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Posts posted by Asimov

  1. Nobody seemed to care about Tzeentch, but the army got a lot of point changes:

    Tzaangor Shaman 160 (-20)
    Tzaangor Englightened 160/480 (+20/60)
    Ogroid 170 (-10)
    Gaunt Summoner 160 (-20)
    Changeling 180 (-20)
    Pinks 180 (-20)
    Blues 90 (-10)
    Brimstones 60 (-10)
    Flamers 140 (-20)
    Burning Charriot 150 (-10)
    Exalted Flamer 90 (-10)

    The Changehost will probably come back as a competitive list (100 points of reduction considering you are taking 3Pinks, 2Blues, 2Brims), allowing for another hero (auto included LoC, Blue Scrib and Gaunt summoner), or more endless spells. 

    We get a new viable and very tzeentchian trick: Changeling with Purple sun of Shyish combo went down of 70pts to 230

    Some of the reduction costs will be eaten up by endless spell increases, but thankfully the vortex did not change. 

    One of our only very competitive unit got nerf with the Enligthened, but it seems fare looking at how they perform. It is a bit compensated by the Shaman decrease. 

    The one thing I am really concerned about is the disapearence of the Gaunt Summoner with familiar from the point list. Remains only the regular Gaunt Summoner and the Gaunt Summoner on Disc who both went down to 160 . Hope we will keep our familiars for the +1 to cast an the extra 4 wounds. 

    Also, I am curious to give a new try to the flamers and charriots again. 



    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Xasto said:

    Got a 1k tournament coming up, what do you guys think would be the most potent tzeentch list? Something like a tzaangor shaman, 9 enlightened then cheap chaff? 

    I just tested a 1000pts list with a Greatbray Shaman as ally and it is pretty good: 

    Tzaangor Shaman (general, incorporeal form, gryph-feather charm, fold reality)

    Great Bray Shaman (wild rampage )

    6 Enlightened

    20 Tzaangors

    10 Kairics

    Basicly 90% of your list gets 3" move while at 12" of the beast shaman, allowing for a turn 1 charge with your tzaangors and enlightened (with destiny dices). The beast shaman spell is neat as it forces an ennemy unit to take a move towards the closest of your unit, making charges even easier

    It is strong, and it can scale at 2000 with 9*2 enlightened and 30 tzaangors...

  3. 12 hours ago, Matador said:

    Skip the horrors and go for the Burning chariots

    Skip the horrors and go with the chariots mate, the maneuverability, the mortal wounds, the rebound, all make them better for a clever general. I played against a horror 2k, and then a horror 3k over the weekend and neither game went to 5 before my opponent was tabled. 


    Can you please detail your list and your strategy?
    I tried a heavy charriot and flamer list against a free people army (former empire) and I got decimated by the shooting. Won the game because it was a heroes objectives and I got the first turn. Since then, I had a very bad feeling on charriots, which is a bommer since I love the model and I painted 3 of them...

  4. 5 minutes ago, Argonoch said:

    I dunno, I feel the curseling is better cause he doesnt need to roll a 9 to bounce it and it means hes technically cast 4 spells a round if he manages to bounce both. Also I feel like arcane sacrifice on the summoner is more important than the giving the LoC magic supremacy 

    It is not exactly bouncing, as he does net get to cast it back in the opponent hero phase but rather he learns it. Moreover, it will be pointless to learn the realmspells. Learning your opponent spells I find it very situational as often they are tailored for s specific army. For example, once I played agaist Seraphon and brought the curseling it was a mistake for 2 reasons. First mistake a Seraphon does not cast spells, they save them for summon point, second mistake even if they have spells, they are all anti CHAOS DAEMON! Ok this is the worst case scenario...  

    I dont want to convince you anyway, You know better than me who and what you will face so go for it, it is never bad choice ! 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Argonoch said:

    Yeah I really want the big boys, LoC and Summoner, and also the scribes for guaranteed magic. I feel like the curseling is needed because realm spells are in use so more people will be using wizards to make use of them so i think he has a good chance to shine. Ogroid is one of my favourite and his spell is amazing. But I do see your point, if I had 3 more enlightened I would drop the magister to make it 9, but I only have 6 sadly. Similarly I would like to keep the scribes just because they basically guarantee I get all my spells off. Not too sure what would be worth including in place of the magister really if I did drop down to 4 wizards.

