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Posts posted by Shankelton

  1. 24 minutes ago, Barbossal said:

    Not to mention the rumoured Gholemkin that would likely pair nicely with a Dispossessed force.

    Golems are my personal hope. That, along with war engines and hero's is all that dispossessed need (along with a tome of course) to be a full fledged army.

    Just as long as they don't go too crazy designwise of course, and make some kind of hyper stylized, clockwork monstrosity of spindly arms, gears and cogs. I feel KO fill the steampunk aesthetic enough. Let Dispossessed by runic stone.

    Still, the quite squating of gitmob has me worried. Guess I'll just continue painting what I like and hope I don't play myself lol

    • Like 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    10 pages and 3 hours ago....

    I know right? The Gloomspite hype is crazy. Super pumped for anyone looking to pick up the faction. Who would have ever guessed that Goblins would have one of the largest, most impressive releases of any AoS Army? Haha

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, DakkaDude said:

    This is presumably the fate of all the legacy models over time. It's a real shame for the people trying to make their Warhammer models work in Age of Sigmar.

    I wonder what this means for the like of Dispossessed.


    I don't see it. I might be pretty bias because I adore the more modern Dispossessed line, Warriors and Thunderers are poop, but they have a strong link to the narrative unlike the Gitmob. They built the Freecities, they even built the Storm Bastions. I feel that eventually we will see them get a battletome. Gitmob was dated, and pretty niche, which is completely unlike Dwarves. We have a stake in the story, and are integral to order/ Civilization as a whole despite lacking any REAL lore at the moment.

     Would make me so... so sad to see them just boiled down into a Vanilla Free Peoples book. Being forced to mix my force with random Aelves and Humans would break any excitement I have for the faction. I'd much prefer some Free People to be linked to them by just battalions, so you could make fluffy/ semi-competitive lists including all the armies. The more I think about, the more I generally hate the idea of a Free People army just being random aesthetics crammed together to  give models a home.  

     I dunno, I feel confident enough to collect the Irondrakes, Ironbreakers, Hammerers and Longbeards in preparation for an eventual release that builds them into something, Ala Daughters. I'm more worried about factions like old High Elves, Old Dark Elves, even Empire to an extent... those factions that have release rumors around them that overshadow the old themes, and things that also have old or out of date sculpts that don't fit the new aesthetic and polish (Like Gitmob). Those are the most vulnerable in my eyes.

    Dispossessed are supported in GHB, and we survived both Fyreslayers and Overlords being introduced as shiny new dwarf factions without seeing out line phased away. I have to hope something as iconic as dwarves have a home in AoS... and if not, I'll make GW eat all the models I plan to buy with me xD.

    Edit: Some Spelling, and General Agreement that transparency would go a long way for me. If they're going to squat models, tell us now. Let people invest in armies that GW is happy to support, instead of, say, ambushing Dispossessed players who have been patiently waiting for a few years by squating their range to compendium when general consensus was that they're good candidates for an eventual release.

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  4. I promised myself I wouldn't pick up an unsupported army... but dammit, I'm smitten with Dispossessed. Figure this is the place to ramble/ excitedly grumble about what I want to see!

    I adore the elite troops that make up Dispossessed.  Ironbreakers, Longbeards, Irondrakes, ect have such an awesome, and build-on-able aesthetic.  Love the dwarven runes that make up their armor. Storywise I feel there's so much I feel they can tell. Dispossessed marching out of Azyr to retake their legendary Karak's from all manner of squating chaos, skaven, orruk and grot warlords.  Can establish a handful as already retaken, and wow us with the wonders a functioning and restored Karak would bring to the setting. Great way of fleshing out the deep places of all the different realms. Then of course the campaign continues to liberate others, giving the best of both worlds.

    What I want to see from the faction is the Golem idea that i've seen floating around. It's already well established that the reforging process was created by Grugni. Retire the warriors, quarrels and thunderers.  Might be plastic, but the cheesy viking helm aesthetic doesn't fit current sculpts at all. Unforged would be retired, neat lore but really the Fireslayers have taken over that look. We have the solid troop foundation, even more-so then Daughters of Kane who were in a similar spot. 

