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Posts posted by Mutton

  1. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    Fatshark could do AoS-tide game, it could be based on Cursed city or use a different main enemy beside Skaven. though Fatshark seem to be focus on Darktide at the moment.

    there doesn’t seem to be much movement for good AoS video games in the foreseeable future.

    Theoretically, now would be the perfect time for an AoS branded Vermintide 3. New Skaven models to show off in game. Everyone hyped about a new edition. But because that's not usually how game development timelines work, maybe we'll see one in 2-3 years?

    AoS Vermintide would be so f-ing sweet.

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  2. 36 minutes ago, follywolf said:

    immagine if Abraxia and varanguards are poor to play in 4th 

    It wouldn't be as bad as if either Stormcast or Skaven were terrible right out of the gate. At least S2D would have a chance at redemption with a fresh 4.0 book. Let us never forget how screwed Kruelboyz were for the entirety of 3rd. There isn't a good track record for edition-opening factions.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah, but maybe just the gender is the indicative of the refresh approach and not the appearance itself.

    That's my theory. But it may be both. After all, we did eventually get the Darkoath from that one animated episode, and they look identical.

  4. There's a reason they suddenly pulled out this news right before revealing their edition launch box. People will instantly forget about price hikes and crave the new FOMO plastic. It's psychological manipulation.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    As I said above, that isn't necessarily true. Every time you choose to summon an endless spell you can't cast a regular spell. If you choose to run an army without priests or wizards, you can't do anything against regular spells but you can destroy endless spells. 

    No one is running around without wizards or priests. And it's not much of a cost. Having another "unit" that can fly around, get in the way, and force combats is huge. The enemy then has to dedicate their own spell casts or attacks to eliminating it. Having a free bonus tactical resource at your disposal is just a net positive.

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