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Posts posted by Dreadmund

  1. Took mortals to a doubles event this weekend (crimbobo). 2x10 blightkings, harbinger and festus with balewind. Won 2, lost 3. I had a great time, but I don't think I'll take blight cyst to my next tournament. It will either be thricefold or another alliegence. Blightkings could take one hell of a beating and occasionally did some damage themselves on the rare occasion they could punch something without -1 to hit which honestly wasn't very often lol. Festus was absolute dead weight all weekend lol. He managed to cast 4 spells over 5 games. 3 of which were balewind and 1 of which was his warscroll spell on a mangler squig which was good but not worth 180 points for that game. The rest of the time I rolled too low or it got unbound. Magic as nurgle is an uphill battle without arcane terrain or a GUO. I really wish I'd dropped him for gutrot and another command point. The wheel was actually really kind to me all weekend which was nice. Although there was one game where the burgeoning failed on every unit apart from my partner's skinks. In doubles games, nurgle has potential to be a really nice partner for an army that lacks tanky objective holders imo!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Fluxlord said:

    To be honest it gonna be a little bit boring for you i could imagine. Standing there makin save rolls, if the opponent hits at all, with the debuffs you have.

    But it is a tactic, and obviously every opponent with a little sense would indeed focus on the lord of blights. So why not run two LoB’s and ditch the poxbringer and decide, based on deployment and how the game develops on which unit you will use the CA of the LoB.

    I realize you dont have acces to the witherstave in the setup I propose.

    Yeah losing the witherstave is a huge pain, it really changes fights in your favour a lot.  I could take muttergrub on one of the lord of blights for foul regenesis though. I get that it will be boring but with nurgle where it is right now I sort of feel like i need to choose between being boring or just being a dead weight to my partner.

  3. Going to a 1k doubles tournament soon. I think I'm going to lean into being the anvil to my partner's hammer, so my list at the moment looks like this:

    General: Lord of Blights - 140pts
    Poxbringer w/ Favoured Poxes and Witherstave - 120pts
    30x Plaguebearers - 320pts
    30x Plaguebearers - 320pts
    Balewind Vortex - 40pts
    Extra Command Point - 50pts


    The Lord of Blights is my general to give him look out sir. I plan to buff the plaguebearers to double up on their minuses to hit with Lord of Blight's command ability, with the Poxbringer standing near one group of them to give off the witherstave debuff and activate their locus. While I hold objectives and act as a tarpit, my partner can try and cripple the enemy heroes with deepstrike shenanigans. Balewind is there to get the most out of the Poxbringer.

    Any feedback on this? Definitely concerned that the Lord of Blights has a big "Kill Me" sign on his back.

  4. Sad that Tamurkand's Horde is getting shelved. I never got any of it because the warscrolls seemed pretty poor, but I love plague toads. I always thought of it as something that I might get in the future when I had finished painting the rest of my Nurgle forces just to have on the shelf or break out in a couple of friendly games. Fingers crossed that one day we get a Plague Toads plastic kit :(

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Eevika said:

    Playing Skaven I would not get blades and would lose summoning and run + charge from the tree. The plague bearers have a job I deploy them infront of everything to take a punch and then I counter pumch with all the monks. Also Glottkin is a double caster so he can cast his own spell and blades. 

    For some reason I thought Glot was a single spellcaster, but you're right. It looks like a good list. I gotta get some plague monks eventually. Sometimes it feels like the strongest Nurgle lists contain the smallest amount of actual Nurgle models as possible lol.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Eevika said:

    Played a one dayer this weekend with my brand new nurgle army.  Placed 3rd out of 10 players beating DoK and FeC but losing to Ironjawz after some huge misplays. The ironjawz player also won the tournament as he is the best player locally. I do feel like this list has a lot of potential when played better

    If only the Glottkin was 20 points cheaper, you could ally him in to Skaven Alliegence instead and drop those dead weight plaguebearers for another 40 plague monks :D Honestly I think 360 points on 3x10 Plaguebearers is too much, since they seem to be purely for the battleline tax. You could swap them out for minimum unit size chaos warriors to save 90 points. That would leave you with 120 Points left over. That's enough to squeeze in a sorcerer to cast Blades instead of Glottkin, leaving Glottkin free to use his warscroll spell to buff the Monk's durability by doubling their wounds characteristic.

  7. On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 7:32 PM, Chris Tomlin said:

    Everyone who purchased a ticket is in, I just need to get everything updated when I have a moment to breathe haha! I believe we are at 20 teams which is utterly phenomenal!

    Is there a list of confirmed entrants? I paid but I never got an e-mail or anything and I just want to check we're on there.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, EssexMat said:

    hey all...new to AoS and Nurgle specifically, with your permission would like to ask some seemingly dumb questions that I just can't find the answers to in the books.

    1) What is it about Gutrot that prevents him being given an artefact? or command trait? My app lets him be nominated as the General but no option to add stuff to him...

