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Posts posted by Dreadmund

  1. 2 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    HOLY SMOKES I never ever thought of this before. WOW thats an awesome combo!


    Upon further thought I don't think it would actually work. I think I would be able to target a unit within 3 inches of the spellportal, but it would only deal a number of wounds equal to the amount of models from that unit within 3" of the caster which would be zero. I got excited at the idea of using a mortal spell other than blades of putrefaction for once but alas...

    • Like 1
  2. Going to play a couple of 1k friendly games this weekend against a Nagash/Nighthaunt Player. I am thinking of trying out a sorcerer with muttergrub, spellportals and rancid visitations in one of them. That would let me deal 1 mortal wound per model within 3 inches of the spellportal to a unit at a pretty long range (plus a spellportal has a bigger base than the sorcerer). Could be a pretty funny way to deal with his skeletons.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Smashin' said:

    For me it's more a rule of cool list than anything, I know that plague drones are probably better than Blightlords at the moment and Plague Ogors could be replaced with another unit of Blightkings but I just like the models; I'll be using converted Gellerpox Nightmare Hulks from Kill Team: Rogue Trader as my Plague Ogors which I prefer to call Blight Hulks like heavily mutated blightkings going the way of Ghurk Glott.

    The Gellerpox models are lovely. I have the tentacle hulk in my Blood Bowl team as my Rotspawn. Good idea using them as Plague Ogors, I think they will look great next to the Glottkin!

    Are you married to the weapon choices of your Great Unclean One? The movement buff from the bell and the casting buff from the dagger are both really excellent. I would almost always take them over the melee options personally.

  4. After trying Thricefold with some proxies and reading about the spellportal shenanigans in this thread, I've fallen in love and decided to finish my Thricefold List asap. But I'm paralyzed by choice for artefacts! There are a lot of good options with realm artefacts. What would you all take from below? Or does anyone have any cool suggestions I haven't considered?

    • Witherstave - Enemies in 12" range of the bearer re-roll 6's to hit. Easily one of our best artefacts, maybe the best. Would probably protect all three GUOs from Melee attacks since they need to stick so close to get their battalion bonuses. Also protects against enemy abilities that activate on a hit roll of 6, of which there are a few. This is almost certainly going to be my first artefact.
    • Endless Gift - In the battleshock phase roll a dice for every wound suffered by a GUO this turn and on a 4+ heal that wound. I would put it on my Bell/Blade GUO to keep my best spellcaster and movement buffer alive and to mitigate the damage taken from the putrid offering ability which I will be spamming to make sure that plague wind and Spellportals are successful.
    • Aetherquartz Broach - Every time I spend a command point, roll a dice and on a 5+ I get that command point back. I'll be using the GUO command ability to buff the attacks of my two big units of plaguebearers and to ensure successful run and charge rolls since positioning is crucial to a thricefold list to maximize the effect of plague wind. There may also be a realm command ability worth using. Never hurts to have more command points.
    • Betrayer's Crown - Once per battle, pick an enemy unit within 3" and roll a dice for each model in the unit. on a 5+ deal 1 mortal wound. When I played against Gloomspite they immediately surrounded my GUOs with a horde of grots to keep them busy and away from the objectives. This could be a good way to assist in chewing through a horde quickly. Could also help with changing the number of bodies on a point in my favour. Against a horde of 1 wound models this will, on average, kill a third of the horde. Seems pretty fun.
    • Goblet of Draining - When the bearer deals a wound to an enemy hero roll a dice. on a 5+, deal 1d3 mortal wounds to the target. If this activates on a plague wind cast, I could do 4d3 mortals to an enemy hero with a single cast or it could activate on an arcane bolt/realm spell for some cheeky spell-sniping. Also just helps me to get rid of any heroes that get up in my GUO's grille in combat. However, it's not reliable and could fail to activate when I need it most.
    • Lens of Refraction - When a friendly unit within 6" takes damage from a spell, I can decrease that damage by d3. The enemy is probably going to be focusing my GUOs for damaging spells, this could help with that. Against magic heavy armies like Tzeentch, Nagash or Seraphon it could end up making a big difference. The GUOs will be close to each other anyway, so the circumstances for it to activate are very likely.
  5. 6 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

    Incorrect - you'd pick a point 14" from Spell P. 2 and then draw the line back to the GUO so its actually about 34" (accounting for the 1" gap between spell p. 1 and the base size of spell p. 2). 