    Well the Curseling is nice to throw back the spell at your opponent face... but the best anti magic we have is a LoC with Magical Supremacy. 

    For the summoner scroll it is awkward, it looks like they did not update the app. It used to be the app not updated since the silver tower FAQ release.

    Honestly I am not using it, I am using printed warscroll from the website with the faqs if needed. 


    You can break it down by considering that only your DAEMON WIZARDS benefit from the LoC trait. Thus it is not as good to take the arcanite mortal ones 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Argonoch said:

    Oh okay, I'll have to look it up, maybe I can put together 4 familiars, I have a a spare vulchar from the acolytes and a familiar from a chaos terminator lord, might just green stuff 2 others.

    And yeah, its hard to decide, it really comes down to what I'll be fighting, if there is gonna be a lot of FEC then shackles are nice to slow them down. But the 4+ save on the warriors, combined with maybe a shield of fate spell will make them hard to shift. I dont think I can fit a sorcerer lord in, Definitely not with the 10 warriors and its only the warriors that would really benefit from his buff.

    Plus I like the magister for the chaos spawn  summoning and the potential for double casting. Granted Spawns arent great alone, but still a bit of a distraction and a good way to block enemy movement potentially.

    I agree on the magister, I like its spell, but it has been several months it did not make the cut. I tend to pick less wizards because summoning is really powerfull for tzeentch with the acrifice of your own pinks. I end up with 3  or 4 wizards, where 2 of them are always the LoC and the Summoner. The others I pick are the shaman to buff the tzaangors/discs, the ogroid for objectif switch shenanigan and then when I feel like it the  blue scrib/curseling/magister

  7. 10 minutes ago, Argonoch said:

    From the app it says that your opponent decides how the wounds are allocated onto the Gaunt Summoner, so he doesnt really have the extra wounds unless they are self inflicted. Ultimately though I dont have the silver tower model, so no familiars, and doubt I could get them together in time for the tournament.

    I do see your point about the tzaangors though and the spell portal, I didnt realise you can only cast a single spell, that does definately reduce the power of it. 

    So how about if I drop the portal, tzaangors and shaman. Add in a magister, 6 enlightened and 10 chaos warriors. Or would I be better off with 20 acolytes and soulsnare shackles instead of the 10 warriors?

    I like the shaman to babysit the Discs... but it is true it is not that of a bonus when theyr are 6. Even debatable for 9. If you own the model, the Chaos Sorcerer lord is a valid option for its buff spell.

    The summoner has been faqed as well, it has been discussed in this topic already, I beleive it is in the Silver Tower FAQ. YOU get to choose how to allocate the wounds. Otherwise I agree it would be less important, but as it is your pick it is really great.

    If I had to choosse between your 2 options, I would  probably pick the second option because i like the shackles. But for holding down objectives, the warriors are more tanky obviously (with shields). Having 20 Kairics can be nice as you can stretch the unit and grab two objectives and you have the shooting, but if you blow a little they disapear and then run away. And you won't have much command point to avoid the moral test. That's why I take them by 10 and never by 20. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, Argonoch said:

    I basically want to maximise the summoning potential as Im not sure what kind of armies will be here. The 20 tzaangors with the shaman are there for a tough battleline to take on the tougher units and the shaman to buff them and bring them back. I suspect there will probably be a lot of FEC players potentially.

    I thought of using the lifeswarm instead of the spellportal but I like the idea of an alphastrike infernal gateway on the enemy warlord. I have 6 tzaangor enlightened but Im not sure how I can fit them in really. Unless I drop the tzaangors to 2 units of 10, only one unit of pinks and drop a couple of endless spells. But I feel like I lose out too much that way :/

    Firstly about the spell portal, I don't know if you are aware but it has been faqed and you can now cast only a single spell a turn through it... so definitly not woth the point cost imao
    For the tzaangors, 6 enlighteneds are a much bigger threats in close combat than 20 tzaangors.

    It is 280pts for 6 enlighteneds that you can bring back with fold reality (if on discs), this is why 9 is even better so you can suck up more damage. You don't want your unit to be wiped out before fold reality. Even with 6 I think it is better. 

    20 Tzaangors cost 360 points. It is actually your 6 Enlighteneds (280) plus 10 Kairics (80) feeling your battleline slot. 
    With your pendulum and arcance scrifice I expect you kill your own pink and thus flood the field with blues to hold down objos and bubble wrap the other real threat, your wizards.

