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Posts posted by Neffelo

  1. 2 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    I seriously doubt a mechanic for Goblins would ever be designed with the idea of being "fair" - goblins just don't understand the concept.  I'm sure there is something else in the book to balance out these sorts of abilities - such as having an army comprised heavily of goblins...

    I believe the mechanic was detailed on stream earlier, that once per Gloomspite phase you pick an enemy unit and roll a die. If the number is less than the number of models in the unit it takes D3 mortal wounds. Someone posted a screenshot in the panic thread in News and Rumors I think. 

    That seems pretty fair and balanced. It can't really snipe heros, and will only be really effective on units greater than 5. I think that's a nice little bonus, with the main focus being on the moon affecting your units. 

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    1 hour ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Yeah Mollog is supposed to be a wizard, that's what I was thinking maybe the wizards are smaller but smarter? Unless the Dankhold Trogboss is also a wizard, then that throws that idea right out of the window and he could just be a younger dankhold troggoth or just a really short one.

    GW mentioned that the Dankhold will have several options that will be shown soon, I would not be surprised if one of them is a Wizard.

  3. 4 minutes ago, CaptainSoup said:


    Why not instead of focusing just in the Grims, why not lower of the costs of Nighthaunt across the board? A major reason why Grims are so good is because the rest of NH pale in comparison points wise. This might be a perfect opportunity to fix a lot of issues with NH in one go just by adjusting points everywhere and leave the grims as is or a slight points increase.

    As for the gravesites, having only one gravesite makes them incredibility less useful. A single gravesite would have a very limited range, make the GHoN command ability near worthless, and the cost for denial by your opponent makes its dead simple. I would level with you and if gravesites are really ruining your games then bring them down to 2-3 gravesites or make them special terrain that can be destroyed by terrain-destroying army abilities.

    The thing is, I don't think most of the Nighthaunt units are really that overcosted. If anything, I think most of the units are fairly well balanced in the tome. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part I think most units are pretty appropriately-costed. 

    It's really not about gravesites ruining my  games, LON are just objectively too powerful right now. The two main reasons are Nagash and Gravesites. These both need to be nerfed in someway, and going down to 1 gravesite is probably a bit much.  Perhaps going down to 2 would be fair enough, as powerful as it is currently. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, knightish said:

    You are better at math than I lol. 
    So yeah a 60point jump, that is hard to pill.
    Especially for people running 3 units.

    I am hoping the nerfs are more aimed at LoN, and the Grims don't get hit as collateral damage.  The problem is the gravesites, not the Grims themselves, IMO. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Espy85 said:

    I played LoN for a long time, but as soon as the Nighthaunts were put on the market I left everything to start collecting them, I love this army, I'm not going to abandon it, but I can not deny that it has gaps, I think the problem is that the game designers did not have a clear idea of what he would do on the field, the limitations to the wounds recovered and the difficulty in having the second save are due to the fact that the developers feared the impact of the ethereal rule, which unfortunately then in the field it proves sufficient to be able to conduct a war of attrition. The 10+ to get Wave of Terror is another example of the fact that the designers had no idea of the impact that this rule has for us, some units such as chainghast or bladegheist and dreadscythe, can not absolutely withstand the adversary saturation, or the spam of mortals that Nagash and Tzeentch spit out, so it is vital for us that such units, once taken to the field, manage not only to assault, but also to get the bonus of wave of terror, that's why I said before that units like the bladegheist and the dreadscythe need 3d6 to load, like the Morghast. I do not say to do it for the whole army, but only for the two units I mentioned. I do not think this would have broken the game.
    That said, the way to make it work is, I recently defeated the DoK in their best form (60 witches, 30 slaughterers and two cauldrons) and without deploying the reapers, but it all depends on how many 10+ you can do in charge, winning or losing for us depends only on that, and I do not find it right. Because it took very little to make a good book, not overpower, but only good. Meanwhile, maybe Sunday game against Tzeentch, and it makes me more afraid of DoK.

    I agree with almost everything said. I agree that we have several flaws, that prevent us from becoming a great book. Several very minor adjustments that and small touches that would have turned a good book into a great book.  I do hope they make some of these adjustments in the future, like TGG and you mention, but in the meantime, I think we are in a good spot. The main problem is we have a few tomes that are well above the standard, that need to be brought down into the fold. 

    Tzeentch in my opinion is one of the harder matchups, as Nighthaunt. I play Tzeentch and the amount of mortal wounds I can output is pretty staggering. Mass Mortal wounds is also a pretty big weakness to Nighthaunt, and Tzeentch can also snipe our characters pretty effectively too. 

    That being said, Good luck! I look forward to your after action report.