    This is correct. Visualised here:


    Plague Wind.jpg

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    • Thanks 3
  6. 1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Another GUO FAQ question I have is whether plague wind heals the GUO who is casting it?  

    I'm pretty sure the consensus is that it doesn't. The phrasing on the warscroll is "...draw an imaginary straight line between it and the closest part of the caster..." and the GUO isn't within that line, it's on the end of it. I agree with everything you've said about Putrid Offering - that's how I've been playing it.

    A point increase for Blight Kings and a change to make blighted weapons an unmodified 6 would be just fine by me!

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  7. 6 minutes ago, JCar09 said:
    2 nurgle wheel, the healing that would correspond to the number 7 happens in all phases or is a step more? In the examples of the book they skip it.

    It's another step, but  you can't start on it which is good because if you did it would be wasted

  8. 4 hours ago, Sigwarus said:

    Im trying to make a list that can beat the gristelgore and Bloodthirster always strike first meta while still be able to stand up against the shooting lists that will be most factions answer. What do you think of this list

    GUO witherstave 

    Verminlord corruptor 

    Lord of blights 

    30 plague bearers

    20 plague bearers 

    5 blight kings 

    6 plague drones 


    Warp lightning vortex 

    If you lose even 1 model from that unit of 20 plaguebearers, you lose their -1 to be hit modifiers. For me if you aren't taking 30 plaguebearers in a unit, i would prefer to split it into units of 10 to maximizethe chance of ressurecting models in battleshock and allow more movement and blocking shenanigans.

  9. 13 minutes ago, grungolah said:

    Forget the warscroll,  the spellportal has a FAQ on this exact  question.    Assuming it hasn't changed, you measure the end of the line from the portal,  but the beginning of the line is still the GUO base.   A huge 30+" line!

    Oh, I see. That's very bizarre and not at all how I imagined it working, but I understand and I am very intrigued by the possibilities! Looks like I need to get those portals painted asap! My Thricefold list: "Garbage a Trois" just got a lot better!

  10. 1 hour ago, Zplash said:

    To be fair, I understood you can't change the angle for plague wind with the portal because you draw the line always back to the middle of your Guo. So you increase your range about 32 but not the angle (no line drawing to the portal model). 

    Please correct me if I'm wrong folks :)

    From the wording on the warscroll, I thought that you could use the other spellportal as the origin and draw the line starting from there (as if your GUO was casting into the portal). I'm saying that you could angle the line from the new "anchor point", which is extremely helpful since GUOs are very big and pretty slow, so it allows you to get the most out of the spell that is  buffed massively by the battalion. If that's not true, then Umbral Spellportals seem a lot less useful to thricefold befoulment lists.

    1 hour ago, Thorsten said:

    So this means you draw the line from the closest spellportal? or can you also draw a straight line from the spellportal further away (which would make sense imo)? 

    Do you try to disspell it in round 2 when playing the thricefold? 

    Yeah, that's how I've played it in the past. It's incredible for vulnerable units. And yes, you can dispel your own portals to resummon them in a better position if you need to. With so many spells from having 3 GUOs, and with plague wind having such a big impact in a thricefold list, I think that's a valid strategy but it's situational obviously. You wouldn't necessarily need to do it every turn.

  11. 28 minutes ago, Thorsten said:

    Could you explain me how the spellportal works I dont rly understand it. 


    If you have a wizard within 1" of one of the two spellportal models, once per hero phase you can calculate the range and visibility for a spell cast by that wizard as though your wizard were standing where the second portal is instead. This allows you to increase the range of a single spell considerably, give an AOE buff/debuff to a far away area without your wizard physically standing there or in the case of a spell with a straight line effect such as plague wind, you can use it to get a more favourable angle on that imaginary line to hit more targets.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I don’t think these factions are getting new models, as that would be 15 new warbands and it says they’re available from the start. There’s not gonna be 15 warbands from the start. I think it’s just Warcry rules for current models. 

