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Posts posted by Televiper11

  1. 2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Not gonna lie, it was an uphill battle when I fought FEC recently.   But that was at 2K points.  Those friggin Terrorgheists are just straight up OP!  Definitely try to position well to stay out of his charge range, but able to get into shooting range and unload on that thing.  I think it can strike in the hero phase too somehow, so watch out.

    Think of it perhaps as more of a mutation, like when Morghur floats by to transform us into another form of being....like spawn with guns?

    Thankfully at 1K, I shouldn't see more than one, right?

  2. Rolling out a 1K list vs FEC tomorrow:

    Bull Centaur Taur'ruk (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Grotesque
    - Artefact: Armour of Bazherak the Cruel
    Daemonsmith (100)
    - Darkforged Weapon
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160)
    - Runestaff
    10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100)
    10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100)
    Magma Cannon (140)
    Magma Cannon (140)
    Extra Command Point (50)
    Emerald Lifeswarm (50)

    Total: 1000 
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 49

  3. Just now, Veles said:

    I honestly have no agenda… I want community to be inclusive and welcoming, but it is not the same as changing the models/hobby to “represent” for the sake of representation. For example – I really enjoy new DoK faction in AoS. It is predominantly female army with one of my favorite female characters from the Old World. Objectively there is no need for female orks, dwarfs etc... aside from “hidden agendas”.       

    Your response makes no sense. If you think GW has an agenda with the representation of their models and you oppose that agenda, well, by default, you have an agenda of your own. Otherwise, you wouldn't draw attention to your opposition. Lack of representation is unwelcoming, full-stop. There have been many psychology studies that bear that out. 

    Objectively speaking, there is a need for female dwarfs as they've existed in the lore from the get-go.

  4. Now the square base tease makes sense. My take-away is they will go with squares for this to ensure those of us on rounds have to either a) rebase (and make them a little money selling bases) or b) buy our armies again on squares (making them a lot of money).

    Glad I kept my Swifthawk Agents. Sad I invested heavily in Cities of Sigmar and this announcement pretty much ensures most of those models will port over in three years time and no longer be part of AoS.

  5. I prefer physical. I got into this hobby to get away from screens. At the last tournament I played in, one of my opponents was texting throughout the game. It felt disrespectful. I don't mind someone using a phone or iPad to look up a rule or warscroll, I've done it myself. But the more tech that appears on the table, the more disruptive to the game that tech tends to be.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Jaxler said:

    The problem is I dont own nagash. I have 30 hex wraiths, 30 black knights. 30 grimghssts. 120 skeletons. 10 wolves. 4 necromancers, 6 spirit hosts. 40 chain rasps. 2 Mortis engines. I've also got a vampire lord and a vampire lord on dragon. I also own arkhan


    Should I really get nagash? 

    You should be able to do it with those units.

  7. 1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

    So where are the general thoughts on the Cities update? I'm so very close to considering a dispossessed Hammerhall list, but I need more info. For example, would a squad of 30 hammerers be good? or is it too much? And who is generally the best for runelord buffs?

    Cities is awesome for Dispo! 30 Hammerers would be great and take to the Runelord buffs like a fish-to-water. 

    For example, I ran Warden King-Runelord-10xHammerers in my 1K Tempest Eye list. I had the Warden King use his Ancestral Grudge ability on a unit of Bloodcrushers. Then Runelord Forgefire prayer on Hammerers.  Then spent a CP on All-Out Attack. The Hammerers proceeded to do 6MW + 17 dmg, killing the Bloodcrusher unit. Awesome. 

    Tempest Eye or Hammerhal are both good choices for Dispo. With TE, the extra mvt is handy. With HH, the extra CP will turn those Hammerers into killing machines.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Thank you very much!  It was a bunch of fun to build and use.   The first game I just tanked some dice rolls turn 1.  I've taken out Mawkrushas before with relative ease but the dice were cold and tired in the morning.  I could have taken him I think except for the swinginess of random Magma and Skullcracker attacks.

    The second game I lost because of poor deployment and moving away from the objectives at all.  Shoulda played for the draw, killed everything that he outflanked on me, then hoped for a fast push forward in the last 2 or 3 turns.

    Not sure how to deal with FEC and those 2 Terrorgheists.  They are deathdealers, super fast, super tough.  Guess I should have had the same tactics, playing for the draw and hoping to push forward.

    Lost against Stormcast mainly because of Escalation (not good mission for a bunch of behemoths and artillery!) and also I have so many drops with this army.  He went first and ran up on the objectives to score them early.  

    Many drops hurts bad sometimes.  I think more bodies is definitely good, but also we need more speed and flight, thus K'daai are a good unit to have.  Some allied wizardry too.  Gotta keep practicing!

    Sounds like you are taking the right lessons from your losses. Def ally in a Chaos Sorcerer Lord (or two) to buff those K'daai.

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