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Posts posted by ACBelMutie

  1. 13 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Well the realm rules are really botched (+1 save? Srsly do we really need a 1+ Petrifex Nagash?)
    Especially since the magic part of the herophase is currently dominated by 3 Factions (OBR, Lumineth and Seraphon), all the others shouldn't even bother trying to cast spells.
    The Artefacts are uninspired and boring (at least the Ethereal Amulet is gone).


    What about Tzeentch? They have also bonuses to cast and a lot of spells to throw against us. 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Grand Alliance armies can’t/don’t need to take allies which is why they don’t show up in the allies tables.

    Forbidden Power being mostly a ‘campaign book’ I suspect that yes Legion of Grief is going away. Almost nothing from any of the previous campaign books is allowed in matched play, and gw seems to not like ‘limited’ things being in matched play (ie if everyone doesn’t have access to it, it doesn’t stay legal very long, like all the dual box battalions from Looncurse etc and I suspect the white dwarf stuff too)

    I wanted to reply or include more information but the forum. Was downs last days. 

    Swifthawk Agents are a valid faction. They have heroes and units. You can read that Spireguard is battleline in that army which is not listed in the Generals' book, but you can read they mention the army when they list the Spiteguards point costs.

    You have to choose the units and after that you choose the alliance. However, we do the opposite because of the APPs which works at the opposite: first alliance and then the faction and subfaction. 


  3. If Legion of Grief can't be played because it doesn't appear in the General's, the Great Alligances can't be played then, because they don't appear in the General's.

    Legion of Grief and Grand Death Alliance don't appear in the allies table, so can't you play Grand Death Alliance?


  4. 4 hours ago, Sception said:

    In defense of skellies, they're a heck of a lot cheaper in terms of real world monetary output.

    I don't think so haha. There is a new warhammer AoS colection. The first magazine came with 10 chainrasps and 3 Sequitors for 2€. Cheaper than the skeletons by far :D


  5. 29 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Considering the first look at a real book won't be until Saturday, and that digital downloads will be a huge deal for more reasons than just a cutoff date (covid), I'm willing to bet we'll see the battalions.

    If not, it's a simple matter to email them and ask for an official opinion and stance on Nighthaunt. That's been great for me to learn certain ways to play them that wasn't readily apparent with their lack of presence on the tournament scene. If enough people ask they'll address it.

    The books has been released this tuesday in a lot of shops. I didn't get my copy because of reasons, but the book is waiting for me since Tuesday, so a lot of people have the book at 5his moment.


  6. 1 hour ago, Enwolved said:

    The thing is, he is not worth the 300 points anway, isnt he?

    No. If you take him is for his spell. Imagine you give a unit of 10 Blood Knights 20" and 1 extra attack or 15 Black Knights with Vanhel and extra attack. They can make a deep strike. 


  7. 5 minutes ago, warhammernerd said:

    This list is rad, and I'm defo gonna give it a run for the money. I am however super struggling to work out where the hell 'Dolorous Guard battalion' comes from? It's defo not in the (yes I know its pants) Azyr app. 

    Nighthaunt batalion from White Darf magazine.


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  8. 10 hours ago, Doko said:

    And who cares??? 


    So now i gonna cry about how underpower are the battlemague playing as general order,or how pistolliers playing as free people are underpower.......nagash is one or maybe the most broken unit of the game rigth now playing as bonereaper so he never gonna get any buff untill nagash in bonereaper be nerfed.


    Was the same than the reapers,broken in lon and balanced in nighaunt,what hapened?only nerf to balance them,i hope nagash players be rdy for no buff or even a nerf to nagash following the gw logic

    Nagash is going to be nerfed (confirmed) since he will ve able to use his normal save and then he will have to choose one of the others especial saves. No more 2+R1, 6++, 5++, etc. Anyways, if you think he is so unbalanced it's probably because of your local metal. He has several natural counters, not rare lists.


  9. 53 minutes ago, Doko said:

    So funny see someone criying about one of the  most overpowered units in the actual meta......

    If you think Nagash is overpowered in Legions of Nagash, you are playing another game, not AoS.  Read again the first post. Cid said Nagash is underpowered in Legions of Nagash, a faction which is underperfoming in current tournaments (since a lot of months ago).


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  10. 58 minutes ago, Heijoshin said:

    This is where I'm not sure, because the soulbound protector works "before" allocating a wound or mortal wound. The 6+ death save says "each time you allocate". So reading it in the typical sense of GW one could say you could pass it on first. 

    Also if its the case where the hero has to do the 6+ first, then when you do the soulbound protector rule, what would happen if you get a 5+? Because the battalion essentially says " instead of passing it on, negate it instead". This would mean you fail to pass on a wound on a 1, 5 or a 6.