    If so I really don't understand why you wouldn't have rules for every currently supported faction kill team style. I guess you're right though. Maybe these are just the favourite children.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    Personally, I’m worried that they’ve just added these at a late stage because of complaints about it being chaos only, which makes me a bit worried about the balance. And there’s almost no chance they’ll be new models for the existing factions, which is slightly disappointing - if they’d have added them later they could have done new warbands for them.  

    It takes a really long time to make new models. People have only suspected it was a chaos-only game for a few weeks. Everything points to having all these factions represented being the plan from the beginning. I think the lore will be rooted in these chaos trials they were talking about in the teaser trailer, but I'm sure the game has been made with more than just chaos in mind.

  14. 1 minute ago, Hoseman said:

    And the question is: those warbands related to an army will be new models or just rules to make your band or a preformed band to uso your models?

    I assume its new models. If it were just rules, why wouldn't they include rules for every faction? This feels like you'll have to buy specific new models to play which isn't what i was hoping for. I don't think i can justify buying another new spin off game that needs all new models and books to play really. The great thing about kill team is that you can use what you already have, or start with a kill team and build up to a bigger army for use in 40k.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Draakur said:

    And yep roger on the Plaguebearers, makes sense. I imagine that addition would be essential in a competitive form of this type of list then.

    For summoning at least, yes. You have other options if you want to start with a big unit for this purpose. Chaos Marauders and Plague Monks are popular. But Plaguebearers are the only ones you can summon.

  16. 24 minutes ago, Draakur said:

    I had a glance at the Maggotkin Battletome picture and it looks like one of the more recent books, given some of the details on the cover - do I have that right? So their rules are likely set as they are and not changing any time soon I’d imagine, if I’ve got that correct?

    Maggotkin came out in January 2018, and it considered by most to be the first real AoS 2.0 battletome. So pretty much every other faction that GW intends to support going forward will be getting their book before Maggotkin next gets a refresh and theres still lots of factions on that list. For the foreseeable future, baring any tweaks made in the GHB in Summer, that Battletome will be staying relevant.

    27 minutes ago, Draakur said:

    i assume the Plaguebearers are also there for objective gaming too, given how significant that is (new to the game so doing a lot of learning right now - sorry if that seems a ridiculous question!)?

    Yeah, they don't hit hard and are tanky for a horde unit but still not terrible so. Their main purpose is to put bodies on objectives to claim them or to act as a physical wall preventing the enemy from getting bodies/heroes on objectives. That's why I think it's important to have some for summoning, it will often allow you to change the math in your favour.

  17. 23 minutes ago, Draakur said:

    Hi folks! Have been directed here from another thread I started regarding competitive low model count armies. 


    Easentially all I’m looking to know is, how viable an army is a lower model count Nurgle force? And what might such a list be comprised of? I don’t know that I’d want to play the Thricefold, but am definitely open to any ideas and thoughts on low model count Nurgle that can hang with higher level armies. All comments and assistance welcome and appreciated! 😀 

    A mortal army with lots of blight kings sounds like what you want. Blight kings come in units of 5 and are very powerful for their cost. You can pair them up with a variety of heroes like the Lord of Blights and Lord of Afflictions in a battalion or the Glottkin by itself to get buffs that make them hit harder. The Harbinger of decay can make them tankier. The Great Unclean one can buff their movement speed and is the best choice to abuse realm spells because he is the only unit we have that can get a plus to spellcasting rolls (by taking a single, non-preventable wound). An army that focuses on blight kings has great synergies and can make up for their lack of model count through sheer brute force and staying power. However, you're still going to want daemons for summoning, including 20 Plaguebearers since that's the biggest unit size we can summon them in.

  18. 20 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    What glaring mistakes do you think you made? GUO sounds like he might have been out of position.

    In that case yes, my GUO wasn't where he should have been. Honestly a lot of my problems in that game stemmed from me taking first turn when I shouldn't have. 2 run rolls of 1 meant that I couldn't get my Plaguebearers far enough along the board to claim objectives or support the GUO. In retrospect with that battleplan I should have taken second turn. It would have given me more flexibility with my movement options utilizing gnarlmaw run and charge and most importantly it would have shut down the enemy's extra attacks on a charge ability which I didn't realise he even had. I won't make the same mistake against a nighthaunt player next time. Being new, I think unfamiliarity with enemy playstyles hurt me the most. In that respect, at least I learned a lot from the weekend. My next game vs this player will benefit from the ass-handing I got given.

