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Everything posted by HammerOfSigmar

  1. Well, sorry for the confusion. I should make separate comment. I mean two different things. The usage of LA on a graviel bomb-cleansing phalanx list is pretty crucial. That's the point I want to make. It is basically a 20 sequitors, 10 sequitors, 10 evocators, 5 evocators, graviel, vexillor, LA list.
  2. You don't actually need to put Azyros on the sky, it can move 12", run d6", and its reroll bubble is 10", so enemy within 22+d6" will be affected on the first turn, Actually, if you play graviel bomb, you will find out that the 60 points from using LA will let you have 2 CP(plus the one from cleansing phalanx and subtract one to autopass battleshock since SCE will have more drops than your opponents) at the beginning of first turn, which almost guarantee a successful 9" charge(except double 1), which is great.
  3. Since there is no lord aquilor in your list, I do recommend you the fly the pallador's to 3" away from the enemy that sits on the objectives and then use ballistas to shoot down the enemy sitting on the objective. Then the objective is yours. That's the best way to use palladors currently, which I can figure out.
  4. Well, in non-hammer list, how does we guarantee charges for evocators? Just let it to reach the enemy in round 2?
  5. Lord ordinator is not worth bringing when you have less than 3 ballista in the list. In your list. There can be more modification, but I guess that's all the model you have, so I think dropping the ordinator is OK, giving you 1 extra CP at the beginning of the battle. For stormhost, well, it seems to me that both Hammer and anvils doesn't work very well in your list so maybe try tempest lord.
  6. It is equal. The normal order: 4a 4+to hit(d6 hits) 3+to wound so there will be 2 hits in average, then turns out to be 2d6 hits, which is 7 hits on average(d6=3.5 on average)
  7. the ballista in 18"(with ordinator) has the following profile: 4 shots 4+to hit(each hit generates d6 successful hits) 3+to wound so it equals 4d6shots 4+to hits 3+to wound 4d6 in average is 4*3.5=14, considering the hits roll(50% chance), there should be 7 successful hits on average
  8. Even with cleansing phalanx, is it worth the cast empower on the sequitors rather than on evocators itself? Anyone have some idea?
  9. Judicator's primary damage output is shooting, why you want to retreat....you cannot shoot if you retreat... The major problem with crossbow Judicators is that they have a shooting range of 12", enough for many units to get into combat in one turn so you need something to protect them. I don't see it in the list posted above unless you want to put the sequitor and judicator together near an objective and leave everything else to your enemy.
  10. How are you going to protect the judicator in your list? It seems to me that they can just shoot one turn and then get wiped out. Shooting in AOS is not very devastating such that one turn of shooting can paralyze enemy's whole army.
  11. I would say one extra command point at the beginning of first turn is pretty important for graviel bomb. In this list, the main job of sequitors is to hold objectives, so I would make them more defensive. Then the ballistas and LO, you can just drop them on one objectives or near one objectives, if they sits on a terrain, they are pretty durable. For targets, definitely kill enemy's key unit, which depends on your enemy's list and usually those doing a lot of damage or able to buff other units. Such as evocators and castellent in your enemy's unit if your opponent play SCE.
  12. drop the endless spells and aetherwing(your list don't really need screen unit to protect anything), add a graviel and change one unit of liberators into sequitor combine two units of evocators. Or further change LAoGC to LA on foot, which saves you 60 points, so you have a extra command point at the beginning of the battle. Then DS 1 unit of 10 evocators along with graviel into the battlefield, a +6" to charging to the charge of big evocators units almost guarantees a successful charge(except double ones).a big unit of sequitors just stay with the castellent to hold objectives.
  13. Well, I guess you need to make your list more competitive for tournaments. For normal play with friends, it is enough.
