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Posts posted by Mutton

  1. 1 hour ago, Walrustaco said:

    Dont go off 1d4chan. 1 additional dice, not add 1 to dice rolls. Meatfist might have actually been worth taking if it was the latter.

    You almost have to wonder if that's what was originally intended. As it is, it's possibly the worst 'benefit' I've ever seen for one of these sub-factions. Hell, Kraith for DoK is better than Meatfist...and Kraith is a joke.

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 hours ago, MKsmash said:

    Why all the Tyrant hate? The warscroll got better, the amazing command ability got even better, and you get to choose the Big Name now.

    Before, the way to run him was with the Gutgouger and +1 to wound to proc his double damage ability---he could pretty reliably dish out 12+ damage in combat. With his new scroll, he's statistically likely to only do around 6, and the +2 Bravery to all Ogors who are eating make his command ability less necessary (even though the ability itself is much better).

  3. If the Tyrant was 130-140 I'd be more likely to consider him, but he's a tad too costly. We have plenty of cheaper, better heroes. His biggest problem is a lack of attacks or any exceptional traits or artifacts. Sure his six-shooter is fun, but when making a serious list I don't know where he fits in.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Dejnar said:

    Regarding Firebellies.

    Does this spell also mean pile ins?

    Tongues of Flame: CV 6. Pick 1 enemy until that has 5 or more models that are within 18" of the caster and visible to them. Until the start of your next hero phase, each time that unit finishes any type of move it suffers D3 mortal wounds.


    Yes. Normal moves/running, charging, and piling in.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Pitloze said:

    Since Troggoths can be allies I wonder if the Troggoth hag has a place in this army? She's expensive but her spell is nice.

    I think a Frostlord on Stonehorn would be better---he has better offensive and defensive capabilities, and can synergize with the Mawtribe spells and abilities.

  6. 5 minutes ago, FPC said:

    Honest question....outside of battalions that require them, does anyone actually see a reason go take a Butcher as opposed to a Slaughtermaster?  I don’t think either of their spells are better than lore spells, and the Butcher lacking cauldron abilities for the same cost just seems silly. Am I missing something?

    I thought maybe in Bloodgullet for the bonuses but I believe that’s keyword BUTCHER so it applies to both.

    Thinking about getting big ovals that are Slaughtermaster size and boring out a Butcher sized hole, adding a cauldron, and calling it a day. That way if I do want to run a Butcher I still can.

    The only reason to take the regular Butcher is if you really like the Voracious Maw spell or the battalion. To be frank I think both of these guys are 20 points too expensive for what they're doing; but we also kind of need them.

  7. Played a couple games yesterday using the battletome rules with a Gutbuster force. This was a pretty casual game and I definitely didn't optimize my list, but here are some preliminary thoughts. The good news: Undoubtedly the Ogors are better than they were (wasn't a high bar). Their damage has massively improved, the 8" movement (possibly the best thing in the book) ensures you can get almost anywhere you need to be, and not having to worry much about bravery was a breath of fresh filet.

    The bad news: Your big guys are going to get mowed down as soon as anything decent rolls into them. Four wounds with a 5+ save isn't enough to keep them around for long, and even Ironguts fall hard to just about anything if they get attacked back. We also have no protection against mortals...which we all know are abundant in the game. Screens are just as important as ever and you absolutely can't let your damage dealers (Gluts with paired weapons and Ironguts) get charged, otherwise it's over.

    Scattered notes:
    - The Tyrant performed much better than I anticipated. For several combats he was doing upwards of 10 wounds to units, but I was rolling lucky on the 6's to hit. Without the 6's, he'd do maybe 3 wounds and that's all. Swingy to say the least, but he didn't disappoint me this time.

    - Gluts with paired weapons will clobber baddies into dust. Weight of attacks with exploding 6's is so vital to getting through enemy armor saves. I wonder if the best lists simply include many 12-ogor units of these guys.

    - Butchers didn't do much. The terrain piece isn't out yet, so no +1 cast, but even if it had been there, I still would have failed most of those 7's needed for our spells. Probably need to go with the Bloodgullet Tribe if you want anything out of your casters. Our guys are really expensive for Lv. 1 wizards. The Slaughtermaster was entirely useless, and the fact you still have to roll on this dumb random table, where only a third of the time you'll get something helpful, is almost insulting. It's constantly disappointing getting 5's or 6's when no enemies are around (because you don't want enemies around him, he sucks in combat). I hated this guy before and I still hate him.

