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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    He is doing 9 damage on average vs 4+ save. That is pretty pitiful damage for 500 pts. honestly. No impact damage to bracket another monster or add to his damage. He has the "pick a single model" which is realistically 1-2 MWs (killing a 1-2 wound model).

    He has the Dankhold skill, and this skill is awesome. He can slain most of the mages of the game with a 4-5+, most of the cavalry with a 3-4+. He does a job that the others are awful. I think he is a bit overcosted, as all the Mega-Gargants, but he has the skills that any other gargants don't have.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Dankboss said:


    Bonegrinder is updated.

    He has an actual club! Other than that, he's bland but okay.


    No, he's junk. He has no impact hits or Hero keyword.

    I think he is a very good addition in a Taker list, when you are holding objectives and you are not very offensive. Besides that he is very good killing small heroes and crushing monsters, two things that the others Big lads are awful.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    I think you guys are forgetting, that in Stomper his shooting attack can be damage 5 or 6, and his club damage 4 or 5 depending on size of target unit.

    In gatebreaker, with wavey flags, he's basically hitting everything on 2+. 

    Also, the auto kill a model ability is just roll greater than the wounds, not double, so 4, 5 or 6 wound models can potentially be killed. and lower wound models are much easier to kill.

    Only downside is no mortals on the charge. Not sure why.

    I thought I had my list sorted out and now I am not sure if I include my bonegrinder or not. 😂

    No, the Stomper rules are only for Mancrushers and the Braker are only for Mancrushers and Gatebreakers.

  4. I send a mail to them with a few questions about some skills and interactions that I don't understand, and I added my firsts impressions with a constructive point of view. I tried to understand what experience they want to develop with SoB before writing some silly or it could seem like I was crying. 

    I hope they understand my point of view, I tried to be very polite and thankful for the very good things that this army have. 😄



  5. 5 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Yeah I think these are the last two battletome (sons and realmlords) for AoS 2.0 since the edition change is next July and then every army probably gets an updated tome after that. 

    though I think GW just intentionally made the army more casual and less competitive because of the Knight stigma that keeps running around but they also seem to like unreliable or swingle mechanics for destruction armies that doesn’t translate well for this type of army

    It easier. It is a Destruction Battletome, and the designers of this faction write rules more for fun, very gimmicky or very weak.


    Look first the Ogor or Orruk Warclans battletome, the most competitive books we have, and they are only playable a few things, with only one subfaction that seems more a casual error than the intention of the designers.

    Now compare the design of books like Cities, KO or Seraphon.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Dankboss said:

    It is, but it's also more efficient as a Hero due to their 35 wounds than other options. I reckon they'll be decent.

    They aren't efficient being merc, the cost a lot of points and you lose too much bodies, and the Gargants don't do enough damage to break the game in your favour.

  7. 9 minutes ago, C0deb1ue said:


    I feel like the issue is how bad the rules are.... if the rules were better, you wouldn't care about the cost.

    Changing points just means you have to buy even more expensive models who still have bad rules.

    I'm a hard Gloomspite player, I know what is to fight with a weak army and I can say it with all the words: "SoB is the weakest Destruction battletome ever made."

    I love the models, I bought a complete army but the rules are the perfect description of an army for parade and not so much more. You don't have enough content to try new strategies or combinations. With all my respects to designers, the book seems the first take a look in the development of a product.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    So listened to the brutal HWG AoS monday episode tonight review of the battletome. 

    A few points to note:

    - army can't cast endless spells, as krakeneater artefact doesn't give the wizard keyword. Same for dispelling endless spells. 

    - warstomper, with 1 big and 9 small is probably the strongest build. 

    - due to an FAQ on allowed publications, the 2 merc companies from Forbidden Power are currently matched play legal. So ally in an archregent for a double caster to get those endless spells casts/dispels, plus summoning 20 ghouls for backline objective holding/screens. 

