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Posts posted by Mutton

  1. 20 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    TOW launching with 2 separate army boxes plus THREE rulebooks (4 if you want both army tomes) feels like an absurd amount of money as opposed to the simplicity of a dual launch box. I do not want this at all.

    1 hour ago, Draznak said:

    Absolutely not. I'm saying that instead of a dual box, you get a box with about 1200-1500 points of a single army and the rulebook. They're still always going to sell the battle tomes and GHBs separately. Assuming the price is the same, I'd much rather have the single army, and it saves me the trouble of having to pawn off the half I don't want.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

    I've been told the hand looks like a plaguebearer hand, but if you look at the book the cover is a nurgle symbol, and there's a few of the 3 circles on the pages too. Looks like maggots on the book, and a wound on the arm where the book is resting.
    Probably a nurgle model for the 5th dawnbringer book that might focus on chaos.
    I love these kinds of researcher/scientist/achemist models so I'm excited to see what it looks like.

    Nurgle is also one of those factions that already has five thousand heroes to choose from. They need units, not another single model sorcerer or whatever. I would like to see something akin to Plague Toads reimagined and in plastic.

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  3. 40k models always win "model of the year" simply because it has way more players. More players means more votes. The voting process should definitely separate the two games. You'd of course align sub-games with the appropriate system (e.g., Warcry for AoS, Killteam for 40K, etc.).

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  4. 1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

    Shoot a lot of the first edition armies didn’t really find their way till the third or fourth try. I expect Kruleboyz to find their way whenever they get their next rules release. 

    I'm not as optimistic with battletomes; each one is their own beast. They've had 3 shots at fixing Slaanesh and have failed every time. The only guarantees of AoS are that if you're an Order battletome, you'll probably be okay. GW rules writers love Order.

  5. This and a new edition on the horizon just make me think about how Kruelboyz were shot in the back of the head by the sheer incompetence of their rules writing. For 3 years they've struggled to be at all relevant, and I honestly forget they exist sometimes, despite having had a KB army when they first launched. That's just how few people collect/play them.

    I think they're a prime example of the "do rules matter?" argument. And to no one's surprise, yeah, yeah they do. Let's hope the 4th ed launch turns out a little better for the new guys.

    • Like 5
  6. 2 hours ago, GhostShark said:

    If this guy has a good track record than it seems likely he's either majorly misunderstanding something he's been told, or someone is lying to him.

    For example, There may have been a one day meeting where the design team created a general outline and decided on major parts of the rules. That wouldn't mean the rules were designed in one day. It would only be a starting point for writing. But design meetings like this are common (I'm a game designer), and someone who doesn't know any better might hear this and misunderstand it.

    Yeah there's no way they went from draft to finalized design in a single day. That would imply they never tested any of it or made any changes--which is just about impossible. Most consumers don't know the amount of work it takes to write mechanically sound and legible rules.

    • Like 3
  7. I've found that a majority of the people who make fun of AoS know nothing about it other than it has "sigmarines" and "has bad rules". Ignorance and blind hatred hide in every corner of humanity's interests. Best not to get too riled up by it and just enjoy life as best you can.

    • Like 7
  8. 3 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    So, what’s the over-under on there being secretly more models for Book 4 that we haven’t seen yet? The Morghast wing rumor engine remains unsolved and now is the only remaining candidate for that wing, so it’s now or several months from now for that. 


    TRIUMPH & TREACHERY RETURNS?! Holy **** that's the most exciting news of the night.

    • Like 3
  9. 3 hours ago, Lucentia said:


    ~8 new kits, ~5 new heroes, a few resculpts, new battleline unit (I'm guessing these are the ghouls we've already seen?), new cav unit, centerpiece is explicitly a Mortarch. 

    Is this information you know first-hand or something you've heard?

  10. 20 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Just as a warning... PCGamer's reviewer straight up hates AOS as a setting, so expect weird bias against the game :| extremely effing disappointing how much people still aren't over End Times.

    Yeah I'm never reading another PCGamer review if this is their seal of quality. His review was a joke flecked with massive prejudice against the setting. I'll bet my salary that the dude knows zero-to-nothing about AoS. Why the hell would you give the AoS game to someone who vehemently hates AoS? 

    • Like 5
  11. 31 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Awww man, really sad news, after weeks of such great news, that Thomas Elliot left. 😞


    Damn. He was a paragon of Warhammer art for AoS. Just so everyone knows, he's the guy that did the outstanding covers for the 3rd Ed core book, the Ogre tome, the Dok tomes, and the pinnacle of artistry that has yet to be toppled, the Soulblight cover. And of course others...

    With him gone I'm slightly concerned about the art we'll see going forward.

    • Like 5
  12. 17 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    I've always preferred these tables. Hitting a goblin and hitting a master swordsman should absolutely not be equally likely. Same for wounding a person versus a giant stone troll or what have you. 


    Maybe that's just D&D talking idk.

    That's a different discussion. Ballistic Skill isn't a stat that you compare with your opponent. It's literally "to hit" but with a reference number.


    2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Maybe AoS 4.0 will be the game that give us Alternative Activations

    Man I wish. That's never going to happen unless they go through another cataclysmic revamp of one of their systems. 10th edition 40k was a huge shift, and they stood their ground on the "I-go, you-go" design. I think it's too intrinsic to how Warhammer has always been played, and GW has always been a bit stubborn with their rules writing. Maybe in 5-10 years?

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  13. As someone who played Fantasy in the old days, Ballistic Skill is a terrible game design concept. It's an arbitrary number that forces you to remember/reference the ACTUAL number you need to roll to hit. It's the epitome of complexity for complexity's sake.

    It should just be (n)+ to hit. We learned this long ago. Obviously, it's not a huge deal, but to me it just screams of leaning harder on the nostalgia bait rather than trying to reinvent a better game out of a ragged, mediocre one. Don't even get me started on the "rerolling higher BS" ******.

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  14. 20 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    With TOW at the moment, I'm beginning to have this funny feeling that a lot of people are about to realise that all this time they'd been nostalgic for the world. Not so much for the game.

    Willing to bet that at least half of the population clamoring for Old World are people who never played WHFB but are deeply invested in Total War.

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