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Posts posted by walheim

  1. 2 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Don't underestimate buffed clanrats! They can really dish out of you get it right. Dying they always do right ;) 

    Also someone linked a very cool video about retreat and charging earlier. I think those kind of shenanigans is where they really shine. Opponents charge but leave a few alive? Retreat and re-engage at a better angle or just spread out to 4" in front of the unit. Keep blocking them. Amazingly annoying fun ?


    I also like locking my enemies with my clanrats, with bashing on one unit, and having another one of the enemies units just being able to pile in with one, taking away rats so that they'll keep piling in just hitting with one. I feel like a real warlord doing this!

  2. 21 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Looks good .

    I’d equipped the warlord with a warpforged blade and shield, since the shield will Garantie you that he might live a little bit longer.

    the warpforgrd sword won’t really make him better or as good as a Ironjaws Megaboss, but should deal a lot of damage should he hit and wound with most of his attacks.

    but let me tell you something, you don’t want your warlord in the frontline, there are reasons why Skaven Generals and hero’s lead from the back.

    no Skaven Warlord, Grey seer or Verminlord in their right mind would ever engage their foe face to face and definitely won’t be a part of the first wave reaching the Enemy except for Queek Headtaker, but that guy was a beast in combat.

    what you want to do is to wait until your foe-things are engaged with clanrats Stormvermins etc. And are wounded to the prime this is the only time your Skaven Warlord will shine in battle.

    Verminlords can engage much earlier but beware of hero’s or monsters like Nagash, Morathi, Stardrake etc.



    What i have planned is using my warlord as  backline bubble, hiding and surviving (heroically of course), and my verminlords i just throw out buffs and spells to weaken the enemy /strengthen me, the stormvermin are my elit killers, they are just going to go after units that are smaller, trying to get them killed in the first turn of combat if possible.

    The clanrats exist to die, pitting them against a slowly loosing battle, using my other parts as the hammer hitting the enemy from the sides, working their way in to the middle. Preferably getting there before the clanrats have perished.


    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Then yes, your list is definitely something to be reckoned with.

    just as a reminder, you’ll be having around 600p worth of hero’s if your taking a Warbringer, Corruptor and a Skaven Warlord. If your Also looking forward of using a unit of 40Stormvermims this’ll cost you 1100p.

    But don’t worry to soon my friend you’ll still have plenty of points left even if your taking 120clanrats as battleline for a unit of stormfiends, 4warpfire thrower Teams or 5poisoned Wind mortars, etc.

    i like the way your going and 2Verminlords can have a punch.

    suprise your foe,

    show them what we got,

    Kill-slay manthings,

    Destroy-take City burrows,


    Hurry-scurry my children, for we will rise and take-steal what should be ours.

    Glooooooory to Mors 

    Allegiance: Chaos

    Skaven Warlord (100)
    - General
    - Warpforged Blade
    Verminlord Warbringer (280)
    Verminlord Corruptor (220)

    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Blade

    40 x Stormvermin (500)
    - Halberd & Shield
    3 x Stormfiends (290)
    1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 190

    How would you equip the warlord for this army?
    Im not sure and googling about how to make him good isnt really working out.
    What I know is i want to give him the crown of conquest to get the AOE buff. atleast that's what i understand!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    What’s the other Verminlord you have or want to have in your Army?

    and is your army more focusing on verminus or pestilence or etc.?


    Verminlord Warbringer

    Well right now focused on verminus, alota stormvermin and clanrat shenanigans.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well you usually don’t see too many people using 2Verminlords.

    But hey any new list is a suprise for your enemy, surprise them and victory will be yours Yes-yes

    Would it be a good idea? Or is it better to spend those points on other things instead?
    I mean, they do quite different things, and i like the look and spells and stats of both.. Maybe better to have one of each for different lists?

  6. Hi lads! 


    Had a 1k match against ironjawz and got a solid win.

    In the end it looked like i was going to be whiped with only 2 ogors and 1 butcher left. Got a solid 21 mortal wounds with  my maw on a group of brutes, blowing em' out the water and securing my win!


    Was a really fun game!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    It definitely has potential.

    but if your army will have a chance of taking and holding objective and live till the end of round 5-6 is something that depends against what kind of player (and army) you’ll be trying your list on.

    against a tournament player you might struggle.

    agaisnt somebody who enjoys playing and is looking for a fun matchup or only wants to play his army after a certain fluff, then yes your army will be perfect.

    but still like Gwendar already said it, try your list out (which means play it a few times 3-5) have fun and chance some things if something seems to be not doing what it should do.

    anyways hope this’ll help you,

    and happy wargaming/

    Kill-slay yes-yes 

    Poster-things shall pay-die,

    Glooooooooooory to mors (or your clan)

    There's a mix of new and experienced players at my local gaming area.

