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Posts posted by Dreadmund

  1. On 9/25/2022 at 5:29 AM, Rors said:

    You still pay points for the endless spell you can autocast at the start of the game yeah? Just looking through a lot of lists here and people don't have any of them so I'm wondering if it's a free option they're not putting into lists.

    Also, sigil looks really fun with some StD cultist allies. 70 points gets you 10 fangs that bring back a model every turn.. you could just sit the sigel with a couple units and summon 4 spawn a battleround while deck chair guarding a home objective.

    The Sigil only creates 1 spawn per activation, not 1 spawn per unit.

  2. 12 hours ago, GrimDork said:

    New box seems like very good value, will probably get one.
    I like the new curseling but imo it’s not quite as good as the current one.

    Can’t help wishing it had been a new fatemaster instead.

    Genuinely surprised they updated the wonderful curseling sculpt over the fatemaster that everyone always proxies because its so hideous. Knowing GW they'll keep the fatemaster's rules quite good so everyone will be forced to cut up an Ahriman from 40k still 😅

    • Like 2
  3. Very unlikely to change points. Nothing in the book is so undercosted that it's likely to cause a problem. In fact nothing in the book is undercosted at all 🤣

    I hope they FAQ the GUO's warscroll spell. Strong contender for worst rule in the book and totally baffling why they nerfed his spell so much from the last book.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, kollapse said:

    Anyone here used the Really Useful Boxes proposed in Duncan's videos for your Lumineth army? I'm looking at trying this solution, but I'm not sure which box sizes I would need. I guess all regular models like Wardens etc goes into the 4l one (most likely 2+ boxes needed for an army), but which sizes would I need for i.e. Sevireth, and separated Teclis/Celennar and the Shrine (as shown above)? I'm asking since the boxes aren't readily available in b&m stores here in Sweden, so I would need to order them online. 

    I've used Really Useful boxes for several years. After seeing how much damage people's models take from foam boxes I honestly can't imagine another way to transport my army than magnetizing.

    4L A4 will fit your wardens, loreseeker, cathallar and sentinels (the Sentinel unit champion is too tall however). I'm afraid I don't have any bladelords or stoneguard so I can't say for sure that they would fit, but it looks like they would except for the bladelord banner bearer. These will fit a Sanctum of Amyntok, but Twinstones and Rune of Petrification are too tall.

    9L A4 is a great size. It will handily fit 90% of your army. Dawnriders, Windchargers, Eltharion, Windmage, Stonemage, Bannerblade, Lord Regent/Lyrior, Endless spells and Ellania + Ellathor. However, I think it would be a bit too short for a Spirit of the mountain/avalenor. I have a Sevireth kit, but haven't built it yet, so I'm afraid I can't say for sure if it would fit.

    I also use a 19L A4. This is tall enough for both Teclis and the Shrine Luminor and will fit both models at the same time. If you aren't taking Teclis, there would be enough room for 2-3 spirits of wind or mountain and the Shrine at the same time. I put my shrine on a base and measure from the model instead of the base for ranges just so it would be easier to magnetize and so it would share basing with the rest of my army.

    Hopefully someone else could help with measurements for Avalenor and Sevireth.

  5. Erasure is the stupidest spell in the game imo. One of the printed versions has a typo that says it does d3 normal wounds instead of mortal wounds, and d6 mortal wounds if marked. That at least made sense because you would save up against units with a mortal wound save. But after the FAQ it was corrected to mortal wounds on both sides.

    I agree, I can't see much point in marking over simply doing 2d3 mortal wounds over time except in extremely niche situations. But even in those situations doing a guaranteed D3 over the potential for a d6 is probably better. Say your target has a mortal wound save this turn, and you think they won't have it next turn. Then it might be worth it, if you are also confident that the target will still be in range, you will be able to pass your second casting roll and your damage roll is at least average. But even then: do you have no other spells worth casting this round, or no other targets for erasure?

    An FAQ I'd like to see in the future is that the marked condition stays even after being hit with the second casting. That way it becomes a decent spell for whittling down big, high wound targets over several rounds.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 53 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    I  have a query about the ballistas.  Do the Blinding bolts also do damage in the same way as Starshard bolts or do they only give -1 to hit.  You still have to hit and there is only one attack profile, but they are called different names.  I like to err on the side of caution, so don't want to gain something I'm not supposed to.

    Yeah, you use the same attack profile. It just adds the extra effect for one volley of attacks.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    I agree.  If anything, I think they should have made those characters not able to interact with subfactions.  It would be basically the same thing, and make the characters feel more like heroes of the Lumineth over all, and not like Ymetrica is the only nation that produces heroes.


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    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I really like the idea of a Vanari focused army is the only thing. But I’ll be testing them out anyway, my brother plays Ossiarchs, who we’ve struggled with having so many stacked armour saves and ways to revive, so we’re hoping Lumineth will be the answer to some even games between us haha.

    But yeah I think a focused Alarith/Hurakan list will also be quite fun down the line when I have more money haha.

    I'm building towards a Non-Teclis Vanari army eventually. I love their rules and their cohesive design. The Lord Regent opens up so many possibilities IMO, saving spellcasts for other units you can potentially get some crazy buffs up.

    • Like 2
  9. I think the Loreseeker is Unique because although not a named character, Loreseekers are solitary and far ranging so from a narrative perspective there shouldn't be more than one near the same battlefield at any given time. It would be good if they FAQ this just to clear it up for sure so that new players don't keep getting confused about it.

  10. Regarding this rule from the new Shrine Luminor, who is actually "using" the command ability for things like Inspiring Presence and On the Double?

    So for example, lets say I want to use inspiring presence on a unit of wardens and they are in range of a hero garrisoned within the Shrine. Are the Wardens the one's "using" the command ability making it cost 1CP, or is it the hero in the shrine using it ON them, meaning it costs me nothing?

    I would assume the latter, but I wanted to be sure.


  11. I'm really surprised at how much negativity I'm seeing about the new LRL rules from LRL players. Fair enough if you're a beasts of chaos player seeing our rules previews and getting a bit salty, but why are we getting upset? 😕

    Who sees that we're going to have access to shooting cavalry that can retreat 6 inches in the combat phase with fly and says "I am disappointed"?

    And it's not from people who think we're going to be a little too good for the balance of the game, it's from people who expected better. I truly don't understand. Some people are just addicted to whinging.

    • Like 1
  12. 48 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    Which is funny, because that means in the end the Lumineth are a great PPE for your opponent - if they win against such an OP army, it was of course because of their superior skill, and if they lose, well, how could you win against such odds? : ) 

    This was actually playing with my Tzeentch before the newest book but yeah. They didn't even seem happy when they won. No pleasing the hardcore gamers I guess!

    • Haha 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    For sure! Yesterday had a guy complain all game how eltharion was overpowered.... even as he slaughtered everything else and would have won on objectives! I was for sure feeling that the daughters FNP was a negative play experience 😜

    A pet peeve of mine. I played in an event when I won 1 game and lost 4, and all 4 of the losses I spent the whole game listening to my opponent list all the reasons my army was bent and impossible to win against.

    • Haha 1
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