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Posts posted by cyrus

  1. 3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    This "Hastings" is indeed a FAKE - completly out of the loop and guessing, which ends up the same. 

    War of Sigmar was well informed in 2015 with Lady Atia as a resident rumormonger, but with Bob (nice chap but no rumormonger himself) running the site alone, it hasn't been in years a reliable source of informations, only rumor reverb. 

    What you posted about hastings is the most guesswork-y things ever. We knew by then by warcom (and the TOW map icons and artwork) that TK, Bret and O&G were amongst the first reworked factions. 

    It was months before any TK, Brets and O&G artworks . At the time people was expecting Kislev , Norsca and Cathay brand new miniatures for TOW.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Ok. This is a VERY important point. Hastings is a FAKE. They are pretending to be the old Hastings from before but they have a terrible track records. They got the launch of the old world completely wrong. They were the one that said Malerion's elves were on the way after silver tower. Don't believe a word they say. It's all just poorly informed guess work. Anything they get right is just a coincidence. 

    For context, this is what they said about the old world. All complete nonsense. Screenshot_20240509-180012.png.09dae2587b8d87d94f36f5a80b326509.png

    Yes , He canned totally the TOW starter box while Valrak was totally right about the two boxes and heroes (Nobody believed at the bone dragon)

    But Hastings posted also this in June and October 2022 and Noboby belived him because everybody was expecting brand new box with brand new miniatures Kisliev vs Norsca.




    So let wait for our seer @Whitefang to confirm or not the future of Underworlds and Warcry  🤞

  3. 11 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Didn't he/she say that after the purge?

    The underworld and warcry came from a 4chan "rumor" that contradict themselves twice in on post

    Yes , it was few days after the great purge April 10Th: " Oh there is going to be plenty( weird things) . Something completely a challenge to logic."

    And on Ogor squat he said on April 9th  :" Can't see that happening in the coming 3 years but there is always uncertainty for weird things."


    I checked  the original rumors about Underworlds and Warcry comes actually from Hastings from the blog War of sigmar around 9th/10 of April  :

    "I have, however, also heard that WHU is going away...... and I should add there were rumours of it being replaced with something "similar" but for 40k"

    "Although I did hear that GW is going to be pushing "spearhead" hard as the new "entry level skirmish" system for AoS, so Warcry may not be around forever."

    "I have literally heard a few moments ago that Warcry might not be around much longer (and by this I do not mean instantly, more like 18 months or so) as they want to push this new "spearhead" format as the "skirmish level entry to AoS proper", whether that's accurate or not who knows.


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  4. 55 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Anyone got a clue to what weird things could be? 

    I think Whitefang “weird/challenge to logic”  hints we’re referred both to GW politics ( cutting 60+ kits from AoS range including few years old kits ) and miniatures ( beastie weirdy faction)

    There are also rumours ( not from Whitefang) about delete of Underworlds and change Warcry setting/ set of rule. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Nah that is literally the dorsals of Saurus, been painting a load of them recently, the gold coverings on the spines are exactly the same as Saurus Warriors.


    My guess is either new guard (please) or maybe a Warcry warband of Saurus, with the former seeming far more likely.

    Yes right incredible !!!!!



  6. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It has been a quiet time recently:

    - Big box previewed in a couple of weeks and selling on June 29th (preorder on the 15th).
    - Based on the Adepticon videos and a recent article seems we will have terrain and a matt and some extra printed content on the launch box.
    - Whitefang Jr mentioned Cogfort, but we don't know if it was a joke or a leak about the upcoming CoS range.

    Whitefang back me up mentioned already on February about “ new destroyed buildings along rats and storm cast in the starter set “ and he was serious about Cogfort ! 😉

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  7. 6 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Weird thing to bring up but are we expecting any model purges when the index roll in the summer?  

    don't remember if that was mention/alluded to in the discussion back when we got info on it

    I have seen already Epidemius , blue scribes, flux master,chaos sorcerer “ sold out on line/ no longer available “ and Herald of tzeentch on “ last chance to buy “ in addition to the ones announced to be retired ( Valkya, Scyla, Eternity warden, etc):https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/04/whats-leaving-the-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-range/

  8. 39 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    It was the same with Dominion. I think the name was revealed the same day of the unboxing or a few weeks earlier


