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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. You never know, Mollug from shadespire might be a shaman. He is holding a frog in a spell slinging sort of way, and controls a gaggle of squiggly beasts
  2. 10 would be great, but if the kit builds the new bounders, and if those are a elite Calvary unit equivalent, then the kits will be just 5. That would be inline with other GW pricing.
  3. I’m hoping the riders are completely separate from the Squig. That way I can magnetize and switch riders depending if I want to field traditional hoppers or the new bounders. Also if the riders come off, I can field the mounts as 5 more squig a in a squig herd when. Or fielding them as calvary
  4. Some early morning musings Can anyone hazard a guess why the loonsmasha fanatics kit comes with 5 grots and a 6th “dead” grot? Looking at the photo of the unit there’s a 6th based grot that seems to be dead, or possibly passed out in his own vomit. could the unit have some sort of lasting effect that needs a token to mark their position on the board, even after the unit is destroyed? Otherwise why base a dead grot by itself? At first I thought it was supposed to be a comic relief piece where the grot fanatic crushed himself, but that would mean the kit has 6 fanatics, not 5, and the article explicitly states you can make 5 from the kit.
  5. I just realized the dankhold troggoth has an old bronze cannon hanging around its neck. I love it!
  6. Maybe the variant white build is the troggoth boss? Some ancient troggoth that’s been underground for untold millennia that has gone blind and turned completely white? Something that’s lived long enough to gain some semblance of wisdom (compared to your standard troggoth). fun stuff !
  7. Perhaps we’ll get a caster build with a centipede “pet” out of that kit. whatever it is, for once it feels good to be a destruction player. 👍
  8. It’s likely that the kits can produce various different units, that should be interesting as it will yield tons of bits for customization. Also so from the troggherd leak there is a white painted troggoth with a club in the air. I wonder if it’s just a variant build/paint job to the new rockgut kit, or if it’s a troggoth shaman or other hero for a future release?
  9. Are we sure the blurry snake thing wasn’t just a closeup of the fungoid shamans staff?
  10. Looking at the new size comparison from the Instagram feed, I hope the rock gut troggoths are getting a serious power upgrade on their warscroll to match their imposing stature. werent there some sour breaths shown as part of the intro video from Christmas? Could have sworn they were marching in the tunnels during the loon Kings monologue
  11. Another thought, how big is mollug (the dankhold trig from shadespire) going to be? I wonder if he’ll be the same scale as the dankhold troggoth kit, or a smaller version?
  12. I wonder how bog the dankhold troggoth will be? Sounds like 1 model per kit like an aleguzzler gargant. Can’t wait to see the Warscroll, might be a fun ally for my ironjawz. As as for sour breaths being discontinued, that makes me sad. I have a unit of 6, I guess I could use them rock gut trogs now, especially if I attached a bunch of fungus growths to them.
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