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Posts posted by Nezzhil

  1. 52 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    It was the obvious step. Hopefully we will get it confirmed soon.

    Wow, thanks. I hope Cogfort don't arrive never, the worst step is to get more faction terrain.

    It is good to still reading people that nice here.

    • Confused 3
  2. 7 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    If we counting ironjawz we can count gitz since they got a centerpiece, a hero and a unit

    I see Ossiarch getting a second wave that or what @Nezzhil khorne with Demon Khul, Valkyia, some pestigors, lord of khorne on juggernaut 

    Valkia? no.

  3. 2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    The generic Charge ability is specified as "your Charge phase" so by that logic you can't use that when you Counter Charge. 

    And that's the reason we have Counter-Charge that says that you can use "Charge ability as it were your charge phase".


  4. 5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I thought so, too, but Counter-Charge lets you call any CHARGE ability "as if it were your charge phase", so it does actually work. Assault Boat has the CHARGE keyword and Counter-Charge itself modifies the timing restriction.

    But says "Your Charge phase"

  5. 23 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Honestly I feel Khorne could very likely just be a single Daemon Prince Khorgos model and that's it. 

    Pestigors and Khornegors could appear this edition


    EDIT: Just remember that the Khorgos Start Collecting have 2 heroes and the Khorgorath attached to monopose units that must be splitted or removed as soon as possible

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

    Aos 3 major releases 

    1. stormcast

    2. kruleboyz

    3. seraphon

    4. slaves to darkness (twice!)

    5. Cities of Sigmar

    6. flesh eater courts

    7. Ironjawz (small 4 kits)

    8. sylvaneth (smallish)

    so we got 8 faction releases in third so  my guess for aos4 is

    1. Stormcast

    2. Skaven 

    3. Fyreslayers (smallish 4 kits)

    4. Chaos Dwarves

    5. Ogors

    6. Dok (smallish 4 kits Krethusa is a literal herald)

    7. Cities second wave


    My bet for your 8 faction is Khorne

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am wondering, what did Seraphon of certain relevance in AoS? I know they messed around on the moon/ planet that Khul established as his own. They also have been saving the day here and there, including dealing with Kragnos. Is there something else that can be called relevant overall for them? I am not envisioning a new wave for them soon, but if they didn't participate in a relevant way... who knows? Maybe you are right.

    This is the magic of GW, if you don't follow to much the lore then you will miss the importance of factions in previous editions because they remove them from the scope without any kind of mercy. Seraphon was one of the main actors during first and second edition, involved in almost all the things that happened during these edition until Kragnos event.

  8. One point only: During the first year of third edition two of the most important factions were BoC and BZ, with there own campaign book (Thondia), being important actors for the Era of the Beast (origin of Kragnos) and a few stories on WD (campaign of east Ghur).

    None of the factions are important, GW rotate the actors each edition moving previous one to almost the forbidden to focus in the new stuff (Slaanesh, Lumineth or Ossiarch during second edition).

    We are gonna get only 4-5 big launchs outside the initial box factions per edition, so, if Chorfs and Ogors are two of them, then 2 or 3 armies more. You can start expect with of them are the chosen. Of course, we are gonna get other 4-5 small ones.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Maybe. But that doesn't mean that KOs or Fyrslayers doesn't need new waves.

    A lot. Elite-melee units, duelist heroes, defensive foot-troops, new ships (dedicated transports, offensive skyvessel, etc...), and any type of specialist unit that is not a "shoot" or "shoot-more" (megalith miners, corsairs, etc...). Btw, balloon boys are just shock troops, more close to light cavalry than a heavy cavalry.

    Like KOs and Fyrslayers then. And remember that FS were released in 2016...

    My source was the same that said that Vandus and Khorgos Start Collecting will not exist at the start of AoS4. That source was almost right.

  10. 1 minute ago, Beliman said:

    I know. But KOs and Fyreslayers are part of the first ones that are in need of new miniatures.


    Ogors are gonna be updated for sure and they are gonna have one of the bigger updates of the edition. 

    • Like 4
  11. 18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am with you there. I see KO having maybe a hero and scenery and wrapping until the 5th ed.