    Thank you for the good advice, I'll try this list out and build from there.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    @KramerUnsure why you feel the need to be passive-aggressive about it. I was just showing my list idea and excited I would be getting it built up at some point in the future. I guess I shouldn't post any theory-crafting here like everyone else does?

    @walheimI will say that the Priest has done quite well for me in my Eshin lists as I can teleport him in with the Deceiver and then debuff a unit with the prayer + book to give Gutter Runners a good shot at taking it out in the same turn with their shooting. Overall I think it's a solid enough list, but I think when it comes down to it, the best thing you can do is just get some games in and see how it plays and then make changes from there. You may find that the Priest didn't do much, or that the 20 Clanrat unit was useless...Or you may find that they won you the game a lot of the time.

    Great response! 

    The unit of 20 is just because i need those 3 darn battleline units!

    Thank you!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    At all cost do not make your Verminlord your warlord.

    he will die immediately if you do so, and if your Enemy has a lot of shooting.

    as for warlord traits artefacts.

    id go for crown of conquest for the battleshock immunity for near friendly units, and Lord of war, Cunning deceiver or Maleciont conquer(don’t know or care how you spell the last word).

    ps:should you want your warbringer in combat at all times try the dopplegangercloak.

    the bemeny will not be able to attack this model before it will attack, which could sometimes mean that a enemeny might not fight at all.



    Very helpfull, keep the unsuspekting guys warlords! 
    Very sneaky-like of you yes-yes!

    Yes, i want to have it in combat, and i want to charge each time, that much i've understood. 
    Do you think this list is atleast OK? I'm  going to be able to take objectives and holding them a couple of turns with my swarm o' rats.

  10. Verminlord Warbringer
    Skaven Warlord
    Plauge priest with warpstone-tipped staff

    40 clanrats spears
    40 clanrats spears
    20 clanrats swords

    40 stormvermins w. shields
    3 stormfiends

    Hellpit abomination

    19990 point 192 wounds 

    I'm quite happy with the idea of this army, and I don't expect to win alot. (altough I'd like to)

    Any tips? Ideas? Things to switch out?

    How do i equip my verminlord for best effect?

  11. 10 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    @walheim I would agree that Warpfire is generally the best, but since most of us cannot find extras, you either have to convert using warpfire thrower bits or certain 40k flamer pieces. Otherwise, I would go with Shock-Gauntlets (killing hordes\all-purpose), Grinderfists or Doomflayers (killing high armor targets\all-purpose). Basically, just never use the Wind Launchers. I'm no expert yet on Verminus, but I will say you are heading in the right direction by having 3x40 Clanrats (1 unit of 20 works too, but I have found they do mostly nothing) and 1x40 or 2x20 Stormvermin. Be sure to give us an update.

    On another note, excited to finally get my holiday wish list together. I just bought a house so may have to wait until tax season unfortunately. Battle reports with this list soon to come.

    Skaven Warlord on Brood Horror (220)
    - General
    - Trait: Cunning Deceiver
    - Artefact: Crown of Conquest
    Arch Warlock (140)
    Verminlord Deceiver (300)
    Warpgnaw Verminlord (320)
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    20 x Stormvermin (280)
    - Halberd & Shield
    1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    General idea is that the Grinder team tunnels up Clanrats somewhere and the Warpgnaw Verminlord follows up with the Stormvermin unit to support. The Deceiver teleports the Warlord close to these units to provide CoC support and extra attacks. Arch Warlock will attempt to stay near the other 2 Clanrat units for objective grabbing and throwing out IP when needed. Cogs will give that extra edge on getting the deepstriking units into combat.

    I'm thinking 2x40 clanrats and 1x20

    Is both a warplock engineer and plague priest with staff important? Or could i go with only one of them?

    What's the deal with going HOARD O' SWOARDS, instead of spears?

    Enlighten me!

  12. 4 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    @walheim Looking good on those guys. And I say clan Verminous in spirit. Dont feel like you should pigeon hole yourself with playing the allegience unless you want to have more units of stormvermin and less clanrats (which would be intimidating for an opponent). But no, I recommend mixed skaven (chaos) allegience so you can play with all the toys. Based on synergies and what you have its still clan verminous in spirti. 

    Another hobby tip: I wouldn't wait to base you 25 mm bases, in fact I'd do 'em first before the model. On such a small space, you'll be spending so much time avoiding glue or bits on your finely painting stormvermin. Its much better to accidentally brush the base with that red or black afterward. I remember having a tough time getting full coverage on my bases because I couldn't effectively avoid hitting parts of the model between the legs. That said, they are a horde unit, and for tabletop play no one should care too much about the bases on 25 mm so just choose your battles on so many models. 