    Massive Golems built like brick shithouses, none of this spindly barely touching the base stuff. Little or no wasted negative space. New leaders/Hero models to compliment warden king and Runesmith, Golems to occupy the elite section, and perhaps some good old dwarven artillery... 

    It'll break my heart to see them rolled into a free peoples army, whatever idea that ends up taking. They built the free cities, they built much of ayzr and the stormhost bastions. It would be an utter travesty for GW to not explore the Karaks, as both ruins and restored paragons of creation.

    If nothing else GW, think of the terrain you could sell! Who doesn't love dwarven ruins? What will the poor gloomspite infest?!

    Anyways, rambling aside. Picking up a Warden King tomorrow. Going to start painting one dwarf after another, and maybe one day will get out release. 

    In the meantime, any veteren grumblers know if I can build a fluffy, fun list or two without the outdated dwarf kits? 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Sounds like everything will preorder on the 5th and deliver on the 12th!

    That soon?!

    I expected preorders no sooner then the 12th, at the very earliest. Jan 5th open day for general showcasing/ first good look at the book.

    Not complaining if true! Just a big shock considering the white dwarf spoilers hadn't mentioned them. Gotta get my grots and fungoid painted asap to clear the work table for the first batch!


  6. ...and so, my AoS journey begins. Picking up a box of grots and finishing my fungoid in preparation! Sold totally on the models, even if they continue the trend of being attached to their bases with dreams and pixie dust!

    Can't wait to get my hands on the book. So many options and models to make an army out of! Here's hoping they aren't too OP haha.

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  7. 3 hours ago, JPjr said:

    More I think about it, and the less actual evidence I have, I’m now 2000% sure Underworlds Season 3 will launch in autumn with a Slaanesh warband, and then the full army release will follow in Jan 2020 tied into a Vigilus style mega campaign that leads up to the god escaping and a war in Ulgu and the release of Malerion’s faction.

    Utterly convinced and I won’t be swayed at least until I read some other spurious rumour somewhere about Clockwork Dwarves, Crystal Golems or Sylvaneth allied Water Spirits and completely deny all knowledge of the above.

    I'm feeling this way as well. Too much rumored this year for a huge release/ event like slaneesh. Tuck the leather chaps away until 2020!

    Considering the size of Gloomspite gitz, and the current focus, I'd be pretty pumped if I was a Darkoath/ Slaves to Darkness lover!

  8. Good god, that trailer was everything I could have hoped for!

    Huge focus on Troggoths, Squigs and grots. The depiction of Gorkamorka was perfect. Not orruk, grot or ogor, but a mirror for all of them. Spiderfang are present, kind of hope they remain their own thing. Having those two as the primary grot factions would be perfect. Forests and caves. Joining together in a battalion or two!

    Loonking is super cool, music is great... and the Bad Moon talked!

    So hyped for tomorrow. Working to finish up my fungoid, and finally get into AoS with these guys!

    • Like 2
  9. 47 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

    Rumor source says Moonclan NDA lifts first week of Jan. 

    I didn’t realize there was an Open Day on 5 Jan.  Fits nicely. 



    Yeah that's been my thought as well. Expect a hype trailer to fuel discussion at the end of the advent community picture leading up to the Open Day on the fifth, where we get the goods properly discussed/ maybe even a game-plan for what's coming next or even a year plan. Models at the latest released for early February.

  10. Sell my backlog of miniatures, no more languishing on the shelf.

    Pump that money into my hobby slush fund, and make less impulse purchases. Buy 1 thing, paint it, repeat.

    Stick to one army until it's fully painted, and get them on the gaming table! Either Moonclan or Beastclaw... depending on how Moonclan actually shake up xD.


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  11. 6 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    Spring 2k19 battletome moonclan and models, codex genestealer cults, codex black legion and models.

    Summer 2k19k updated battletomes for early aos factions, primaris release, sisters of battle codex and models. 

    Late 2k19 slaanesh models, battletome slaves to darkness, codex Ynnari. 

    Whole year KT support, blackstone fortress support and shadespire support. 

    I don't believe this. Purely because it implies Beastclaw raiders and a Moonclan release in the same quarter.