  14. If you don't have any skinks and don't actually like their model, that's fine, just use the aetherwings. I mention it because the aetherwings are great screen unit if working with raptors since they ability allow them to move 2d6" before enemy charges. They are still usable without the raptors. I have not used the soul snare personally, but it seems to me that it can just trap your enemy for one turn, they can just run out of 6" bubble. For evocators, you can change all weapon to blades and stave or grandstave. Weapons are not related to the unit size. The point I made about a unit of 10 in anvils stormhost is that anvils can let one of your unit attack once in your hero face, so a big unit can make more damage. Go back to the weapons, rend do matter, but attack range also matters, it depends on situation. You can try both and choose your favorite.
  15. For the mount trait, bring the first one for gryph-charger(the one make the LAoGC roll 7 dice rather 6 dice when using its ablility). For your list, I think it is fine. Pretty strong but not too devastating. Since you are not bringing any named hero, you don't have to take the hammer of sigmar. You can try something else such as Tempest lord because LAoGC have good CA buffing sequitors and evocators and Tempest lord have a lot of CP too use. If you combine two units of 5 evocators into a unit of 10, you might try the anvils. Then for your list. What's your point of bring the aetherwings without bringing raptors? If it is because you like the models, that's fine. If not, you might consider changing it into something else, such as 1 blob of 10 skinks(seraphon ally). For the endless spell, I don't recommend bringing the clestian vortex. It is pretty useless in my point of view when you are not facing against chaos army. evocators can only cast empower and three other spell on the bottom of the Stormcast battletome spell page. Actually, evocators do more damage than sequitors in model number....so they are more than just magic support units.
  16. Named hero is stormcast currently require player to take HammerofSigmar since their unique CA is locked to HammerofSigmar units only. Once you choose the HammerofSigmar, your general must use the aretifact and command trait listed in that page(HammerofSigmar page).
  17. I think you made a mistake? You bring two azyrite halo, but for normal spell. Shouldn't the same spell cannot be attempted to be cast for more than once even with a different wizard except those specified explicitly such as evocator's empower?
  18. Just considering the average shooting damage per point roughly, hunter is the worst in stormcast and castigator/judicastor are just slightly better.
  19. It's weird, I think I saw rules about war machine not able run somewhere but cannot find it now. I am not sure whether you can run and retreat at the same time though.
  20. Sequitors can reroll failed save, so they have a much higher survival chance when they hold the objective and facing enemy attacks, unless your enemy don't even bother to take that objective. If you want sacrificial units, why not bring some skinks, they have the same wounds and a great retreat ability with the same cost. They can help you block the enemy's path and if function properly, the enemy don't even have a chance to hit them.
  21. ballista and razordons are both very unsteady damage dealer, D6 is a magic. If not considering their points, I think ballista is better since it is a -2 rend so basically ignoring the enemy's save if it is not a hero. What's more, it has a 2+ save against shooting when it sits on a terrain, so it is not afraid of being taken down by shooting. However, razordons are much cheaper so I really can't tell which is better considering their points. By the way. Well, one good way for seraphon to deal with multiple ballista sitting together is use the bastiladon to charge the ballistas. Once succeed, they will be locked forever since it has only 3" movement, so no retreat is possible. It happens to me when I am playing SCE two or three weeks again.
  22. splitters with shield. shield help them survive. splitter have a long range
  23. 1000 points, 2*10 skinks, 2000 points, 3*10 skinks. I prefer to use skinks to steal objectives instead.
  24. As a new guy playing seraphon, I wonder for the ripperdactyls summoned by EoTG, do they have bloat toad and how/when are they setup?
  25. One good thing about ballista is that it's one model per unit, if someone tries to block you with units like skinks(opponents' side), you can use some of the ballistas to remove the excess enemy models within 3" of your other ballistas(kill enough enemy model so that your opponent need remove some of the models near your other ballista). Usually, the enemy blocks your shooting have a save of 5+/6+, so on average, 2 ballista can cause 10 wounds in one round, breaking the enemy units' blockage on the third ballista. With ordinator, 4+ to hit and d6 splits attacks is very devastating to remove anything. But if you get charged by a bastiladon, which happens to me one time, then forget your ballista, pretending it never exists.
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