    I usually base all my models before painting, even before spraying, but i have a plan for theese!

  13. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Let’s see Her.

    how about:


    Skaven Warlord:100p

    1Warlock engineer:100p

    1plague priest:80p

    any kind of Verminlord:220-300p

    but would go for The warbringer since it seems like your more into verminus.

    or take the corruptor for some nifty death frenzied overkilling Stormvermins.



    2x 40Clanrats:400p








    How would you equip the stormfiends..?

  14. 15 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    @walheim Your heart wants to play clan Verminous. I'd go with Warbringer. Recommend you play packmaster with stormfiends, you'll thank us later. A great distraction for your opponent is the hellpit abomination. It has been lots of fun for myself as a one-off choice. And if you play the packmaster, its a little extra sumpin-sumpin for your shenanigans. And your insticts I like: play all the stormvermin. Have fun.

    As for building and painting I'm curious how experienced you are with starting an army. I would only recommend starting on your clanrats or stormvermin. They'll be good practice for color schemes for your larger models. The great thing about horde armies is that theres lots of small models to practice techniques on. Specifically for the stormfiends, those guys are so cool and have so much detail, I urge you to paint parts separately and not assemble everything right away. I loved how mine turned out but all those wires, tubes and armor made it frustrating when I made this mistake. 


    Here's a WIP of my stormvermin. Im almost done with the first batch of 20,just details/wood/some finishing touches left :)


    also i love the look of the hellpit!

    if i remeber correctly you have 400 allied points? Stormfiends eats up alot of those if i play verminus only



    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well what sort of direction are you most interested in going with a skaven army?

    is more competitive related like tournis, events etc.

    or just having fun and play after the little lore we have right now?

    I don't care about winning 100% of the time, i care more about having really awesome modells, and not loosing 100% of the time. I wan't to be able to join a tournament and average atleast a 50% winratio =D
    And i also want stormvermins, I love the models so those are important to me.

  16. Hi guys!

    I have an urge to play 2k skaven. Either mixed chaos or veminus.

    I have 40 stormvermin, and want to use them all.
    I have 100 skaven clanrats from fantasy that i could use.
    I have a screaming bell.
    i have a box of unbuild stormfiends
    i have a warlord, a plague monk with green staff, a warlock engineer.
    i think 4 rat ogres+ pack master
    Unbilt verminlord set (excited to build this!!)
    1 doomwheel
    1 hellpit abomination

    And I think that's all i have..

    What list do you recomend for theese models, and what verminlord do i build?

    As many idéas that you have are welcome!

  17. 30 minutes ago, Baron Wastelands said:


    And to answer the original question, I usually go Gutbusters allegiance for the battleline options. If I’m taking any ogors, I only really take them in blocks of 12 at present, so 2 of those at 1k or 3 at 2k is too expensive. I therefore usually take a unit of 6 leadbelchers and/or 6 ironguts (though I know @James S is having some success with units of 3 as well) alongside a block of ogors. The only thing I really ally in (as a gutbuster purist!) is maneaters sometimes.

    If you’re going GA: destruction, I guess you can fill your battleline with other options (I.e. not ogors), but that doesn’t feel quite right to me!

    THANKYOU, how many 12 blocks of ogors do you go at 2k? I have 1 block for my 1k list right now.

  18. 2 hours ago, James S said:

    Hoping to get some games in this weekend. Making a change in my tournament list. Dropping the six Leadbelchers for a unit of Guts and Grots.

    Dont feel like my shooty unit is pulling any weight, so gonna try something a little different. This is closer to my old tournament list which used a lot of Gut chaff to hold stuff up. Same idea, just more lunch with two big units of Ogors.

    Let me know what y'all think. Very aware I'll lose a unit of Grots turn 1. Ideally that sets up a counter-charge.


    Seems cool! What's the reason for taking the ironguts in blocks of 3 instead of 6 and 3 or 9?

  19. Hey guys! 

    Just painted my first 6 ogors!

    It's my first time painting tattoos, had a blast doing theese :)

    please give me some feedback, what do you like, what do i improve going forward?











    Edit: ogors have mothers too

    • Like 3
  20. Hey guys! I'm jumping into an escelation turnament at a 1000 points gutbusters, looking to have fun, but not getting slaughtered.


    Tyrant: not sure how to equip this lad.. I want the guttgouger and I'm going to have bragg the guttsman to proxy for this.

    Butcher with cauldron

    20 gnoblars to bully and tarpit

    6 ogors dual weapons, look ut gnoblar.

    3 ironbellys

    3 leadbelcher.

    Tips and thoughts for my first gutbuster tournament? How would you expand to 1500 and 2000? Thanks!

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