    So I would modify that, maybe take the soulsnare shackles spell. Eventually, you can switch Mark of the Conjurer for smth protecting your LoC (gryph feather charm if you can take an artefact in Ghur )

    Oh also, Your Gaunt Summoner needs to have his familiar, he is so much better in this set up for the same cost (+1 to cast, +4 wounds)

  9. 2 hours ago, Mo7650 said:

    Check general’s handbook 2018 errata published in dec 2018. Beasts of chaos can be taken as allies in a tzeentch army

    I have to try it now :)
    But I need to playtest before getting 9 more enlighteneds (and painting them)

    Do you guys think the vortex is used with the curseling to steal all the spells he can?
    I was expecting both shaman running by the tzaangors and the curseling as a back field control tower, sacrificing the poor kairic holding an objective nearby... 

  10. 53 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Watching a Doom and Darkness vid the other day and saw a DoT list with a Great Bray Shaman (from Beast of Chaos book), but can't see how that would be legal (wasn't playing the Fantasmagora of Fate battalion), DoT can't ally with Brayherd and the Shaman can't have the Tzeentch Keyword (without the battalion).  Am I missing something or was the list illegal?

    Would love to have that movement boost for Tzaangors and cheap caster, but not so much to get a full 200 point battalion for it.

    I saw it on AoSShorts and was asking me the same thing. I thought this was illegal as well.

  11. Yes. I want to see the point cost. But giving the strength of miagic in the current meta (Nagash, Stormcast, Sylvaneth...), it might really be a good addition to a competitive list if it is not too expensive. 
    In addition of the boost to the heavy cavalry, Skarband and the prayer, Khorne is really getting a nice boost and not only against magic. 

  12. Looks like Khorne is going to be a pain even more.  Warhammer Community Link
    Skulls Endless spell (or the so call equivalent): -2 to cast it at 12'' of one. If you roll 8 and you are at 12'' of both you forget the spell and all wizards at 12'' get D6 (!) MW

    The Skull altar: -1 to cast at 16'' 

    I have a friend who plays khorne, I really consider playing against just to try smth with the least wizards possible... or just go StD. He would have invest in anti magical stuff and thus give me some advantage. But honestly it is gonna be impossible to align a magical heavy list I think

  13. 18 hours ago, MattyP said:

    Thanks @Asimov. With this list I've got 1900 points and I'm considering a few things:

    1. Spend more points in endless spells

    2. Swap out the vortex beast and Acolytes for 2 more units of pinks 

    3. Swap out the vortex beast for 1 unit of pinks and add endless spells 

    Just some thoughts. I like the look and abilities of the vortex beast ( and all things tzeentch). I played skaven  last weekend and...... It was bad. Lol 

    The rule of cool always prevail! Honestly go for what you like and try things.  I am getting a Vortex Beast and I will give it a try once a receive it, for the sake of testing and having fun. 

    More than 20 pinks may be too much to be competitive. Takes endless spells if you have a plan for them. Besides the usual suspects (vortex/cogs, pendulum/swords...) if you are list building against a specific opponent take what will be efficient, shackles against close combat, palissade against shooting... 
    If not and you want a generic list, some endless spell wont be worth their cost because they will be dead pick against a majority of match ups

  14. Glad I can help @DavionStar

    Keep your summoner with familiars, he is really one of the best entry we have. 

    I use mainly Blues and Brimstones for summoning, especially when playing with Pinks. Oterwise, I summon the Exalted Flamers which is not that expensive (12 fate pts) for having some nice shooting taht give MW. I summon the herald on disc if I need heroes for objectives. I summon the screamers if I need to take far away objective, help to kill a big guy or just poke an hidden character. But they are not that great by 3 to be honest. 

    I have such a great time painting Tzeentch. I am actually afraid I will never get that much variety and fun with another army... 

    • Like 1
  15. 12 hours ago, MattyP said:

    Needing some help/advice....newish player here and love the lore, look of Tzeentch...and the painting. But not fairing well when I play.....my current list is the following:

    Lord of Change  - 

    Gaunt summoner w/ familiars -  general....Arcane sacrifice...tzeentch's          inferno

    blue scribes...fold reality

    Herald on foot

    Magister ...bolt of tzeentch 

    10x pinks  ...Unchecked mutation

    10x pinks ....bolt of Tzeentch

    20 x acolytes

    vortex beast 

    spell portal



    I've noticed my problems are at least 2 fold: 1 I sometimes forget certain abilities or summoning (a lot to keep track of),_2 not familiar with objective based gameplay (I focus more on surviving and killing more models). 