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  6. 45 minutes ago, Future said:

    @Tropical Ghost General Playing 500 point night haunt game tonight. Wife is going to learn the game with the dinos and we are doing a 2v2.

    Was talking to my buddy about nighthaunt and he is of the impression that mostly whats holding the nighthaunt down are the 2018 scenarios. How do you feel about that. I know you do a really deep analysis of lists and units about once per page and a lot of what you say is deeper than just the objectives suck, but do you think it compounds the problem?

    Good luck, I've played a few 500 point games, and it's really rough on Nighthaunt. We need a lot of support for our lists to work and we just don't have it available at that point level.   2v2 should help make that a bit easier.


    My opinion for what is holding Nighthaunt  back contrary to to popular belief, I don't think Night haunt is in a bad spot. That being said, it's going to be ease of use and complexity compared to a lot of the other armies. It's a lot easier when you have an automatic chart ala DoK or Deepkin that gives your entire army a massive buff or the ability to bring back entire slain units compared to making sure you have all the right bubbles,  your heros are staying alive, making the right deployment/reserve choices.  In other words, Nighthaunt is a lot less forgiving, and this learning curve can turn a lot of people off of the army. 


    I can totally understand it. It's much easier, and forgiving on the tabletop if you are playing LoN and then bringing back whole entire units of Grimghasts, for very little trade off. 


    4 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    Agree, but it's about new books vs old with most of the really bad factions. As the inevitable power creep happens as well, it's not great to have a new book that isn't the hot stuff out the gate. 


    To be fair on this, I do think there was some serious power creep with Deepkin and DoK. I don't really think new books should be aimed that level, but instead those two need to be brought down. LoN has a host of things that need to be addressed, but I feel like all of these just need some light touches in the right place. 

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    We have had a few good results I agree, but if you look at the overall data from all the tournaments since 2.0, and it's not great tbh. I love the spooks, but I'm also realistic with the data that comes from these events. 

    It's also one of the new player armies, as well as being a bit more difficult to play well, due to the complexity, compared to say deepkin or dok.  These are both pretty big factors as well.  

  8. 2 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    OK. So latest tournament news for those who are interested.

    The Blood & Glory GT results are in. 166 players took part, 8 were bedsheet generals. 5 games over 2 days. 

    Placings were 60th, 74th, 92nd, 104th, 113th, 127th, 147th & 163rd. Meta attendance of 4.8% and a win rate of 40%.

    Well done to those that took part and a shame that no one could get a 4-1 or 5-0, but as I've said on other posts, we are a mid tier army with a weak book.

    Also it turns out that my friend who absolutely smashed by death stalkers list came 24th out if 166. Others in my group came 28th, 32nd and 48th. I think it's fair to say I have a mildly competitive local meta ?

    So, I get that we didn't do well this tournament, but placing top 3 in several recent tournaments does not indicate weak book or mid tier to me. Let's also take into account that the lists were vairied as well in these placings.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    OK Team. Had 2 games today with my death stalkers list. In both games my dice were horrendous, literally the worse they've been for a long time. 

    Game 1 against Tzeentch. Won on VPs, 14-6. But definitely lost on model count. In one magic phase alone I suffered 30 mortal wounds, 25 of which I couldn't save due to heroes being sniped and not having any heroes in range for death saves. 20 of those mortal wounds were against a 30 unit of grims, the rest ran to battleshock. Summary: We are really weak to mortal wound bombardment. 

    Game 2 against FEC monster mash. Lost horrendously 0-31. Opponent had 2 terrorgheist ghoul kings, a zombie dragon ghoul king and Arkhan. His general had doppelganger. First turn, 30 grims made a 12" charge on a soul marked zombie dragon and killed it dead. Next turn the 30 grims were killed with Curse of Years ?. Lost priority in every turn and it went downhill very quickly from there, especially when he summoned in lots of extra stuff as well. Summary: Against multiple big wound monsters with special relics allied with a super strong magic combo with a load of summoning, we suck serious plums. Nothing I could do did anything. Chatting with my opponent afterwards, both agreed that I did everything right to try and tackle the monsters, just lack the significant punch to do it, even with 2 x 30 grims ?

    Overall Summary: Discovered a new found super weakness to mortal wounds and confirmed my thoughts that we have no real counter to monster mash lists, strong magic or summoning spam. Also my pure horse/death riders list would have been even worse against what I faced today. Definitely need to go back to the drawing board with list building. On a positive note, running both the standard and anniversary GoS together was a winning combo (well on one game at least) . 

    Sorry to hear about your games!

    In regards to dealing with Magic, That may be why we've seen a few top lists with Myrmourn Banshees. They are pretty good witha  +2 dispel for 8 of them. 

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