    You can't fool me Satan! It's not that cold down there!

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    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Could be total coincidence, but these two do look pretty similar. They're not the same model, but it may add credence to this being some other Slaanesh model (as we already know they're coming).



    Great catch, fits almost perfect. I'd say it's likely Slaneesh. Though troggoth is also a pretty good guess! Definitely don't think it's Seraphon, not scaly enough to fit that aesthetic.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Haha sorry, I do get the sentiment but I personally like the ‘pub’ talk about the hobby. Someone throws up a rumour,* and people discuss the conversation organically goes from their until there is a new rumour.

    If I want a list of rumours I just go to the community site or FB pages  😕


    * and let’s be fair with current tight lipped Gw it’s 99% of the time them sharing something. 

    Agree with this. I like this thread because it fills the gaps between rumors with organic, fun discussion on the current rumor mill. It'd be pretty dead here if the only people posting were people with well supported rumors

    • Like 11
  14. 31 minutes ago, Lughaidh said:

    @Pitloze what new Ogor pack?

    He might be referring to the repack on the bulls. That's the only ogor pack that I can recall being released

    I've seen a few lists floating around that use some bulls in place of yeti. Plus, the cauldron seems to pop up in most lists I see. Really BCR allegiance doesn't offer much atm, so I don't think you lose a lot by just branching into GaD with vanilla ogors. If this year is destruction rising, and not just grots/ironjawz, then who knows how 2019 will change up thing!

    BCR are near the bottom of the power rankings, so even the Generals handbook might see a change up to bring them closer to centre. I'd say just do whatever is thematic/ looks cool to you.

  15. So I finally pulled the trigger and picked up the start of my beastclaw army. Working to assemble and paint the starter, and have decided to attempt to magnetize the lot of them. Seen a few good tutorials for thundertusk and stonehorn, but not many for mournfang. Anyone have experience doing them? Looking to see what magnets I need for both types of models respectfully.

  16. On 11/15/2018 at 7:36 PM, heywoah_twitch said:

    Make Beastclaw competitively viable without giving the opponent a negative play experience (thundertusk spam). 

    This is probably my biggest hope for a beast-claw rework. A full health Thundertusk dunking 100 point hero's with snowball isn't really overpowered in a numbers sense, but from a player perspective telling a newer opponent that their cool hero model is just dead on a 2+ leaves a sour taste. Multiply that with spam.

    I dunno, I adore the beastclaw range aesthetically  (minus those damn yeti) , anything short of a battletome rework and re-imagining won't really satisfy my issues as a casual matched player. Still, hope to see them get some points reductions! A bandaid is better then nothing!

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  17. Its always been the dance they have to do. Stormcast sell well for sure, but if they are the majority of releases then it will just be Stormcast vs. Stormcast every game which is anti fun (Atleast for me lol). At least in 40k you have chaos marines to spread the aesthetic to make sense, not that I want to ever see traitor Stormcast. A more realistic hope, rather then full stop on Stormcast, is hopefully they shift away from big chamber releases to more centerpiece models, HQ's and elite choices for them. Small releases to keep the Stormcast in the centre of the story but not give them the spotlight everytime. They've got the model range that already dwarfs most other alliances, let alone factions. 

    After all, Stormcast are cool but a stories only as good as its villains. Setting your golden boys up across from a rampaging grot horde bubbling up from the deeps, or the forces of the ruinous powers just seems more fun then mirror matches you can't fluff up lol.

    PS: Send destruction fluff and updates. We're hungry xD

    Edit: Also those disc sets look sweet! Always down for some more lore!

    • Like 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Hankster said:

    I keep hearing that Grots (Moonclan) are coming in either November or January. As much as I would like to believe it, it seems like nothing but hot air to me.

    Can anyone prove otherwise?

    What Manly said. There's some still spoiled moonclan themed mini's that have yet to be released if you need some circumstantial proof. Though with the bases attached to them it's quite likely they are related to shadespire. Will know for sure in a few months :P

    Haven't had a chance to play shadespire yet but I do sometimes wish they'd just repeated the mold a few times and turned that warband into new units instead haha. Love the moonclan warband design wise.

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