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Posts posted by Lucur

  1. 39 minutes ago, Iteken said:

    To put this in context - is it a LRL nerf, or is everything becoming more expensive to account for 3.0's new stuff ?
    As a baseline, what's happening to Stormcast, and Vamps ?

    General move seems to be 10-15 % increase with some units well above and a few below those values (e.g. Liberators 90-> 95, Wardems 120->145).

  2. My reasoning to run 6 was a) stacking buffs and b) enough average MW to snipe a character while attacking another close unit. The former isn't that different, you get more out of your CP, casts and prayers. The latter is probably gone, if most heroes go to 6+ wounds. Also depends on points ofc.

  3. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    I am quite concerned for the cats as a fragile melee unit Vs unleash hell. I would still value the lantern (or mystic shield) in this sense as you cannot use the strat for +1 save against unleash hell (since it happens in the charge phase)

    I thought it triggered when a unit is targeted with an attack, which unleash hell should fulfil? Interesting interaction to check, if that is the case, you're totally right.

    On second thought, this might be yet a better argument for complementig the cats with deepstrike chargers and/or Palladors, if the latter charge the shooters first, hell can't be unleashed on the cats.

  4. With what we have so far and Dominion on the horizon i want to throw some ideas around how to use dracolines going forward. My preferred style (deathstar with all the buffs) is not necessary anymore: Lord Arcanum with prode leader was always hard to get on a large unit and we get all out attack through the prime anyways. Chrono cogs no longer reroll saves, so those are out. Castellant lantern (if it stays how it is) is still solid but could be replaced with the strat, because the old man is slower than the cats. At the end of the day Kittycators seem self sufficient, except for a Heraldor (IF that stays the same). With all that flexibility, what do we add to support everyone's favorite thundercats?

    My thoughts are: a unit or two of Annihilators plus Lord Important to pose a deepstrike threat and ****** opponent's pile in. Some Palladors to sneak objectives that don't justify pulling the cats away, as they are the killy part. The rest of the list would be shooting (Judicators/ Raptors, ballistas we'll have to see how the Lordinator turns out) and some speedbumps (aetherwings, Liberators, gryphhounds if cheap).

    With what the new strats do and the Dracolines casting empower on themselves i see no need for caster support, unless we get some gems in new spell lores.

    The new Vindictors seem like a strong, self-sufficient pick, too, but are quite pricey at 140/5, so not sure if those fit.

    So, what are your thoughts on old cats in new clothes?

  5. 4 hours ago, armisael said:

    What do you thing of new army forging? Will it effect to SCE much? What I can think of is that no more Longstrike x9

    Besides anvilstrike and 30 liberator stormkeep lists, no. With more CP 2x6 longstrikes could be just as viable and i've personally never seen more than 15 libs on one table. My poor 30 Sequitors though :D

  6. 1 hour ago, jeanfluflu said:

    we'll see how it goes, these type of command abilities are always more powerful when they are used on a big blob rather than on a small unit.

    Maybe there will be limitations for shooting units (max 10 per unit for example) same for raptors (max 6 per unit).

    This is probably a good way to mitigate the power level of such army builds but we'll see how they went for this one.

    That could be circumvented by generating/ recovering extra cp, though. That's what dominated early 8th ed 40k, the so called cp-farm. Whether that will be possible depends on 3rd ed rule set of course.

  7. To me, Annihilator value will depend on the points cost (compared to what all the new points costs will be, considering we get the ghb along with the rulebook). If they are cheap enough that the loss of a small unit is acceptable, they will find play at least as a distraction. A unit of three poses enough of a threat to justify some screening for shooty units or support heroes. If you get a credible threat in your opponent's face they will have to screen multiple angles or not spread out to control the board. If the annihilators are too expensive for that they'll be gavbomb 1.1 which is fun for a bit and not per se bad, but not top tier.

  8. I feel ya, i had the same issues at the beginning of 2nd, when SCE were arguably more powerful than most armies, of winning a few to many games and then suffering for it for the rest of time. I hate it when people wipe my army by turn 3 and still explain to me which of my units are op in which way :D

    • Sad 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Malchior said:

    How likely is it that the lore will get more positive for the Stormcast Eternals? I do love them but they seem to get their teeth kicked in all the time. I'd hate to see them become a punching bag for other factions.

    I think we already are AoSs Avatar of Khaine. Superpowerful in the lore, but only there to die to prove someone else is even more badass.

  10. Desolators have the added advantage of wounds per points, they might decline in damage, but they can soak up more. Pure damage per points Concussors win, even against Fulminators on the charge (against 4+ that is, Fulminators are also tankier v shooting). It's actually nicely balanced for a change 😄

  11. 8 hours ago, Killamike said:

    Your wrong and Joseph is right.  

    The biggest aos tournies are 200 people.  

    You don't become a billion dollar company by selling models to 200 people each country. 

    I guess that's a bit oversimplified. There's also a lot of peopke that aspire to competitive play but can't get tourneys in due to other reasons. My local 40k group is pretty much like this. I think most people focus on relaxed beer and brezel hammer, but there's certainly overlap and large regional differences.

  12. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    apart from being "a bit much" in terms of indignation compared to the original post (which was basically a sad laugh over Decimators) your pushback also has the same risk of being "half baked": maybe these things WILL be over the top and over powered once we have the full picture ;) (I mean, just today we discovered that their terrain piece gives them 10 free CPs) I mean, it has happened for real in the past, it can happen again

    That's hyperbole for ya :P

    I also didn't say it won't be overly strong, just that we don't know yet (or didn't know at that point, yeah the shrine seems a bit much). Okay maybe i was a bit too over the top in my choice of words.

    Still my point is, i get mad when people tell me how evocators are op while they stomp my army. Not because their book is better, i play warhammer for long enough to know that rules and powerlevel rise and fall. It's the entitlement that annoys me. And from there i don't get how we as SCE players, who suffer from that behavior since day 1 of AoS, turn around and point the same finger at others. Maybe i get old or have a sentimental phase...

  13. 19 hours ago, jhamslam said:

    Lmao LRL just got a unit that either auto hits and wounds on 2s for -1 1 damage

    or  acts as Stormcast Decimators with Mortal wounds on 5+

    And battleline

    That's the same inflated BS we had/ have to endure regarding Evocators and how Sequitors are so op and omg Longstrikes and lalalala. Don't you realize you use the same bigotry you so despise when someone else does it regarding YOUR army? Plus half your arguments are halfbaked at best, we don't know if they are BL, we don't know their points, we don't know if they get sunmetal at all (and for 5+ they have to cast and not be unbound).

    I'm not a mod and have no authority over what and how you write, but please revise that stuff and take a breath and think what you'd think if it hit your army.

    PS: No, i don't even play LRL :P

  14. 9 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    I saw it reported a while ago, that under the conditions of EU membership, the UK weren’t even allowed to work out trade agreements until they’d actually left the EU. If that’s true then it certainly complicated everything for them

    Considering the UK left the EU in January 2020 but  kept acces to the EU market until 2021 i can't imagine that is a correct statement. And while EU membership doesn't allow individual bilateral trade agreements while having access to the market, preparations and negotiations for such agreements are not restricted by EU mebership. They just can't take effect before leaving.  Customs facilities on the borders UK side are on the other hand still not properly built/ equpped today. Go figure how bad the EU treats the poor brits...

    Politics aside, a lot of GW products are produced in china, be it a part of brexit or not i'd guess local differences in pandemic management would set up international delivery. Add to that that GW facilities were affected by lockdowns during the last year, just a month of hickups is actually a pretty good showing.

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