    - Longshanks ability doesn't allow you to move over units in standard movement. Base of mega-garant is 130mm + 3" stay out of range of opponent + 25mm minimum base size of opposing unit + another 3" stay out of range of opponent from otherside of their base = 12.10", so it only works retreating or running. It can't be used during the charge phase or piling in, as they aren't normal moves. Without run and charge, it's not great and very situational, as retreating or running means no charges. (this info is from the plastic craic review) 

    There is lots of other info from the HWG episode and they hit a lot of points home. Highly recommend listening to it. 

    I still plan to do the army, but at least now I'm not going into it with rose tinted titanic warclubs 😂

    One point: Ben, the designer, said in Twitter that they can cast endless with the artefact. It is an errata.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Dankboss said:

    You round up the number of models regained from the loonshrine, right? Because then 3 man trogg units sound more appealing, as you'd get 2 back.


    Holdup, does it specify battline Troggoths? Because 3 Dankolds returning 2 just got interesting.

    Only Rockgut and Fellwater. The Dankhold only gets the +1 regeneration and the battalion ability.

    Of course, the Hag is outside for all the rules...  She only can get the artifact and the trait if she is the general.

  10. I played my first game with them yesterday (via TTS).

    My list was:

    Taker Tribe:

    2 Kraken Eater
    3 Mancrusher and 1x3 Mancrusher

    I lost versus STD with Archaon. The opponent was a great player, so I learned a lot of things.


    My first impressions are the following:

    - Any -1 to hit has a devastating effect against Gargants.

    - The subfaction rewards you for having a variety of Mega-Gargants, it was a mistake on my part not to take advantage of that. Kraken-Eaters are good thanks to their artefacts, the second was too much weak for me and a Breaker would be a better second option. 

    - At the lowest level, they are still powerful and they can take a lot of damage.

    - I missed a Triumph so much. I think it is necessary to play of less than 2000  and we have to fight to get it.

    I'm very worried about SoB, they aren't very good at fighting things like Archaon, Stonehorns, units very armoured or units than can debuff our hits. 

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    They're all junk save for the cestus.

    Cowl - Rerolling 1s to wound against heroes and all wounds against the general...this is nothing. Too specific. Why isn't this just flat rerolling wounds??? You know, like almost every other artifact in the game will do for you. When the enemy knows you have this he's just going to keep heroes away from the dude. You don't have many models, so it won't be hard to do.
    MogJaws - Rerolling 1 hit, wound, or save die per phase isn't going to affect anything enough to be significant. Almost nothing gained.
    Lantern - So you can make a giant a level 1 wizard with no unique spells. Okay? To what end? So you can maybe mystic shield or arcane bolt something? Half of the other wizards in the game are going to easily unbind you---some automatically. It's a good premise for an artifact, but unless it's giving him multiple casts, bonuses to cast, etc...it's effectively useless.

    Well, you can try to cast the Cogs with the Lantern. I think the Lantern is a fine artifact.

  12. Just now, Gutlord said:

    Check out some of the artifacts on warhammer community......i knew the kraken eater could be turned into a wizard with an artifact


    And it is the only one good artifact.


    I had great expectation with this army... I'm a bit down with all the rules, I hope at least in game I would found them better and funnier than the army looks now.

  13. 2 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    The arachnarok has been on the best selling page for ages now, and it and the scuttleboss go out of stock pretty frequently.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they do get a supplement of some sort.

    If a product is frequently out of stock doesn't mean that it's selling so well. It could be that the production is very low and it's selling fast because that.

    We don't have any Celestial Tome for a lot of armies that sells well. We have Celestial Tomes for armies with new miniatures, and I don't have any hope about Spiderfang as I don't have any hope to have a Celestial Tome for BoC, CoS or Ogors... :(

  14. 1 hour ago, Jymmy said:

    When is the next white dwarf announced?? I’m loosing hours of sleep waiting to see if  the next tome celestial will contain Spiderfang allegiance rules...

    No, they alternate AoS-40k content so the next after the Troggoth WD must contain 40k content.

    Other point, I don't expect Spiderfang will receive any content. The units are very old and you can only bought them from the GW website. The Tome Celestial are an strategy to improve the selling of some units. I think it's more easy for them to add some battalions for Skragrott, Fungoid, Gobbapalooza, Snufflers or Fanatics.

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