    27 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I feel they will do right by us come GHB, with hopefully a new book within a year...a quick update to fix a few things and give us endless spells. 

    My theory is since we were the FIRST 2nd edition book..just before "free summoning" was a worry on everyones mind.. they didnt want this book to be the harbinger of power creep and go overboard with a nrand new summoning mechanic.. so their aired on the side of caution. It was ok for about 6 ~monsths but now the book has not aged well. 

    Yeah I am definitely looking forward to the GHB. Even just a few point cost tweaks could mean the world for us. There are too many units, particularly some of the newer, nicer looking sculpts that just aren't worth taking at all at the moment. I definitely think they will start releasing endless spells for factions that don't have any soon - they've been well received and would be a must buy for any player. That's just money on the table!

    33 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Take advanatage of blightkings low points cost now.. I have a strong feeling they will increase in points. As they stand they are an insane value. They went up 5 wounds per unit but went down 4 points per model. 

    No doubt. I have 15 built and 5 on the sprue currently. I don't feel there was anything that my 60 plaguebearers did that 30 plaguebearers couldn't have done just as well. But an extra unit of 10 blightkings rocking around with some choice buffs could work wonders.

    I'm not giving up, but I definitely need more practice.

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  19. Well I had a really rough weekend of games. I lost 5 out of 5. My Great Unclean one got deleted in a single turn by Grimghast Reapers. I was using Endless Gift on him at the time, but he didn't survive long enough to make it to the battleshock phase even with the witherstave debuff affecting the reapers.  My Plague Drones completely failed to materialize damage in all but one game. Even fully buffed with Locus/Grandfather's Joy/Blades of Putrefaction their damage seemed very swingy and unreliable and their fragility (for a nurgle unit) was punished immediately after their initial attack every single time. My plaguebearers also kind of let me down. Their whole thing is that are supposed to be hard to remove, but without creative positioning and stacking several additional buffs to their defences I was losing them in droves. Granted I was rolling very poorly all weekend, but Daemons didn't blow me away and I can see why mortal lists seem to be in vogue. My blight kings at least didn't let me down all weekend, constantly putting out more damage than I anticipated and tanking far more damage than I had dared to hope. It's just a shame I only had 5 of them with me. My next list will definitely be featuring them prominently.

    Honestly feeling very demoralized after the weekend. I made some mistakes in my set up positioning and I learned from that, but too late. I had terrible luck on the dice (I got double turned almost every opportunity, failed to cast my best spells over half the time, etc). Also I know lack of sleep and some stress from my personal life was affecting my decision making, so I guess I shouldn't be too down on myself because this weekend probably isn't the best indicator of my own skill or Nurgle's potential, but boy... it was hard.

  20. When taking Thricefold Befoulment, what load out do people generally take on their third GUO? The first two being GUO w/ Bell and dagger and Rotigus seems like a no-brainer and what I intend to do. But for the third is it worth taking the melee profile GUO with the Big Bileblade and the flail, or do you think it's best just to  double up on the bell and the dagger? I've never been wowed by the damage output of a melee GUO, but because of the way that battalion's bonuses work your GUOs are probably going to be pretty close together so I'm not sure you'll get your full value from a second bell and if there's a spell you really need to cast or a unbind, you'll already have a dagger around. Plus it will look nicer to have three very clearly distinct GUOs on the table.

    I think I've talked myself into using the melee weapons in the process of writing this post...

  21. 2 hours ago, peasant said:

    Spare 60 points could go for emerald lifeswarm?

    I don't personally rate the emerald lifeswarm very highly.  If you roll poorly on the dice, it's effect is negligible. If you roll really well, it can be beneficial, but also relies on the positioning being perfect every time you get to use it, the enemy targeting units in such a way as to allow you to make best use of it, not fluffing your summoning roll at a crucial moment, etc etc. Plus it's a predatory spell so your enemy can potentially take control of it for several turns and then you've just spent 60 points of your own army points healing the enemy...

    Actually in general I don't like any of the predatory spells. I think they would be wonderful additions as realmscape features, but having to spend points to potentially hand the reigns of a powerful weapon over to the enemy is irritating.

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