    2) Nurglings + Blades of Putrifaction seems good to me (small footprint with loads of attacks, plus easier access to bonus MW) but I don't see anyone talking about it...am I missing something?

    3) Can Muttergrub enable you to cast the same spell multiple times? Or does it have to be a different spell each time?

    4) Does Splithorn Helm 'stack' with Disgustingly Resilient? i.e. do you get a 5+ then a 6+ when allocated a wound, or do you just roll the highest at that timing step?

    there's bound to be more, but I don't want to be 'that guy' so will keep it to the ones puzzling me as I build my first 1000pts list...thanks for taking a look


    1) He is a named character. Only generic heroes like a lord of blights can be given Artefacts: named characters have abilities according to their Lore in the world. Think of it like this: you can customize generic heroes as you wish, but Characters who exist in the books are off limits. It would be like giving Aragorn a lightsaber. It would be awesome, but sadly it is not meant to be.

    2) I guess the big downside is that you have to take Nurglings which are expensive for what they are capable of without blades. Also, with no access to +1 to hit (other than the new Felhoof hero) they will run into problems with -1 to hit blocking their damage potential. The best recipient of the blades spell are generally models who have a natural access to +1 to hit such as marauders or Plague Monks as that allows them to deal mortal wounds on a 5+ instead of a 6+, or mitigate the effect of a -1 to hit debuff which is very common. It's an interesting thought though. I would love to have a reason to take Nurglings because they're great little models that just don't see any play these days.

    3) It has to be a different spell.

    4) They stack!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Worm said:

    Some Stuff

    Yup, a unit of 10 pink horrors when slain would give you enough points to summon 2 units of 10 blue horrors. And then those 10 Blues can be used to summon 10 brimstones if they are slain. That, along with being magic users, is why Pink Horrors are such an excellent Battleline.

    Yes, you can make a battleshock roll even if you can't fail. And you can use a 1 from your pool of destiny dice to guarantee you get some Pink Horrors back. This  means that you can potentially gain more pink horrors than you lost, since it ADDS models, instead of RETURNING SLAIN MODELS. For example, you start with 10, 1 is slain, you get a 1 on your battleshock and add between 1 and 6 models to the unit.

  10. 23 hours ago, Kasper said:

    I think it is significantly more fun for people to play where both players throw dice and models from both armies die, rather than one army shruging off almost every wound.

    I get where you're coming from, but what's REALLY unfun is buying and painting an army because it's supposed to be tanky and that's the playstyle you want to lean into and then finding that your stuff still gets deleted in a single combat phase and not having the tools to put out that kind of damage yourself.

    • Like 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    No I think you misunderstand the point

    I totally understand what OSB are and why they are look so different 

    Yet I still complain about them because I am a big fan of ‘proper human skull’

    I like skull because of the chilly terror and emotionlessness given by it, so it’s difficult for me to accept the mockery and weird grin on these new homeboys faces

    I am just sad we lost a opportunity to get some new sculpts skeletons and how amazing these guys could be if they had proper skulls

    I like the OBR heads, since they're shaped that way and not natural. Nagash seems to be purposefully perverting the design of the Stormcast in the design of the Bonereapers and the heads seem like a perfect counter to the stoic, frowning stormcast helmet design: a grinning, gloating mockery of life. The OBR in general seem to be Nagash's way of saying "Anything you can do, I can do better" to Sigmar.

    That said, all you need is a box of skulls and you can convert them into some excellent models with a proper skull shape if you wanted.

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  12. Weren't Death very well represented only a year or two ago? These sorts of swings in popularity happen pretty naturally, I don't think it's cause for alarm. Sooner of later there will be a new book or models usable by one or all of the death factions that will reinvigorate things. Death is too popular to get shafted for long, and as you say there is a brand new faction coming out for them very soon which I imagine will be able to be used in Legions or allied in to the other death factions. I bet that will shake things up quite a bit.

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  13. Yeah that's going to be a really rough matchup for us. It seems that every time a book comes out, we get weaker and weaker. The GHB changes did nothing to help us either. I think we're going to continue on a pretty steep downward trend until our next battletome comes out, and that's not happening anytime soon. Maybe the mythical "shooting meta" will appear and suddenly plaguebearer with lord of blights lists will be briefly amazing. Honestly I'm feeling pretty demotivated by Nurgle these days :( Hopefully this is just a temporary funk which will pass soon, but in my local meta at least I'm definitely the default punching bag.

  14. 8 hours ago, Sigwarus said:

    Can a Pink horrors unit that gets replenished by d6 models after rolling a 1 on the battleshock go over their starting numbers? I have always played it as a "no" but Darren recently did just that at the London GT. Consensus?

    You can, because it adds models to the unit as opposed to returning slain models.

  15. I wouldn't read too much into what armies get chosen for Battleforce boxes. Last year's included Slaves to Darkness and Seraphon and I remember there being a lot of hype at the time because people assumed that meant they were both due for major releases shortly after. There are still Slaves to Darkness battleforce boxes on the shelves at my local GW.

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