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Jefferson Skarsnik

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Posts posted by Jefferson Skarsnik

  1. Has anybody tried this for a whole unit, and if so how did you find storage/transport/gaming with it?

    I've done it with the test model in the picture but wasn't confident the spear tip would stay in place/fully upright when glued, so ended up doing some hacky green stuff work around the join that doesn't look great up close.

    Would just filing and plastic gluing it be OK long term once it sets? Would liquid green stuff be of any benefit in strengthening the join and closing any gap a bit? My other attempt was to sculpt a channel down the middle of the ring of green stuff surrounding the join and try to paint it like it's one of the pennants they have tied round the swords. Thoughts welcomed!





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  2. The Rumour Engine is actively annoying and mainly serves to show how terrible the streaky edge highlights on GW's house style for metallics look up close

    The Rumour Thread is de facto a rumours, news and general discussion thread, has been for years, and should be treated as such instead of exhorting people to "get back to rumours" which don't actually meaningfully exist for about half the year

    Whoever pitched Khorne having endless spells should have been summarily fired and possibly physically beaten

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  3. All they have really said is "we want you to be able to play with your old models", but it would be odd by that logic to somehow exclude from proxying in newer AOS sculpts that have obvious direct equivalents in warhammer  fantasy so it's probably fine. Which non-empire and empire-adjacent factions get any kind of updated rules and when is less clear though

    I also think the old models statement makes changing the base sizes unlikely as following that up with "but you will need to rebase all of those old models on to a slightly differently sized square bases" would be fairly sociopathic of GW, but we all saw the Radukar's court pricing so who knows lol

  4. Yeah I really liked being able to just say the general I have in my head rides x mount and carries a lance not a sword etc, it made it feel so much more like making your own thing, almost a role-playing, storytelling aspect, whereas AOS characters, for all the things that work about that system, feel a bit like selecting a preset character in a fighting game and just having some limited options to tinker with their play style

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  5. Are there now indications that this is set in ~2300 rather than what appeared from previously shown maps to be the earlier period of the time of three emperors then? Or would it be likely to have campaigns that jump around timelines with permitted/forbidden combinations of armies based on that, a bit like Middle Earth SBG?


    I'd quite like an Empire army to be able to have some black powder and a battle wizard tbh

  6. 3 hours ago, Dawnmane said:

    I love the game, but I don't really understand why it isn't made with pre-painted miniatures. Those minis are ridiculously detailed and modeled in such a way that you really need to do sub-assemblies to even put paint on everything (looking at you, Mr. Sinister), and there's a certain way you're expected to paint them... I just don't see a lot of joy in painting them for anyone but semi-pro instagram painter heroes. 

    I actually found the MCP stuff really fun to paint during lockdown as a sort of refreshing, no-pressure side project, think the fact that they're slightly bigger scale allowed me personally to be a bit more adventurous in approach and helped me be more confident with painting AOS stuff again after. Also the colour schemes are sort of naturally prescriptive yes, but the fact that you can use any model in the range you want to means you still get to jump around and use a variety of schemes, aesthetics and techniques if you want to. Never actually played the game


    On topic: I got excited when I saw a blood bowl high elf on the preview image, but it's just a made to order of the weirdly proportioned 90s team (which I'll probably buy who am I kidding)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

    That might be true.  For me, Kruelboyz don't elicit any reaction, so I am rather neutral ("What makes a man turn neutral ... Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?").  There are very nice, detailed models.  I kinda feel they don't fit current AoS aesthetically, but I also think that as more is added/refreshed that will probably be less the case as these models are the clearest example of the new GW style and a long ways away from 2000-2010s GW style.  Just the same, nothing in Dominion sparks anything in me.

    Which is fine (great really). I have a S2D and LRL which is plenty or armies for me.  Heck, I haven't even started collecting any Wave 2 Lumineth yet.  Point is, I know that not every faction is going to work for every person.  They don't have to.  They just have to work for enough people. I think the Kruelboyz do, and I am happy to see all manner of different factions/armies across the table from me.

    Yeah I feel you, those Dominion models are all technically good and I get why people are excited about them, but they just sparked absolutely no excitement/desire to spend £100 on the box in me whatsoever (possible small frisson of stabgrot-related excitement notwithstanding). I also do S2D and LRL so maybe there are Warhammer star signs you can use to confidently predict exactly who will like what

    God maybe they're already doing that at GW


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  8. There is an infamous Tolkien quote about his orcs being "flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes: in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types" which I guess was the progenitor of Warhammer's own conscious-or-otherwise adoption of that stereotype - interestingly Warhammer's regular non-Hob orcs and goblins pulled away from that kind of thing quite decisively I think?

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  9. Ranged units being able to shoot into melee opponents they're engaged with bugs the hell out of me, the idea that they would be able to switch between ranged weapons and hand to hand weapons on the fly while being attacked and actually be able to hit with the ranged weapons without penalty is so immersion breaking.

    Like "oh no, the archers we charged down are shooting us in their shooting phase! We are powerless to prevent this!"

    You should have to pick which one (ranged/melee) to use imo, and the ranged weapon should be at a penalty to hit unless it's a pistol or something else designed for close range blasting 😤

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  10. I mean these previews always have quite a lot of stalling and dead air, for an impatient type like me there's definitely something to be said for just looking at the rumour thread or the WarCom article after the fact and getting all the info in one go


    Being teased by a corporation is broadly quite a tedious experience imo

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  11. I feel like Slaves to Darkness was a not-great implementation of that kind of thing because everything is kind of silo'd in very narrow, prescriptive groupings of synergies, if there's a big diverse range of units I want to have some reasonable flexibility about combining them. It's a balance though because you don't want it to feel too visually incoherent or like a really cynical,  min-maxy combination of wildly disparate units for competitive advantage

    I think the unfortunate truth about why Fyreslayers in particular feel more soupable than other armies is that they're basically aesthetically (and probably commercially) a swing and a miss

  12. @adboyslim I've taken one in the TTS game I'm doing against Seraphon, (had 100 points left which I thought I might as well use on a Calligrave to cast Total Eclipse so I garrisoned him in that), but haven't got very far into the game yet, will report back if anything else interesting happens. When you say re-rolling one for sentinels are you talking about re-rolling the Power of Hysh spell with them or something? The warscroll says only heroes within 12" can use the re-roll ability

    Unrelated Lumineth noob questions if anyone can help:

    1) What are the Vanari/Scinari/Alarith/Hurakan Command Traits and artifacts on p 84-7 of the army book for? Because the Great Nation allegiances replace your general's command traits and artefact with nation-specific ones, is the only way to choose from the generic ones to either forgo choosing a great nation or taking a battalion so you get an extra artefact to give to a different hero?

    2) Aside from reducing number of drops, is there ever any benefit to taking multiple starshard ballistas as a single unit intead of just having each one as a separate unit? Seems like having a unit of 2-3 grouped together would just increase potential of damage overspill and reduce the number of times you can use blinding bolts in a battle (I know ballistas are less cost-effective than sentinels anyway, I just like the models and would rather have a variety of stuff to paint)

    3) Do Ellania and Ellathor only generate a command point for a general on a 4+ if they are allied into a non-Lumineth order army?

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