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Everything posted by Tibus367

  1. The 1/3 chance of not teleportation was changed in the latest GHB2019. Now it is just a straight teleport without any roll (but no possibility to make a normal move after the teleport) Getting to the objectives first can be hard as Khorne are not known for their speed. Going first can be costly as it means I will not kill anyone my first turn, but his quick footed teleporting reptiles won't have any trouble getting the charge. "Look out, Sir" would not apply to my bloodthirster or my Daemon Prince (forgot to mention I have one of those too). With a 30" range he can make sure to keep his Bastilidon far back and make it difficult to get to. Killing the Bastilidon I found is pretty ineffective as it has a save of 3+, ignores all rend, and ignores half of all mortal wounds. In the time it takes me to kill it I probably could kill two or three of his other beasts. These ideas might help, but there has to be more. I hope the answer is not to abandon my whole army.
  2. Well myself and two friends have been playing for a while now. I play a mainly Daemons of Khorne army, while my two friends play Seraphon and Ironjawz. The Seraphon player almost always wins each time. Not sure what the rest of us are doing wrong but it is killing our little gaming group. The Ironjaws player rarely likes to play anymore, having learned from experience that he can't win. I keep trying from time to time hoping that I will finally find the key to countering the various tactics he employs to kill us. I'm kinda stubborn that way. So I have decided to throw my problem to the experts here in hopes that somebody might have the answer. I hope that I am not coming off as some whining loser. I just want to play knowing I have a fair chance of pulling off a victory. It's no fun loosing every time. The Seraphon uses a Slann Starmaster as their general using the "Great Remember" command trait and Incandescent Restricts artifact. So they can teleport around the board twice. They use this tactic to great effect. This ability is used to- Take objectives early in the game. Reinforce his control of those objectives each round. Teleport his most dangerous units against my weakest units. Teleport his most dangerous beasts in deep strikes after my strongest units move forward. Teleport swarms of cheap skinks to any heavily guarded territory to claim objectives. I just can't seem to get where I need to be fast enough as he jumps from one side of the board to the other controlling the battle. Now you might think that the fact that he has to stay 9' away when teleporting would give me a chance to counter some of this. That's where his Troglodon comes in with a +3' to charge allow him to get the charge more often than not after a teleport. He uses a Saurus Oldblood on a Carnosaur to shoot me at range after teleporting (along with the shooting attacks of the Troglodon), and tear through any weaker units it can get to and counter any of my stronger ones. To make matters worst he has a Bastiladon with a big anti demon death ray on it's back that will ensure that my strongest unit (usually my Wrath Bloodthirster) will be among the first to die. I have given up giving any artifacts to my strongest heroes knowing they won't have much of a chance to use them. He keeps that Slann way in the back, hidden, buffing his arming with a constellation and turning all his spells into summoning points, so I can expect that if I manage to kill his Troglodon, Carosaur, or Bastildon, they will be coming right back on round 3. And thanks to the teleportation I can expect them to be in the battle immediately. The only strategy that has worked even a little for me is to somehow kill the Slann before he can summon something with all those celestial points he has been saving. But that almost never happens as he will simply teleport away if I start getting close. From what I have read, Seraphon are considered one of the weaker armies right now. But from my own personal experience I have not seen how they can loose. So I am hoping that someone can help me unravel this mystery. Now I know that someone is going to ask what units I have available in my army to work with, so here is what I have available now. Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster 6 Bloodcrushers 30 Bloodletters Bloodsecrator 5 Fleshhounds Bloodthrone Karanak Skull Cannon Skullmaster 2 Slaughterpriests Skull Alter
  3. A friend and I decided to try the new options for Open Play using the Open Play Generator. The rules require players to put units wholly within 3" of their "arrival edge" which in my case 18" long. There is no way even a small force would fit in such a small area. Large models can hang off the edge but units with larger model counts can't all fit in the area. Am I reading this wrong?
  4. In a world full of demigods, demons, mad gods, undead, and talking trees all fighting for dominance, I love the idea of regular old humans fighting for their right to exist and make a difference but I just can't get behind the cannons and pantaloons of the free guild. I would love to have the knights in shining armor of Bretonnia if they brought them back.
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