    - Ironguts were beasts before the tome and they're monsters after. They can chop up most anything...as long as it doesn't have a good save. Which is the theme for this army. We have no rend. It's a lot of hoping and praying to the Maw that your opponent rolls poorly on those saves, and we don't really have a way to augment that (we have one spell, but as mentioned, our casters aren't fantastic, so it's unreliable at best). I have no idea how this army will be able to handle things with 3+ or 2+ saves, potentially rerolling, potentially ignoring -1 rend. We don't have a source of consistent mortals (again, Trampling Charges are swingy, dependent on unit size and charge roll). Big heroes/monsters with ethereal amulet, or even just anything with a good save is going to be our bane---don't know if we have an answer to it without simply hoping it all turns out well.

    - I wouldn't discount Ironfists on Gluttons now that they're unmodified. Had a small unit get charged and ended up dealing something like 6 or 7 mortals back.

    - The Sky Pistols artifact was awesome. It's probably not good---but it was fun. I could semi-reliably headshot dudes already in combat to ease up the burden on your other units, or blast through the enemy's screen to get sneaky charges.

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  8. 37 minutes ago, Soolong said:

    Quick question, does the battalion 'Butchers band' allow me to use a slaughtermaster as the butcher as he has the butcher keyword? Arguing with a friend about it, AOS uses keywords for things like this so I think it is fine.

    No, because the battalion requires a Butcher, not a keyword butcher, when looking at the requirements. It's referring to the name of the units required, and not the keywords required. So you have to take a regular Butcher for Butcher's Band.

  9. A lot of these scrolls needed actual overhauls---reinterpretations if you will. Instead they copied nearly everything from AoS alpha version and tidied up the text a bit. So many of these units could have been cool if given some extended thought. After years of waiting, the disappointment is real hard to swallow.

    Even if the point costs are generous, I feel a big opportunity was wasted in the rewrites of these warscrolls.

  10. Looking at the rest of these...I can't help but be a bit crestfallen. Hardly anything was changed in warscrolls that desperately needed changes. Why does the cauldron butcher still need to be random? In any other book it'd be "pick one of the following effects." Why did they nerf the Thundertusk snowball, but not buff his melee or anything? Why are Maneaters cool models but still completely uninteresting rules-wise?

    I don't want Ogors to be the next Slaanesh or Skaven, but like...did some of these even get looked at for more than a minute? Still holding out hope the book delivers more stuff to counterbalance some of this, so let's pray to the maw and find out.

  11. The Gluttons are the big winners here with 3+ to hit now and exploding 6's with paired weapons. These guys are gonna be the mainstay of any Gutbuster army. That said, everything else is...yeah, kind of nothing? I don't know how to feel about Ironblasters. They're kind of the same, but kind of not with hail fire.

    Might be jumping the gun here, but the new Tyrant warscroll feels much, MUCH worse. We all knew we wouldn't be able to keep the unmodified Gutgouger shenanigans, but man...he only has 5 attacks, 2 of which are on the profile of some wizards. Even with the 6's to hit doing bonus stuff, the math of his profile just scream doing 3 damage every combat and whiffing (I know, I use Dankholds, and they almost never do anything). As much as it pains me, I think the only reason you take this guy now is to use his CA (which is awesome now, admittedly), and then run him into wherever and let him die---he's definitely not a damage dealer anymore.

    Don't like being a downer...maybe there are traits or other things in the book that'll make up for the lackluster scrolls. I'm still really happy about the regular Ogor Gluttons' vast improvement though.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    With the still limited knowledge we have, since these previews don't show everything in the tribes, I think Bloodgullet is the surefire best one of the Gutbuster factions. Extra spells and extra casts for your Butchers is simply amazing, as we know from Hallowheart. Meatfist feels like it doesn't give you much (+1 attack on bites is...okay? Since it's all units wholly within the area. The additional cp for your hero seems good, but then again, you want your Tyrant to be immediately killing anything he's in combat with. Underguts relies on how good the default Ironblaster is, combined with the point costs for it and the Leadbelchers (If the Belchers are like 90 points, I can see it working).

  13. If Leadbelchers end up being 120 points or less, I'd like using them as small 2-man screens.

    I'd also like to point out 1) How good Hungry vs. Eating is. It means all of our Ogors move 8" and our Bravery suddenly becomes respectable in combat. 2) How good trample is, even for non-monsters. So any unit gets to roll equal to the charge roll and on 6's do bonus mortal wounds---it's free real estate!

    Also if Ogor Gluttons end up getting 3's to hit as well...that'd be huge.

  14. 1 hour ago, FPC said:

    They’re voting on what tier they are PRE-BATTLETOME.  Currently as a non-battletome faction and a faction lacking a 2.0 tome I can’t see much argument that Ogors all together are currently anything but low tier.

    Exactly, I don't see the point. I think anyone that's been playing Gutbusters for the past few years would have to agree.

  15. These dice have me feeling like I'm taking crazy pills. Everyone is saying they're terrible and unreadable. 

    But I really like the design and think they're some of the most legible ones they've ever made. In fact, they're probably some of the top faction dice that exist out there. I just don't understand how people are so confused.

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