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Posts posted by HammerOfSigmar

  1. The problem is not only about points.....From leaked source, the 19 GHB  leave many things unchanged, the new battleplan is just somewhat a modification version from 18 GHB, many big issue did not get fixed or clarified, the allegiance ability for many fractions did not changed at all.....Compared with CA2019 for 40k, it is really really little changes that I cannot believe they really put much effort into it.......Therefore it is very disappointing.... 

    I have pre-ordered it anyway, hope there is still unleaked work.....

  2. 6 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    There is some interview with Jervis and Sam Pearson that people are talking about where they said there is no limitation on summoning in meeting engagement because shorter game length means not as much opportunity to summon.


    They just ignore that FEC can summon everything in turn 1 with their terrain?

  3. 49 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    The Keyword is basicly Fieldcontrol:

    If you cover enough room of the unit that can summon stuff, the unit can't be placed. After most summoned units have to be places outside 9" you can deny room completly if they have to be placed in range of a summoner or at least keypoints can be blogs, that the placed unit is less effective in its position if we have a 30x40" or 36x48"  map a single 25mm Base model denies in that case about 19" diameter. if it is places in 9" to the board edge. (so that single model is basicly blocking 16 - 23% of the board for summoning.

    Well, since in the meeting engagement, we have very limited unit in the first turn, I am not sure wether it is possible to just cover the board as we desired, for example, I play SCE, I cannot figure out a way to cover the board to prevent FEC from summoning ghouls. Besides, you opponent can also move his unit to block your movement and prevent you from supressing his summoning space. I will try in the next few months. Still, thanks for your advice.

  4. I highly doubt that, from the leaked content, GW is not doing anything to limit summoning. Summoning is not balanced even in 2000, they claim to added the summoning unit points into the summoner unit but that's not the case, at less for some of the infamous unit like archregeant. I saw one video playing the meeting engagement, I don't see how the summoned unit will be blocked because of small map. Hence, I really concern this issue. 

  5. From the leaked content, I don't see GW do anything to limit summoning for meeting engagement. That will probably become a very big issue.....

    Like resulting in 1500 or even 2000 vs 1000, rather than what it claims to be(1000 vs 1000).....

    This might be even more unbalanced than 2000 games.....

    Although GW design it as a matched play, I hope it will be not be that ironic......

  6. 19 minutes ago, Qrow said:

     You touched on one of the issues that confuses me, a 200 point unit able to summon a 170+ point unit is ridiculous. Even if you take into account buying a command point to use that ability, that still leaves the archregent as a 80 point model. I think they planned to nerf the summoning ability by limiting you to one purchaseable command point, but that simply means they will have to wait 1 or 2 turns to complete all of their summons.


    I feel underwhelmed by the GHB changes so far, but if they do a decent job of the july FAQ and reign in the newer factions a little I will feel significantly better about it overall.

    Flesh eater court have a fraction terrain which allows them  to do summoning without using CP .....unless GW faq that terrain, otherwise it makes no difference😰

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  7. 40 minutes ago, Nox said:

    Looking for some input  on how to convert my existing fairly casual list to GH 2019 standards since I'm now 90 pts over with the new points.

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer

    Lord-Arcanum (180)
    - General
    - Trait: Deathly Aura 
    - Artefact: Soulthief 
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    Lord-Castellant (100)
    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    5 x Sequitors (120)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields

    10 x Evocators (400)
    - 10x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades
    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    - 2x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades

    War Machines
    Celestar Ballista (100)
    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 121

    One way to go is to reduce the 10 x Sequitors to 5 x but I feel it's a very good target for my Evocators to buff and it leaves me at a not so very sexy 1960 pts. Another concern is at 130 pts the 5 group sequitors doesn't look that great anymore but maybe that's just me. So I feel there's could be a lot of moves to be made in my with my battle lines but not quite sure what to do. I also think that removing the Incantor could be an option since I feel a lot of the times I don't achieve much with it. Of course there are times when the auto unbind is nice to have (looking at you Mindrazor ^^) 

    Any input would be greatly appreciated here guys. Thanks in advance.

    Since you are not using cleansing phalanx, you can consider change the sequitors into liberators

  8. From what I saw from those leaked video, GHB 2019 is not fixing any of the following issues that I think doing harm to the game:

    1. Attack at the beginning of the combat phase or make your opponent fight at the end of combat phase. This creates a very unpleasant situation that one player just wipe out his opponent's unit and his opponent cannot do anything, it is not fun from every aspect, no matter in what kind of play. 