    I asked that question long time before in this forum about the Necromancer skill to relocate wounds and I was told:

    1. The Necromancer tries to save with his 6+ Save.
    2. After that, he can use his 6++.
    3. Finalyy he uses his 4++ relocate and those wounds are direct damage. If he relocates 5 wounds, 5 Skeletons, Chainrasps, etc die because you are allocating unsaved and "unnegated" wounds.


  11. 37 minutes ago, Heijoshin said:

    The new "only one after save" rule is going to be interesting with how the Aegis Immortal battalion will work. 

    Let's say you have Empower Nadarite Shields on the Immortis guard, or the Archai is the body guard. You can declare the soulbound protector rule before the 6+ death save on the hero, as it states "before" allocating a wound or mortal wound. On a 2-4 you pass on the wound to the Immortis or Archai and a 5+ the wound or mortal wound is negated all together. Simple so far. But with the new rule, does that mean that if I only get a 2-4, do I still get to do the Archai 5+ after save (or an Immortis Empower Nadarite Shield) on Mortal Wounds, or 6+ death save on regular wounds, because no true after save was made? Technically it's a shrug to minion ability after all. Could be a nice cheeky way around the new ruling. 

    Aegis Immortal meta inbound!? We all laughed before at the Aegis Immortal before, but looks who's laughing now.....

    I think the rule doesn't work in that way. You allocate a wound when it wasn't saved or negated, so you can't try to negate or save an "allocated wound". If not, you could use 6++ on Immortis Guard after allocating them a wound, but you can't.


  12. Just now, Sception said:

    I'm not super familiar with the meta these days.  Does /anyone/ use Spellportal apart from Nagash?  Because if not, I'd honestly rather see the points on the portals dropped by like half or more, and hand of dust erratad to not be castable through the portal.

    Yes, Cities of Sigmar. They cast the Umbral Spellportar where they want and cast spells like the spell witch removes the save of a unit. As long as they can cast the spell fron any part of the table, you can't dispell it and they can get easyly a +2 to casting killing a miniature from a unit. So they kill 2 miniatures and get +2 for Spellportal and +2 to the other spell. They can get more buff to casting I think.


  13. Nagash will loose more than the extra saves if the new Mortal Realms bring us only 1 spell. There are several nice spells to cast with the Nagash +3 Casting but now... and yes, Nagash is overcosted for LoN. I'm not sure they will change LoNs points too much.


  14. 2 minutes ago, Undeadly said:

    It's a good time to be using Dolorous Guard. Hexwraiths and their battalion went down in points, so I imagine more Olyander bombs might get popular. I can't foresee how this can help my Spirit Host lists.

    Are there more leaks? I'm very excited about LoN and Nighthaunt.


  15. 11 minutes ago, Heijoshin said:

    What are the rumours? (And where from if I may ask?)

    Forums, youtube channels, whatsapp chats... that's why I talk just about rumours. There are a lot of hate against Ossiarchs like it happened with Slaanesh prenerf. A few comunities banned Slaanesh or Ossiarchs, what it is sad (not in the comunity I am, luckily).


  16. 12 hours ago, The World Tree said:

    Yup, and in answer to the OP really Petrifex is obnoxious on two units - Mortek and Nagash. On everyone else it is strong but counterable.

    Yeah, but they are only OP in Petrifex. The problem aren't the units by themselves, it's the +1 to rend and save.


  17. 18 hours ago, Tizianolol said:

    guys but when you summon a new unit for free( for example slaanesh depravity points) if you are going for a minor victory,  opponent gain points for this unit? Like if he kill a 300 points summoned unit, it counts at the end of the battle too see who player killed more enemy points?thx!

    No. You don't earn points for killing summoned units (Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Legions, Flesh-Eaters...).


    • Like 1
  18. If the leak about the faq is correct, KO will get a very generous disscount in several units. Ironclad is in almost all lists and Gunhaulers are very Popular. If the new Gunhaupers will cost just 120 points, we will see more of them in the table for sure.


  19. Nagash is still quite resillient even if you have to choose between 5++ and 6++. Protection of Nagash has an issue. If they deals you damage and you don't save it or negate it, you must move the miniature and It's not always good, so you can't cast it all the time on him.

    Someone said we loose a 16% resilience without Deadless Minions, but it's less than that because it's a 16% of the unsaved wounds, so not a big deal. I know it's pretty cool that extra (or those) salvations, but I think it won't be a big problem for Ossiarch Bonereapers. I'm more worried about the rumors about Petrifex changes. I hope GW won't break the whole army.


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