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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. I know a lot of people is waiting for the Lumineth, but the release of the next GH is necessary, a lot of armies needs to be fixed and others needs to be updated like they do before. Battleplans, Realms and artifacts rules... We need new content that is only possible with a GH.

    • Confused 1
  2. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    It's good for the 40K fans for sure and hopefully that means next week will be the last of the 40K stuff until 9th Edition because who knows when AOS will get a release after that Haha

    And surely they wouldnt release a PA back to back weeks so maybe the Lumineth Battlebox will be dropped next week and then the following week will be the final PA with the Scions of the Flame then Sons the week after?

    Imposible, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Beastgrave... Sons of Behemat before August is impossible... and with this "next week" i am down now... I think a few things will be postponed

  3. 5 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    Well, apart from Thunderers, but I'm not really expecting any warscroll changes in the GHB.  I'm sure they have other things to put in the blank pages where the Allegience Abilities used to be.

    They only change warscroll that affect the good development of the game like Plague Monks or Thunderers. Dankhold are big support guys with the objective of hunt small heroes or elite units. They aren't units to capture objectives or fight core units.

  4. 8 hours ago, Vasshpit said:


    Regarding the Dank rewrite I'd love to see them get a similar attack characteristic as the Nighthaunt Chainghast and one of the SE Paladins were as in they get an attack for every enemy within 2" 

    More fitting for that massive club.

    The faction rules are not the Warscrolls, we have a problem with the moon... Most of the Warscrolls are fine, and the Danks have a superb rules with an specific job that they do very well. 

    • Like 1
  5. The battalions needs an urgent point reductions.

    Grots needs a reduction. Sorry but the comparison with the potential of the skins, marauders or clanrats is shameful.

    Dankhold needs a reduction.

    Spider riders need a reduction.

    Skragrott needs a reduction, we pay a heavy tax with the "only general rules"·

    Heroes are fine.

    Manglers and squigs are fine.

    Gobapalooza needs a reduction, but with the battalion reduction will be ok.

    Araknaroks are fine.

    Troggoths are fine.

    Fanatics needs a reduction.


    Of course, these reductions will be less urgent if they change our faction rules in the GH2020 as they did with Seraphon or Ironjawz in the past book.

  6. The low fantasy of Warhammer was only a thing during the 6th&7th edition, all the others editions created crazy things like demons with a cannon in his ass, the female Skaven being giant incubators, dwarf zeppelins, giant tanks, machineguns, sniper rifles like today or other crazy things...

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, Coyote said:

    It’s starting to get closer, any ideas or *any* speculations on new 2020 Generals Handbook and points updates?

    My Skaven are eager for points decreases lol.

    You need to be prepared for some Verminlord points increased thanks to the Chaos Ascendant. 🙄

  8. 1 minute ago, Weazel said:

    Ok thanks, I'll consider building towards that eventually maybe. But which Fanatics would you add first? Say if you were strapped for points and had to choose only one or the other.

    Well, the Sporesplatta are better in bigger armies, if you are going to play 1k or 1.5k games, I think it's better if you try the Loonsmasha first.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Weazel said:

    Going to try a 'Grot Bomb', so basically 40 Stabbas with Sneaky Snufflers and a Loonboss. So I have a box of Fanatics unassembled, and I'm kinda undecided which ones to build. Sporesplattas would further buff the Grots with +1A and give some LoS blocking as well if needed. However Loonsmashas' damage looks so tempting and they would be a pretty sweet charge deterrent.. which ones would you build?

    Also, do you roll the number of attacks for Fanatics just once for the whole unit, or for each model separately?

    You need both fanatics to test the real Grot Bomb and a Madcap for the -1Rend artifact. 😁

  10. 1 minute ago, Weazel said:

    If I have a unit of 20 Stabbas with a Flag Carrier, a Gong Basher and 3 Netters and I bring them back from the Loonshrine do I get to bring any Flag Carriers, Gong Bashers or Netters with them since the unit size is now 10 ? They are limited as 1 in every 20 models or 3 in every 20 models.

    For a unit of 20 Stabbas you can return: 2 Netters, 1 Gong Basher, the Boss and the standard bearer

    • Thanks 1
  11. It will be great if the fireball is the objective. Think about it, if a gargant move to 1' or less of an objective, he can grab it. A gargant only can have one objective at the same time.


    It will be a cool and unique rule.

    • Like 2
  12. 58 minutes ago, DestructionFranz said:

    Hi guys. 

    Do you think that the Bonegrinder Gargant will be included in the new Sons of Behemath Battletome? 

    Do you think that they need a warscroll update or a point reduction? 

    Forgeworld units are never included in the battletome.


    Yes, I'm sure that the warscroll will be updated like the Aleguzzer warscroll too.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm a bit disappointed that the Gargants now become "allies for all", but I understand the motives to do it... 


    By the way, I'm going to talk about the FW models. We aren't going to receive new FW models for AoS, the studio is dedicated to other things, and they only sell the models designed before the WF/AoS & W40k team was closed.

    Other point is that I don't expect they move the Bonegrinder to the battletome, I think that the Bonegrinder will be a ForgeWorld model forever... It's a business vision, if they made a plastic cheaper version, the FW models will be devaluated because "Why will i buy this this model if they will make a better version in plastic in a future?".

    The only think I expect is they update the Warscroll of the Bonegrinder and the Aleguzzer, they changed very little when Gloomspite were launched and I hope they update both models to the actual state of the game.



  14. I'm very sad because the Fimirs will not be in this army... the old lore said that the weapon beared by Brodd was a pillar that he picked up from a temple builded by cyclopean creatures... I think could be cool to see well armoured giants that they obtain their weapons by Fimir crafters, like they were huge gladiators of Rome.

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