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Posts posted by Sigmarusvult

  1. 12 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:


    And Daemonettes still have their smaller base meaning they will have a lot more models in combat. Considering their warscroll plus the new fiends warscroll I have difficulty seeing how this box will be balanced for khorne. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Malin said:

    I am totally surprised no-one discuss changed warscrolls for daemons of Khorne and Slaanesh shown on twitch today.

    Letters got nerfed, fiends got boosted, flesh hounds got leader, there are rules for new herald floating around. Battalions from the box will get matched play points.

    Yep it's kind of depressing for khorne, especially because I have just finished  painting 30 bloodletters 😂. An unmodified hit roll of 6 was expected but we could have imagined they would have something new on their warscroll to compensate ... Skullreapers may be the way to  go now. Flesh Hounds are okey/meh-they still don't have rend- while the missile weapon from their leader make me wonder why  gw did bother giving them a leader. Slaanesh got some love which is really good news (the fiends are amazing.). 

  3. Thank you for your help,  I have no idea in which direction I want to take this army yet  but I am glad to hear there is nothing unuseful in that box and as you did summerise it offers a lot of options which means I could try various lists until I  find out what I like to run most. I think I am going to give it a go with a couple of doomfire (Love the models!). Cheers.

  4. I have have started DoK with two boxes of Blood Coven and  one  box of witch aelves. My current army consist of Bloodwrack Shrine + Cauldron of Blood + unit of 20  WA + unit of 10 WA and  all the extra heroes from both chariots.

     The new battleforce box seems to be of great value, however considering what I already have I wonder if it is the best way to take my collection further.  What do you guys think ? 

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