstone Glow and a really small edge highlight with Moot Green.

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