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Everything posted by skeen77

  1. I think they could have put out anything with skeletons of multiple sizes and people would have screamed Tomb Kings. As it is, non-Western looking is enough. Will this play like Tomb Kings? Because if we're talking spiritual successors that's where the heart of it lies.
  2. Sure. In the same way that Stormcast are the Empire reimagined in the world of AoS maybe? 🤣
  3. GW does delete negative comments on their posts remember.
  4. They said that they were coming so soon that they weren't even going to talk about them because we'd know soon enough anyways.
  5. They're not skeletons. Plain and simple. Your comparison to Stormcast is accurate. They are suits of fused armor made out of magically forged bone and had some spirits shoved inside to control them. And they're not mindless automatons, they do have distinct personalities. Yes they're in service to nagash but they exercise their own actions.
  6. I've figured out what the infantry was reminding me of. Yoshimitsu from Tekken!
  7. Sounds to me like a way to sell lots more books. They said that each book would focus on two armies, so there's quite a few potential books out there. I'm not too big into 40k either but I was happy to see Eldar *finally* get new howling banshees.
  8. So to sum up a few things: - CoS and Orruks very soon, probably next week or two, and won't have traditional endless spells and terrain - they officially confirmed the mawtribe battletome in the q&a. Someone asked if it was a thing and they said they'd already confirmed it. Whoops - there's more OB yet to be shown, including a flying unit. I imagine most of what we haven't seen is alternate build for multi kits though. Sure I'm missing some other stuff that wasn't outright said in the article.
  9. I am genuinely surprised that he's wearing that thing. I totally thought it was going to be part of the base kind of, a big stone slab behind him. He looked cooler in the drawings unfortunately.
  10. I think it will be GG level at least. I don't think they'll use the old TK skeleton kit, nor the generic one. They're going for a definite theme here, I think they'll be more ornamental. We're going to have several new kits I believe, maybe 3 weeks of releases. Could bring back a construct or two from TK, maybe use the morghasts from LoN. I'm expecting NOVA to show off the book and a few models. They said that the next 2 battletomes we were getting were Cities and Orruks, so I think we're just going to get a taste of the new one. Any guesses on what the new faction will be called? 😄
  11. It would be a mistake to use that old Watchtower. It doesn't fit the AoS aesthetic at all. The warscryer citadel went last chance to buy with all the other cut stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if it was renamed and repackaged for Cities.
  12. May not be on his back, but rather behind him, and is more part of the base than him.
  13. While coining it Khans was maybe a bit too specific I still feel confident that it's more of an Asian vibe than Egyptian. The accent of the guy and the buildings don't really fit the theme.
  14. I'd be rather tickled if it was some kind of sarlacc pit looking thing.
  15. The mods keep trying to get people back on the topic of rumors and away from the complaining about what we don't have. I have no horse in this race, I like unaligned chaos. This is a rumor thread. That's all I'm saying.
  16. I'm tired of the beat of this drum. StD are in a terrible spot and we all know it. This thread isn't for complaining about that.
  17. I think we need to drop this thinking. 2 years ago we had nurglemas, and last year they revealed gloomspite in December.
  18. I like how you predicted the complete opposite of what we got
  19. That would be wacky as heck and I doubt it, but I'm ok with it.
  20. Have to keep repeating to myself that it's still unconfirmed, could be a fake, etc etc... but it's a really good one if so. Looking forward to tomorrow.
  21. I agree, but they could always just leave them in with their weird little factions and just make whole new armies for Hysh and Ulgu.
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