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Posts posted by Sigmarusvult

  1. 52 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    Some of those tactics are impossible to achieve for a few factions. Having tactics that are literally unscorable is a huge disadvantage.

    While Matched Play is supposed to be the most fair way to play AoS,  the balance between battle tactics within both seasons and battletomes has been terrible for the whole edition. I feel bad for someone who decided to start AoS with SoB, I really hope this won’t happen again in v4.

    • Like 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Watching the 40k stream made me realise how much of an AoS guy I am now. I used to play both 40k and fantasy.

    Same, I’ve  literally shrugged when I watched the box reveal. 40k doesn’t inspired me anymore ( it did when I was a kid) I am definitely a fantasy bro now. 

    • Like 7
  3. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    4+ army-wide rally on KO of all armies. Kinda seems out of place.

    I really wonder how bonkers OBR and Soulblight regeneration will get when they get their updates. Will SBGL go back to basically healing SUMMONABLE units for free and resurrecting whole units for a command point like Legions of Nagash?

    At least rally would make sense in a death in army. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, EonChao said:

    I think we're fairly certain it's Soulblight not FEC in Spring as FEC are rumoured to get more than a single model and that doesn't fit into the current expected release windows. Could be wrong though if it's just getting a character and a single unit like Gloomspite did.

    Also, we have already seen pictures on the internet of boxes for the current Soulblight and OBR range with the 3rd ed design and colour palette. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Some of this people can't see a fixe'd or confronted unique roll as a good thing. Meanwhile, we have a vast number of new skirmish and wargames that already have fixe'd stats or one roll to attack and one for defence (or both)  some of them made by people like Cavatore himself. OUCH!

    Rolling only once to damage and then having your opponent roll the save is a system  I support wholeheartedly just for the sake of saving a huge amount of times by speeding up the resolve of multiple combat. However, such system would require to change the stats on many warscrolls in order to keep the desired damage output from units similar to what it is currently.

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  6. I play Gargant so here are my two cents:

    Warstomper are good against horde, you have none, still they have a lot of attacks. Gatebreakers deal the most damage but they hit on 4+.

     Be particularly careful about the gatebreakers with the totem (he can run and charge) also his sub faction means that he can make one of his gate breakers  charge 3d6 for one cp so take this into consideration when you deploy your army, also all megas move ten inches.

    You have many units, take advantage of this, make sure he can’t reach them all in one spot, force him to split his gargant and focus your helpit on one gargant  at a time. Be watchful of his duplex monstrous action though.

    (it is a monstrous action specific to mega gargant, it works only against monster: on a 3+ he get to reposition  your monster at half a inch from the mega performing the monstrous action, it also deal d3 mw, the negative part for him is that if he either successfully roll a 3+ or fail,  his mega suffer -1 to hit, which is a big debuf for megas)

    Anything  that debuff his  hit or wound rolls is a must for you because that change their stats drastically.

    Mega gargants  might look scary but they are super swingy and are terrible on battle tactics, especially with the new season.

    I would also use the Gnawhole to teleport  units in his backyard, remember that even if he smashed a gnawhole, you can still teleport to it but not from it ( smashing a terrain only remove the warscroll abilities, not the battle trait)  and force him to waste one of his gargant to keep his home objectives 

    Megas have big base, take advantage of it to block him with terrains ( smash to rubble doesn’t remove terrains) but remember that megas can move over your non monster units when  they do a normal move, a run and retreat as long as they  can finish their move more than 3” away from your units.

  7. There have been a couple of rumours mentioned today, please take it with a hand full of salt:

    The first one is from Twitter, a TO was told that the priority roll will be gone in the summer ghb.

    Now this rumour doesn’t say anything else so it could be for a specific turn only or under certain circumstances, no one knows for sure yet it has already sparked a lot of reaction on the internet.

    The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only. 


  8. 59 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    the game was not based on buffing / debuffing dynamic and aura effects, which are prevalent in AoS. In WFB, stat modifiers were passive (e.g. two-handed weapon = +2 strength and strike-last effect) and there was no need to constantly track changing modifiers.

    It is interesting to see how modifiers have become a key features of the game to the point where tokens have become essential to keep track of them all.

     If most modifiers do buff/debuff the basic elements of the game ( +/- x to hit, wound, run, charge…) and as long as everyone can get access to them- they are then easier to balance and keep the game somehow simpler.

    It also helps that the core rules limit the stacking of modifiers : Modifiers can be a nice buff or debuff tool but they don’t break the stats expected from a unit at a given point cost.

    What worries me with modifiers is the fact that there are now ways to bypass the limitation of stacking to the point where it doesn’t feel like a dice game anymore but rather a « just don’t roll 1s » (looking at you dok)

  9. 9 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Wish they did a casuals/ open play book too or at least an update to those game modes that seems to get forgotten every edition. More fun battleplans and ideas to set up tables for single games and not only campaigns would.be nice to have.

     Thondia has some good battleplans without objective to cap nor battle-tactics, the only negative is that some of them involve to play an incarnate of Ghur but my buddy and I used man-crushers instead and it was a lot of fun.

    I think, at this stage, it is down to us to make the game better for the people who don't necessary have the time to commit to tournaments or play often. 

    I had a game recently  where we didn't use bataillon nor battle tactics, we just picked a battle plan from the ghb with a single objective in the middle which then split in two from turn 3. We had a great time and the game didn't feel unbalance, we actually enjoyed it more than a "normal game" because we took the time to savor the rules and  playstyles of our armies instead of racing for the points.

    • Like 4
  10. It seems that, with the right base size, you could stop unleash hell with the rules from the next ghb . Do you think it was intentional from the designer team ?

    Not sure how I am feeling about rules that break the core rules, I have the impression that there a lot of them now and it didn’t do well  for the game in the previous edition.


  11. It seems that Vincent from Warhammer Weekly guessed it right then.

    He said that a new bt for SBGL in spring would make more sense to him because both OBR and SBGL only need a book. They can easily be squeezed among all the releases in Spring while FeC are probably getting lots more than a book, later in the year.

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