    Besides, GW doesn't give a clear and simple system for how the spell and ability leading to this kind of weird attack sequence affect each other. Hence we can see that in some cases, ability/spell causing opposite effect(leading to attack at the beginning and leading to attack at the end) will cancel each other while some other times the most recent one remove the previous effect.  This is too chaotic for beginners or  even for many players. 

    2. Unlimited summoning. While the designer claim in the white dwarf that the summoned unit points are considered in the summoner. I really want to ask are you serious? The arch regeant who can summoned 200 points ghouls just worth 200 points?  The slann who can summoned a and a half unit skinks(which is about 90 points) every turn just worth 260 points? 

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    The players in question are all excellent. There very well could be an issue with the design team. 

    An anecdote:

    When I was a tester, I (and others as well) would get a set of the newest rules, test them (2000 pts, Pitched Battle, 4 x 6 table was the requirement, though we could test other ways as long as we focused on the 'standard' game), and report the results.

    Sometimes we would offer suggestions on clarifications to wording. We didn't tell them they stunk at words or anything, just pointed out where things could be more clear. Eventually we were told to stop since they couldn't fix everything "and make rules so long the book would be twice the size." When we then offered reworded options that actually were the same length or shorter, we were yelled at and basically told to stop trying to tell them how to do their jobs, that they were the rules writers, not us.


    Dunno if that's still the case in the studio, but it was a real thing back then and it was always sad to see a rule that had known issues that could have been fixed make it to the published books.

    It makes me think that GW designer are very arrogant......

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  10. 8 minutes ago, jhamslam said:

    Real talk, are skinks even useful anymore? At 60 they were fine, but at 70? Eternal guard are just as numerous and muucch better, tankier and cost the same

    In my opinion, one good thing about skinks that should not be forgetten is that they can retreat in combat phase, which can possibly serve some delay strategy.

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  11. Even with this point changes, retributor still get outperform by evocators, Probably another 20 drops might change the difference. Protectors, from my previous calculation, is actually not very good. It should do a lot damage against monsters, however, it actually deal less than that retributor(not considering their point difference). Decimator might be more useful, since horde army are common nowadays, however, its lowmobility require some additional help to make it deadly.

  12. 2 minutes ago, crkhobbit said:
    140    Battalion: Vanguard Auxillary Chamber
    100    Knight-Azyros
    100    Knight-Azyros
    100    Knight-Zephyros
    180    Lord-Aquilor
    160    Battalion: Vanguard Angelos Conclave
    330    Vanguard-Hunters x5x3
    180    Vanguard-Palladors
    120    Battalion: Vanguard Justicar Conclave
    150    Aetherwings x3
    140    Hurricanes
    140    Hurricanes
    140    Hurricanes

    I don't know if this is good or not.  One drop.  Start the game with 4 CP - not sure what you'd use it on.  Probably Astral Templars; not sure.

    I have think of this list, there are several problems from my opinion, first this list have very few models, just 40. Secondly, I don't think this list can do much damage..

  13. 47 minutes ago, Roark said:

    Yeah... but weren't you saying it's like free Anvils command? (ie: Longstrikes). And what's this additional drop to Longstrikes points? Do you mean in the future??

    The battlion effect modify the shooting units' attack characteristics, adding 1, so for the longstrike, it will be the same as using Anvils ca without spending 1 cp. If we can fit the longstike into this list, then it will be very very good. Unfortunately not....

  14. 2 minutes ago, Roark said:

    I think a minimum Vanguard Auxillary Chamber with Longstrikes is still 2080pts, even with all the points drops to Vanguard units...

    110*3+180+160+50*3+140*3+120+180+3*100+140=1980, this use the hurricane, if more points to drop for lonstrike, you can switch those hurricane to longstrike

  15. 56 minutes ago, chord said:





    In the forbidden power, celestant-prime and Olynder fight face to face, Olynder tried to break the prison locking a terrible guy. In melee, the prime has an advantage, however, Olynder use a aretefact granted by nagash, the prime get destoryed right away.


    • Sad 1
  16. Well, I think GW design this point changes with an intention, if either longstrike drop 10 more points or some other vanguard unit drops more, we can start using the big vanguard battlion with 3-6 longstrike, and they are 2 attack each in this battlion, which is very very deadly. It is like we own the anvil strike command ability with no need to use CP and stick to anvil stormhost.

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