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Posts posted by Sigmarusvult

  1. I've enjoyed watching Rings of Power more than I thought I would, still when I looked into the story from the book afterward, I've realised there are many things that were unnecessary twisted in the show which could be the cause of trouble in the next season.

    If amazon is doing a series of 40K, I hope that  they have learned from their mistake and will respect the lore of 40k as much as possible. I also hope that, with Cavill behind the bar, we will  avoid another Witcher catastrophe. 

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  2. Lots of talk and rumours about the next GHB yet not a single hint from GW which is very surprising. The fact is, this is another book to buy, meaning  it is already going to be received negatively ish, therefore you would probably want to push hard on the 'create hype' button, yet all we got is silent for  a product that is supposed to be out next month max ? Isn't it strange ? Are we really getting a new GHB soon ? 

  3.  Skaven and Sylvaneth are a miss imo,  I feel you are better off buying two of the vanguard box,  especially for sylvaneth.

    KB and SCE seem okey, It would have been amazing for SCE to have a box full of dragons (lots of baby dragons with one of the big named one)

    NH : Good

    DoK : We get it, you have lots of Doom-fire warlocks to get rid of, still good way to start dok thanks to the chariot.

    GSG :  Third GSG battleforce with squigs, where spiders ?  Still, it's a good one.


  4. 20 hours ago, Skoll said:

    That last bit feels so whacky . It's always wild to me when people go "AoS is too complex" then jump into 40k with it's burgeoning rules bloat . To play 40k properly you have to know the core rules, your book rules, the basic CP book rules. A dozen CP rules from your own army for situational and bread and butter combos, then the what almost hundreds of possible CP usage combinations from the twenty something factions in addition to all their own gimmicky rules ?


    Boy does it feel weird when you learn to play the rulebook and half a dozen armies say "those rules don't apply to me"

    I think it's essentially due to the fact that, despite of the current state of 9th ed, their short escapade in AoS did not convince them it was worth the effort to learn a different game system and to invest the proper time and money they would need to enjoy it. They are aware that their favorite wargame will be fixed (perhaps) soon with the 10th ed, which is not far ahead now.

    Another observation is that the lore of AoS still feels very uninspiring for most 40k players (again I am only speaking from the perspective of the 40k players in my local club). Even the most- play for the stories- players among them still feel indifferent about AoS although they do enjoy watching mushrooms fighting sharks occasionally - they admit that AoS has a better  model range than 40k.

    Sadly I can't said that they are totally wrong about the lore of AoS. The realms are an unfinished project where there is no fixed map and identity (all have jungles, ice lands, desert, mountains,  they just behave differently... I guess ?). The last bit of lore that I found to be worth talking about was the duel between Nagash and Teclis, since then It's just been boring. Finally,  Kragnos and the Slaanesh twins still feel like a non event despite of all the hype GW built around them. 

    • Confused 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Sahrial said:

    We think it really all stems down to the lack of communication/rumors from GW to hype things up, the lack of minis and line expansion/updates, and magnified by a, frankly, bad GHB. Maybe people liked it, but it’s been really unpopular in our local meta. The game just needs more support and with all signs pointing to a big 40k year in 2023, they don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon, which makes me really sad.

    Same feeling at my local club, we were at least 10 people playing AoS consistently every week with the first ghb. Now, there is only myself and two other persons who are playing AoS occasionally. I have done  intro games with and without battletactics and in either cases the players felt it was too much to take in ( core rules + their army's rules)

    Even the PtG group who had lots of success is now deserted, which I did not expect. From the feedback that I've gathered, there are too few battle-plans, some armies had  just an auto-win or auto-lose based on who is the attacker or defender in a scenario (ala 1st ed of Warcry).  The "after sequence" you have to do after each game is too much "rules bloat" and territories are 'useless'.

    Ironically, there are a lot more AoS tournaments happening, however giving the current GHB rules and the nasty lists that are being  played, it's not going to attract fresh nor casual blood imo.

    Final observation from my local club, a lot of people who were unhappy with the  9th ed of 40k have tried AoS and are now back into playing 40k with the new codexes.  

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  6. 4 hours ago, Nezzhil said:



    I hope this is not another DoK warband because it would be silly to have more of the same thing, like another battletome for LrL and DoK or one more dual box with aelves vs (x) or... OKAY this is definitely another DoK Warband ! 😅

    • Like 1
  7. If all the AoS Previews could be as good  😍 I don't even play the game nor own LORT miniatures but this was quite enjoyable to watch,  the box sets are all tempting and they seem to be a great way to start Middle Earth.

  8. What was the point of revealing the Tzeentch vs LRL box so early ? What about  all the Warcry articles we had last week on warco ?  It has built lot of hype yet now we have to wait for at least another three weeks before we get one of these two box set😕

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    There have been some wild rumours on 4chan about ghb changes. Bear in mind 4chan faked the gossamid warscroll, but these do seem to have some confirmation from other sources now (users in AoS coach discord).

    * All battleline infantry under 4 wounds can fight in 2 ranks 
    * one drop still exists 

    * One new battalion gives infantry + battleline + <5 wounds count as 3 for scoring (Veteran)

    * One new battalion gives infantry +1 damage vs units in the above battalion (bounty Hunter) (melee only)

    * All battle tactics are replaced, much harder, no easy wins (like monstrous takeover) 

    * Player going second r3 picks an objective and can only be contested by infantry CORRECTION It's every battle round you pick an objective. But the same one can't be picked more than once in a game


  10. 2 hours ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

    Raw 5 sentinels will do even less, but lets go ahead and jump to conclusions!

    I'm not sure why you think comparing crossboos to sentinels will make them better,  but sure, at least do it properly.

    Sentinels come in unit of 10, do MW on 6+, up to 5+ with Power Hysh (it's on their warscroll),  they also ignore line of sight and have two missile options  (one from 30" another from 18")- if they are firing from the same range than crossboos, then sentinels will use aimed shot. 


    5 Crossboos Raw,  range of 12", 11 Attacks (+1 Attack for the champion) + All out Attack = Average  2.444 wounds against a 4+ save.

    10 Sentinels Raw, range of 18" (aimed shot), 9 Attacks + All out attack, + Power of Hysh = 1.500 wounds + 3.0 MW 

    Facts are facts, let's just hope they get sth in the book that makes them useful.

    • Confused 1
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