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Captain Marius

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Everything posted by Captain Marius

  1. Hammerstrike!? Also those teeth could be a nurgle dude's belly, a new squig... or maybe a Lord Commander's Ur-Stardrake cos its been more than five minites since stormies got reinforced!
  2. I see those abilities as pretty much an auto take, in the same category as battle brew and ruler of the night, and id be happy to see them all nerfed. I hope they dont drop the ball like this with these new sets of abilities, it really winds me up having pages of rules that are never used because youd be stupid not to take the obvious stuff!
  3. Looks like compendium stuff is getting booted out of the book. From the fb post i infer that it will be updated and made available on free pdfs. I think this is a good move, as the old stuff is a bit of a millstone currently. Im not thrilled they dropped so many cool heroes/units/armies, but id prefer they make it a clean break so they can focus fully on the parts of the range theyre keeping, and new stuff of course!
  4. I would expect Stormcasts to be able to ally with literally every Order faction. The Order GA book made a point of showing how Stormcasts can be integrated into the other factions. Im fine with this, as its fluffy, and all those legacy armies will look much more setting-appropriate with a squad of golden dudes alongside them
  5. They basically made all those mini factions playable by using allies rules, solving the problem of having to spam the same couple of units. This also opens some great options for proper factions with limited ranges like fyreslayers, pestilens and ironjaws. This should allow for way more variety, which can only be a good thing!
  6. I am super excited for this but are they really gonna tease it for the better part of a month!? Cmon!
  7. I see this as vindication of 2 things for GW, namely their massive programme of community outreach in the past 18 months, but also their decision to wipe the slate clean with both wfb and 40k (moving past the end times in both cases). I am chuffed to bits to see the company back on track after a dismal decade, and i think the future is looking very bright for gw indeed!
  8. This is all good, i hope im not being naive but i see these repacks as gw showing they intend to keep these minis around, which hopefully will lead to more fluff (and rules) support down the line. Bring on the grot scuttlers!
  9. Sold, 2 of those and thats a great start to a fyreslayers force! Now just bulk up vulkites to 20 for 40 quid and the elites to 10 for 37.50 and itll be good game!
  10. The first GHB had points for updated Sylvaneth, Bonesplitterz and Beastclaws so we might get some hints of futire stuff this time round too!
  11. I am a big fan of the GA books too - in fact I prefer them to the Indexes gw have done for 40k which for the most part just feel like a bunch of numbers and repeated rules (albeit with a fair few great pics or photos). I find the GA books way more inspiring, where each warscroll has a photo and unique special rules. Would be neat if they republished them with GA allegiance abilities and points in the back and left the GHB for just the matched play rules and scenarios. More room for narrative and open scenarios then too!
  12. This is more like it! A good tease and some great deduction work, nice one guys!
  13. Ok Sigmar on Dracothion would be an auto buy for me, but the dragon is supposed to be a godbeast... mind you, peple buy warlord titans so i guess anything is possible!
  14. Hopefully its a big reboxing project for the factions getting allegiance abilities in the new GHB, plus Nurgle who should be in for a book after the 40k Death Guard and daemon releases.
  15. Finally a genuinely exciting bit of news! Will be buying this on release day, which i hope is soon! Now we just need some more battletomes and the next series of campaign books to start and AoS can pick up some momentum again! Also new models couldnt hurt!
  16. Ive been champing at the bit to see this weeks pre orders... and theyre bloomin bloodbowl teams! Gah, show us some aelves for sigmars sake!!
  17. Hmm does the PtG book suggest these rules wont be in the GHB anymore... i'm starting to think maybe itll turn into a matched play only resource? Similarly this could suggest theyre done with putting PtG in the battletomes - what id give to have those 10 pages in Blades of Khorne given over to more fluff! Ill be waiting for reviews on this, as I felt a bit burned by the Skirmish release, not least for seeing it all in the WD released 4 days ago when we'd already tried it, broken it and moved on two weeks prior! On a more positive note i do appreciate they keep trying these new things!
  18. Also Vandus doesnt have a Thundershield, what self-respecting lord-celestant would go to war without one!?
  19. I dont see any reason why Kharadrons would be more likely to ally with Fyreslayers than any other Order factions - both factions are described as being isolationist and mercantile to varying degrees. Dispossessed are more likely to ally with Freeguild or even something like the Eldritch Council than with KOs or FSs, at least according to the narrative presented in the Order GA book and settings like Hammerhal. I dont think GW are going to regroup factions according to race again - the recent Chaos books were just about grouping god-specific units together. This cemented the break up of the old Daemons, Warriors and even Beasts of Chaos factions. In light of this I think its more likely GW will refine how battleline works in relation to armies drawn from multiple factions, presumably in the RUMOURed to be soon to be released GHB2
  20. I see this as more of a problem with how battleline works. Its fine in principle but raises a ton of problems with many factions. I believe points should be sufficient to create the illusion of balance that matched play offers. My group has had fun trying out just using equal points with no other restrictions, then getting a triumph for each battleline unit you take up to the minimum amount usually required eg max 3 triumphs in 2k. Bit like command points in nu40k.
  21. Sweet! I pray this is a sign theyre gonna give Dispossessed (and Deathrattle whove also had a little repack) some much needed attention. I wonder if maybe the ghb2 will do allegiance abilities for a bunch of random factions in lieu of full battletomes...?
  22. Thats what i meant, theyre not literally the grey plastic sprues stuck in a new box!
  23. Pretty sure all the thunder and blood models are fresh casts, as theyre all red or gold plastic!
  24. On the full version of that art theres also some giant new beast thingies and unridden drone thingies which would both be new. Also Mortarion!
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