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Everything posted by Lernaean

  1. Actually the whole whining is about lack of variety in the current model range. I’m sure there would still be some if let’s say we got Slaangors but no Slaanesh barbarians, I know I would still be disappointed, but it wouldn’t be that vocal.
  2. Ok, you’re right. Let me rephrase. The current model lineup is useless if you want to field a mortal only army that is aesthetically in line with the other armies of the game. I think that’s pretty accurate.
  3. Yeap, there’s the whole argument. We all would hope for a mortal unit on foot, and the army will need it regardless, but if there were proper kits for StD there wouldn’t be so much fuss about it. Hopefully we’ll have an update this year. Also ‘not great’ is the understatement of the month 😂
  4. I’m actually not convinced with this head, but seeing all the options, this kit will be amazing to build. One day I’ll field my KoS with a host of Slaanesh barbarians and it will be awesome
  5. Slaanesh range in general is not at the same level as Nurgle, and nowhere near Tzeentch and Khorne. We can downplay this as much as we want, but let’s not compare the range of the other chaos books with that of Slaanesh, even with the new models. And I really would have no problem converting, if only there was a base StD kit that didn’t look like it is from another game due to how old it is. We are not owed anything, but people are not crazy when they say Slaanesh needs mortals or that Marauders need an update ASAP.
  6. Azmodan, no one said it’s unplayable. It’s just useless for people who don’t wanna field a full daemon army. It’s completely different. People just wanted the same treatment other Chaos battletomes got. Also nobody said the models are not beautiful, again, they are just not for people who want to field a Slaanesh mortal list.
  7. I absolutely love the new models, and definitely love the KoS, especially after I saw the whip option I cried, but I’m really disappointed too. People from outside my/our bubble might not get it and wonder why we’re whining when we get to have such beautiful models, but the fact is that we did wait too long, only to get a book with less options than the other three, and that we all know that due to popularity, we have no idea when it’s gonna be updated, so technically we might have to wait for years before we actually see Slaanesh mortals now, and that’s where the disappointment comes from. I’m sorry, I’ll buy the book, and will probably get myself a KoS, but I won’t be doing anything more with Slaanesh as it is now. Now I think I’ll wait for Darkoath and see what we’re getting there and hope for the best. If Darkoath is just an updated Undivided book and they just add more options in it, update the Marauders kit with a new Darkoath/barbarian kit, and the Warriors kit with a new Warriors/Chosen kit, and add a couple of leaders, then it will be a good release imo and I’ll jump in. If that doesn’t happen either, I’ll probably start a Khorne list with the contents if the first AoS box plus a few more purchases, and work from there. Khorne is another favorite of mine anyway, I just didn’t want to be the 60th guy with a Khorne list on the table in any given game, but I’ll deal with it.
  8. That’s kinda true. Let’s hope that there actually are mortal units in the making first, and that they actually look like Slaanesh worshipers then.
  9. Those ARE mortals in the Slaanesh art and they look gorgeous. More intricate armor with spikes, more jewelry, collars, slicker swords... I really hope these designs translate to models.
  10. Not just Speed Freeks. We saw it with W&R and the upcoming Slaanesh release. We saw it with BSF and the CSM release. It’s not the first time. And I disagree. Warcry is a standalone game with multiple flavors of Chaos barbarians, of which we have only seen 2 so far, and it’s open for other warbands from other factions in the future. Warcry doesn’t mean a Darkoath book isn’t being done. As far as the design is concerned. They won’t have to make AoS units for every warband in Warcry. They will just have to update the Warriors and Marauders models and probably rename them, along with a couple new units, and make a Chaos Mortal book. Undivided, Archaon, Darkoath, whatever they wanna call it. And there is no doubt in my mind that it’s happening. Those models need the update anyway.
  11. I doubt it. Imo it will be more like Warcry releases and a couple of months later we’ll get a Darkoath release. It has already happened with other armies in both AoS and 40k, getting a stand alone game with new minis from one faction and a little while after getting a full fledged book for said faction.
  12. Maybe they coincide. Like BSF and CSM, or Speed Freeks and Orks, or W&R and BoK/HoS. Maybe we’ll get Warcry and a couple of months later an Undivided book/release.
  13. Everything you said Overread. My thoughts exactly.
  14. Yeah, Warqueen was a small gem. Also about fluidity in AoS. Yes it makes perfect sense. Imagine that in the Old World we had the Northmen. The Norse, The Kurgan and the Hung. Now we have endless tribes hailing from all over the Mortal Realms, raised in completely different environments, with different backgrounds. It’s... Chaotic?
  15. Can’t disagree. That’s what I thought initially, and that’s why I made the Slaanesh connection for the flayed face symbol, but the latest news for Warcry indicate thst indeed they are not god specific. For example Iron Gollems indeed look like Khornites, but it is not specified and them hailing from Chamon may be a reason they look like this to me. There is another thing to think about, and it’s been a little bit explored on the lore. They might be Khornites and have no idea they are, just worshiping some metal-hound god a chieftain saw in a vision, like how a tribe may be worshipping a raven god and in fact be Tzeentch worshippers. So any tribe may be like this. Maybe they flayed face warband looks like a Slaanesh warband but their god affiliation is mentioned nowhere.
  16. That is very interesting. First time I hear that. And imo that’s better. Shows the myriad of Chaos cultures in the Mortal Realms beyond the cultists.
  17. Had noticed that too. In my dream outcome this is a Slaanesh warband.
  18. I will be very bummed if there are no Slaanesh mortals. Also though it’s admittedly a great looking model, I’m somehow not feeling the KoS. Will wait to see the other options in the box ofc. If the other 3 are any example, I’m sure there will be a ton of options.
  19. Just wanted to say that I’m ecstatic at the prospect of getting so many distinct chaos tribes with Warcry. All these years of only reading about all those different tribes but only getting generic horned-helmeted warriors finally payed off and we’re getting this beauty. As a Chaos player/fan/collector for more than 2 decades, I’m really happy. Also idk if it was mentioned but imo flayed face faction could be Slaanesh.
  20. I’m not even a Destruction player or fan for that matter, and this is probably the best release ever. It’s the first time I absolutely love every single model in the lineup, not to mention the lineup is huge! Buying the book and the dice on release and I may be tempted to build a small army.
  21. I know. I always hope Slaanesh gets the Tzeentch treatment and GW will give us a distinct unit of beastmen, cause Tzaangors are too awesome looking.
  22. I hear you, but right now Daemonettes aren’t the problem. The kit is fairly new and tbh it’s not bad and let’s admit it, GW won’t replace it any time soon. What Slaanesh now needs is some new units. Probably a new daemon unit, certainly a mortals unit, maybe a beastman unit, new heralds and/or heroes, and ofc a KoS. Daemonettes can wait.
  23. Agreed completely. The design itself is great, they’re just too static. What GW nailed with DoK, they missed with daemonettes.
  24. Ehhh, I want an AoS Diablo clone dungeon crawler, Warhammer Quest style but yeah... ofc we are getting Chaosbane but idk how good that might be. I even have the whole game in my head, but I doubt it’s ever gonna happen.
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