    Appreciate any feedback 

    You should give the Bolt of tzeentch to one of your best caster the LoC or the Summoner, You will want to reliably cast it every turn. 

    You play 2*10 pinks so take the Pendulum to kill your owns pinks aiming for both units turn 1 and then make them come back with the 1 of your destiny dices with the bravery tests. You will get like 20 blues first turn, this help to bubble wrap and/or take control of objectives. You can use a fast caster like the blue scrib or the herald on disc or the shaman to project your blues far away. 

    Not sure about the vortex beast as I never tried it. 

    Eventually consider getting 6-9 Enlighteneds, they are really awesome for the point cost currently. 

  16. 11 hours ago, Num said:

    Hello fellow chaos followers

    My brother plays daemons of tzeentch (gaunt summoner, summoner on disc, ogroid, flamers, pink...) and it is his birthday soon. I would like to gift him some endless spells, as he doesn't have any yet.

    Are there some "top picks" or "auto include" for daemons of tzeentch please?

    I play a wizard-heavy skaven army so there will be some crazy magic battles to come!

    The Balewinf Vortex is indeed one of the best. You will also find some really good ones in Malign Sorcery: the cogs for extra spell, the shackles to block marching armies, the swords/pendulum to sacrifice your own pinks and then thow them at your opponents. The geminids good also, the palissade against shooting armies. To finish, I am not a big fan of the portal since the FAQ, you can use it only once a turn. 

  17. 5 hours ago, DavionStar said:

    Ok, I've updated my 1k list a bit. Took out the Horrors and Knights, added in a big chunk of Kairics, Curseling and switched to Enlightened on discs. Looked up the Warscrolls again to set up weapons better. Had room for a bigger Endless Spell so I put in Balewind Vortex.  @Asimov This list better? Could it use some more tweaking?

    New full list is under the spoiler thing to prevent another huge post.

      Hide contents

    Allegiance: Tzeentch

    Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Magical Supremacy 
    - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum
    Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (180)
    - Artefact: Souldraught 
    - Lore of Fate: Bolt of Tzeentch

    20 x Kairic Acolytes (160)
    - 12x Pair of Cursed Blades
    - 2x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield
    - 6x Cursed Glaives
    10 x Tzaangors (180)
    - 7x Pair of Savage Blade
    - 2x Savage Greatblade
    - 1x Savage Blade & Arcanite Shield

    6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (280)

    Endless Spells
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 74


    It looks pretty nice, totally woth playtesting. You have chaffs for objectives control and bubble wrapping your sorcerers. At 1000 points you will probably control the magical phase. You just may miss some letality with your spells, I would probably give the Bolt to the Curseling and Tz  Inferno to the Summoner. Not a fan of Infusion Arcanum. But it is true they are pretty tough to cast. 
    Keep your discs for counter charge and take control of far away objectives. You may find that you are missing the shaman with fold reality to increase the reliability of the discs and to replenish the unit, this is often a game breaker. 

    Tell us how it goes against your opponents ;)

    • Thanks 1
  18. 15 hours ago, DavionStar said:

    Well, I tried to throw something together. This is my attempt to think up a 1k DoT army that I could possibly convert (with some swapping of course) into a similarly sized Thousands Sons army. It's probably a travesty but hey. I learned a lot from throwing bad army lists over in the KO forum, so hoping I can do the same here. The Gaunt Summoner would be the General. Just forgot to mark that.

    Allegiance: Tzeentch

    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (180)
    - Artefact: Aspect of Tzeentch 
    - Lore of Fate: Bolt of Tzeentch
    - Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
    10 x Tzaangors (180)
    - 8x Pair of Savage Blade
    - 2x Savage Blade & Arcanite Shield

    10 x Chaos Knights (320)
    - Chaos Glaives
    3 x Tzaangor Enlightened (100)

    Endless Spells
    Malevolent Maelstrom (20)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 74

    I'd replace the Gaunt Summoner with Ahriman or a Sorcerer Lord in 40k. And the Tzaangors (possibly) with Rubrics, and the Knights with Scarab Occult Terminators? Not sure. Was hoping for some advice.