    If they don't solve the problem with the scenary then It is better no more faction terrains

    • Like 2
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  12. 44 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Khorne‘s standards dropped a lot in recent Warhammer lore then…😭 a Chaos God of angry losers. But „maaagic isn‘t honorable“. Bah. Khorne could branch off to Grand Alliance Death, some of those at least died AFTER a fight!

    Khorne is that kind of person that rewatch Friends every year. He prefers to rewatch the same dudes fighting instead try a new one

    • Like 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah. Felt weird. You fail and get promoted? I gues Khorse only cares about the extra blood.

    Khorne was bored of the "Gavriel bomb strategy" so he is happy that Khorgos removed that from the Mortal Realms

    • Haha 4
  14. 1 minute ago, MitGas said:

    Korghos isn‘t even the star in his own biography! Killed by a Stormcast to get promoted to Daemon Prince. That‘s cheating and I‘m disappointed in Khorne! 😝

    My source was right at the end: "Vandus and Khorgos old models will not survive AoS 3.0" I expected to receive them during the campaign. 🤣

  15. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    They are not expectations at all. It is just what I think. If that is not the case it won't matter, I have plenty of stuff that I have to catch up with 😅

    My point is that they always rotate the narrative to mantain fresh all the stuff in there two main games (40k and AoS) to avoid the narrative problems of the "dark age" (6-8 Fantasy and 4-7 40k). It is very possible that cities become a secondary actor this edition again, and we see the narrative moves to a Chaos counterattack with the new Korghos model as the first big star before 2025 Summer arrives.

    • Thanks 1
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  16. 47 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    That sounds really good. You should work for GW!

    Btw, what do you expect for KOs 4.0? I'm not sure that a shooting army with reduced/less rend/shorter range army is healthy for the game. I'm curious to see how they manage if 5-profile warscrolls and artillery.

    We need to wait to see. Maybe something new is coming and It is unexpected. Sylvaneth units were different and add new ways to play. Maybe KO don't related to ships.


    10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think they were the most important faction just this edition because it is basically their proper start as a faction, but I agree with @Jetlife that from now on it is going to be one of the key factions in every edition.

    My advice is better for you if you remove that kind of high expectations.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

    I know there has been a large rumor going around and kind of confirmed by some Warhammer media outlets that, stormcast intention was to be like space marines, but they learned over second edition that wouldn’t be the case so they are starting to cut and clean the line. 

    Could this mean that Cities could possibly get into an edition launch box?!?


    I think they may have stumbled upon that cities, not stormcast could be the ever producing faction that everyone wants. Dropping a launch box that would include new humans, aelfs and Duardin would appeal to the masses no matter what city or build their army was made of. Could the different cities be the equivalent to space marine chapters ? Think about all the cool creatures the stormcast have come out with… cough cough … sacrosanct. I think they would be much better suited to see the mortals of the realms riding such things. 

    SUPER hopium I know. Shoot, I don’t even collect the faction but feel like Cities is maybe the most important faction in AOS, model and lore wise. Their story is what makes all the other factions seem whimsical and powerful. 

    They are the most important faction THIS edition. You just remember all the people claiming for a second wave of Ossiarch or Lumineth.

    We can move to a Duardins edition and Cities go to a second place and only receive a small Hero.

  18. 16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We had a recent talk about this.

    What do we know so far about the possible upcoming wave? The Cogfort mentioned by @Whitefang back me up and the fact that during the renewal series of articles seems that the design team mention there's a religious side of the Cities of Sigmar that has already been done as well.

    If we follow this the more logical scenario, IMO, would be having a religious wave (flagellants, warrior priest, maybe something like Azyr Order...) and the Cogfort being the faction scenery. That would make it for the moment.

    The problem with this is that it would very likely imply removing dispossessed and/or DE and they wouldn't have replacement yet. Maybe we have on top of that one unit for duardins and one for aelves as a signal that they will stay in the army? It would be a pretty chunky release, so time will tell.

    We need to wait to the Core Lore to see if the free cities and crusades are not on the center of the scenario. If we return to something similar to second edition then It is possible that Cities wave 2 go to the next edition.

    I am using the same arguments that I used to say when third started that made really hard to believe that Malerion/Tyrion would not come. That Cities is going to receive a new wave is something that It is not assured right now.

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