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Jefferson Skarsnik

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Posts posted by Jefferson Skarsnik

  1. If GW posted a rumour engine that was just straight up a space marine boltgun with a winged skull insignia on it, how long do you reckon it would take for someone to be like "OK, kind of stretching the steampunk thing to its limits, but digging this new Kharadron Overlords model they're teasing! "

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  2. 9 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    I mean you could ask, if ethnic minorities and women generally aren't interested in warhammer then why does it matter if the models aren't diverse

    What Warhammer is isn't immutable, and if a corporation that wants to make money sees that a large chunk of the people seemingly aren't interested in its product and responds by shrugging its shoulders and saying "I guess our core business is irrevocably unappealing to more than half of the population, so it goes", making no effort to interrogate why or do anything about it, it isn't functioning very effectively

    it matters for other reasons too but gonna take a punt that that's probably the way GW is looking at it, as nice as their pro-BLM statement was to read

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  3. Anecdotally in my local scene I see slightly more POC and women playing D&D, WFRP and other tabletop rpgs than I do tabletop GW miniatures games. I wonder if the blanker slate you get when you can create almost any character you can think of without being tied to an existing miniatures range partly accounts for the relative diversification of pen and paper player bases, whereas GW has lagged behind due to the large production lead-in and the large amount of established ranges that weren't really made with that stuff in mind.

    Also the barrier to entry is lower so you can pick and choose who you play with a bit more and dodge creeps/racists/gatekeepers more easily


  4. If people say they "only  hire the best people for the job" but they hire a disproportionately small number of women/non-white people from their populace, then they aren't hiring the best people for the job, they're just hiring the best men/white people for the job. Pointing out existing e.g racial inequalities doesn't artificially force race into the conversation, it acknowledges the racial issue that is plainly already there


    People similarly say "my hiring processes are based on merit alone, but black people aren't interested in applying in my company/industry!", and although this often turns out to be basically untrue anyway, it also is presented as if its evidence that there isn't a problem, when in fact if accepted on the face of it it is very clearly evidence there is a big problem

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  5. Nappy wearing dwarfs who burn magical gold into their own skin because they believe it to be the fragments of their shattered god: Yes. Good

    Elves who refashion themselves into the peak of mental acuity and martial perfection by using crystals to drain out their negative emotions, while using a particular class of magic user to torpedo the leftover bad emotion slurry at their enemies: great. Go on. Keep em comin

    Trans people: no


    • Thanks 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I don’t think it’s designed for the average hobbyist. Looking around, The cheapest I’ve seen it is £88 and that’s a bargain personally. If you think there’s around £80ish of Minatures in there, plus a limited edition book and cards and gubbins, it’s a nice start collecting set. I’m really tempted by it but I’m holding out for 40k as it looks a good set.


    It's 82.50 at Dark Sphere. FWIW I think it's transpired that there are no warscroll cards included, and their mention in the It's In The Box promo video was an error?

    I've been tempted but am mostly in the camp of not really needing something where the limited edition book and dice are inflating the price of it


  7. There are already politics in Warhammer and there always have been. Some of them suck, and some people like the OP have exercised their right as consumers to give feedback on a statement GW recently felt compelled to make, in this case pushing them to clarify what actual action will result from it. "Keep your politics out of my hobby" is as much of a political statement as the ones made in OP's letter.

    There will always be reactionary elements in fandom like Star Wars and Warhammer, and people aren't obliged to refrain from pushing for more representation just to avoid "creating rifts" with those kinds of people, who will frankly always find something to be outraged about anyway

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  8. God, that's filthy. It's like they crowdsourced the rules from starving, feral high elf fans. The early game rush to delete him with mortal wounds will be ridiculous, and people will have their days and possibly their overall enjoyment of the hobby absolutely ruined if he gets into combat. I'm into it.

    • Haha 6
  9. Co-sign on the Quest love, The Silver Tower was such a trove of brilliant, unique looking miniatures, it was pretty much what got me back into the hobby. I can't believe it cost me £75 and I'd be paying a quarter of that now just to get one more Darkoath Chieftain

    The Hammerhal version was good value for what you got but nothing in it was a unique sculpt.



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  10. 10 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    Do note that Aqua Ghyranis is far from ordinary water. For example, in Warcry "Flask of Aqua Ghyranis" is the strongest health restoration item in the game. As the name indicates it comes from the Realm of Life, and not just any random water from there either. It acts as a health potion, which gives it intrinsic value enough to make sense as a currency in a setting as diverse in AoS. Any simple material is liable to become extremely valuable or near-valueless based on where one is, but no matter where one is there are most assuredly things that can kill you. Being able to literally trade wealth for health would be appealing to almost anyone.

    Mechanically it also provides a built-in 'spend currency to heal' mechanic that makes sense in-universe and does not depend on a certain class, type of magic, or location to work. This largely eliminates the potential issue many RPGs run into where the group needs a healer to function properly.

    I wonder if it also encourages a streak of amoral Randian individualism in parties, "why should I heal you, you've got money haven't you? You were saving up for a new axe? Not my problem mate"

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