    Actually there was this american streamer (can't remember the name) who spoiled the name of the box and some contents , describing "kruleboyz" as "closely resemble of lords of the rings orcs " 😉


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  9. 31 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    I'm liking the Valkyire/ Ancient greek vibe with them, with the "Grimdark" chainmail and tassles. They look miles better then the old chunky ones and don't look like they will fall over when placed on a slight incline. 

    going off this and the last few boxes that means the tormcast side of the box will be. 
    The lord of big bird (as the centre piece model) 
    1 0r 2 foot heroes 
    10 Liberators 
    3 of those dudes with shields 
    3 prosecutors 
    "MAYBE" some ranged unit of 5. 

    Skaven will probaly be 
    Claw lord on the rat monster
    the big Rat Ogre 
    the leaked heavy weapon
    Warlock engineer with Rife
    Warplock Jezzails 
    40 Clanrats 
    Another unkown hero.

    40 clanrats seem too many : either 20 clanrats + 10 (not seen in trailer) stormvermin or just 20 clanrats

    Skryre acolytes (former globardiers) seem likely too





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  10. 6 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    Did they say that was the box? I figured it was just the usual thematic posing they do when they show off new minis. Given the usual box cost her and a single unit of varanguard wouldn't be much of a deal, I'd probably just wait for her independent release in that case. 

    Yes , the box is called Abraxia varanspear . Probably it is costing the same of solo Abraxia 


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  11. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Id day Top 3 Armies in need of a release are;



    Ogor Mawtribes.

    I should say :

    1) Ogor with firebellies expansion

    2) Fyreslayers with new/updated battle line

    3)Idoneth with elite infantry 

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  12. 11 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I see Silent People as almost impossible to come, and kinda unfair if they do. We know Chorfs are coming after Chorfs presumably Malerion at either the end of the ed or the beginning of the 5th edition. If any other faction comes before Malerion the poor guy will be a walking meme for AoS.

    I really thought that Malerion was coming in 3rd edition , and Chorfs coming before him in 4th edition is totally unexpected to me .

    He is really a big AoS character since the beginning and he actually rules over Ulgu , the realm of shadow: it is really wierd we haven’t seen him yet !

  13. 12 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    That's an interesting theory. We will know soon enough when we have the Dwarfs Arcane journal 🙂

    Hopefully pre-order soon.

    Another speculation I heard it is about beastmen brayherds will hit ToW only in summer 2025 when BoC will be considered no more legal in AoS tourrnament/matched play.

    Valrak video containing rumors about Empire (and empire new miniatures) after Dwarfs , had also small talks about woC and He to follow so the total unofficial roadmap should look as follow :

    Autumn 2024 : Empire

    Winter/Spring 2025 : WoC and HE

    Summer/Autumn 2025 : Beastmen and Wood Elves 

  14. 43 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Interesting. Thanks!

    And maybe it is just a coincidence or may not but:

    Bretonnia's arcane journal contains a scenario Bretonnia vs Tomb kings

    Tomb kings's arcane journal contains a scenario Tomb kings vs O&G

    O&G 's arcane journal contains a scenario O&G vs Dwarfs +Empire 

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  15. On 4/21/2024 at 11:18 AM, YoghurtKobold said:

    What would I give for TOW roadmap. Any info on that front? I need to plan my hobby time and spendings and there are so many armies I am waiting for.

    Totally UNOFFICIALL and based on rumors and modus operandi so far: 

    May : O&G Wave 3 /Made to order/new resin shaman

    June: Dwarfs wave 1 /Arcane journal/Battalion BOX

    July : Dwarfs2 wave 2

    August : Dwarfs wave 3/Made to order

    September/October/November : Empire (???)  New miniatures : New general, new warmachine , 3 new wizards (RUMORS)

     December/January/February 2024 : 6th faction

    March/April/May 2024 : 7th Faction

    June/July/August 2024 : 8th faction

    September/October/November 2024 : 9th faction 

    Starting 2025 : campaign  books along with new GW/FW miniatures

  16. 18 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I wonder if there'll be another AoS model reveal next week...

    Of course !!!

    Monday 29th April : Stormcast new model monday

    Monday 6th May : Skaven new model Monday

    Thursday 16Th May : AoS 4.0 Starter full reveal 🐀


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