    For me you are missing spells (come on it Tzeentch! ^^), so 1 or 2 additional casters (Shaman, Ogroid, Magister, Herald...) or 1 caster that throws 2 spells (the LoC fills the spot)
    For the Tzaangor you want as many great blades as you can, same for mutant and you need 1 shield, the rest is pair of blades.
    In this list you try to do a bit of everything and i am afraid you wont achieve much. You have some spells, some close, some tankiness. I pick the enligtened on disc every day over the chaos knights. You need to choose at 1000 points.

    One way is to go with 2*10 pinks and kill them yourselves with endless spells in order to farm blues and flood the bord and take objectives. For that having a fast flying wizard can be nice. 
    Another way is to go full close. 6 or 9 enlightened on disc and you fill the battle lines with what fits (kairic, chaos warriors or tzaangors)

    These are good ways to start and upgrade to 2000.

    If you want to play TS, you can totally reuse the Tzaangors. They are actually a pretty good troop unit by 30 with the savage blades, you have several ways tu buff them and they have a bonus to run and charge. 


    • Thanks 1
  19. 16 hours ago, Levvox said:

    do you use the summoner in a more supportive roll ? or do you try do do as much damage through spells as possible ?

    The Summoner is a very reliable damage dealer with +1 to cast (familiar) and another +1 with the LoC command. 
    I usually put Bolt of Tzeentch and give the  Tzeentch Firestorm to the LoC. The other way works as well. 

    It is a good idea to use him with the balewind for the extra spell and the bonus to cast range. If you make it your general with Arcane sacrifice you can cast at 33''

  20. 42 minutes ago, Levvox said:

    Hi everyone, 

    was wondering if there are any go to lists for tzeentch at the moment and if there are any models that i should steer away from as they're weak or maybe too expensive (in points) for their powerlevel? was thinking of getting an ogroid even though they've changed his summon of horrors. I am currently playing

    1 Lord of change
    6 enlightened
    3 skyfires 
    2 tzaangor shamans
    3 x 10 tzaangors 
    3 flamers
    Haven't been too successful so I'm just fishing for some opinions :D  

    Hi again,

    You should try the Gaunt summoner with familiars, it is really good. No need to take 2 shamans. 
    Enlighteneds are in a really good place right now, they can go by 9 with shaman babysitting and casting fold reality on them. Skyfires are probably over priced.

    1 or 2 units of Pinks that you will sacrifice (arcane sacrifice, and/or endless spells) to farm blue horror points and resurect with destiny dices of 1.

    Tzaangors are better by 20 for the extra attack. Otherwise if you need to fill battlelines, Kairics by 10 or Chaos warriors, or Marauders. 

    The LoC is good

    The ogroid is not that bad especially to steel objectives (MW inflicted  = Brimstones spawned --> can help to get the control of an objective). 

    The deamons are expensive for what they do, but played well they are not bad at all. 6 or 9 screamers against a list where there is a lot of behemoth is pretty nice!


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  21. 16 hours ago, Abattleship91 said:

    GHB 2018 on pg 99  just says "on the Blue Horrors warscroll change the wording of split to... the fate points when pinks die effect." So why is that worded like its an ability for Blue Horrors instead of a static/passive effect of the pinks? Why is it not on the Pink Horror warscroll and why is it possible for units to gain an effect from a warscroll from a unit not being taken? 

    The same way that summoning used to work, where you had on the warscroll of said daemon how you could summon him by a spell and that spell was known by all CHAOS WIZARDS . 
    |It is indeed a passive effect you benefit from because you play a unit with the right keyword, here PINK HORROR. 

    • Thanks 1
  22. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    You're pretty handy then! I didn't glue that part yet as my Disc Tzaangors are still unprimed plastic but I'm not sure how if I will pull it off with the tiny Enlightened parts (scrolls, dagger, etc.). Seems pretty damn hard. 

    I cut the plastic bit on the back of the mini and then drill for a 2*1mm magnet. On the quivers/scrolls/daggers there is a hole already, you just need to make it a bit bigger. The magnets are poping out a bit, but once put together it is unoticable. I can take a picture once at home if you like

    I found the hardest part was drill the feet to have them magnetizd on the discs. It is hard to have them balanced. 

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