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Everything posted by Lernaean

  1. I agree with @Overread, I don’t believe StD are in some kind of trouble. I just think it took GW a very long time for such a high profile army, and I too am surprised it wasn’t shown yesterday along with Warcry.
  2. You are right about almost everything. And I say almost cause everyone has the right to be frustrated if things don’t go their way. They don’t have the right to dictate anyone how they run their business, but they have the right to feel frustrated and/or vent.
  3. While I don’t agree with the way @Kurrilino expresses their frustration, technically they have every right to be frustrated. This whole StD/Darkoath getting mentions all over but never releasing has grown old, not to mention that releasing a Slaanesh BT with no mortals added to the frustration of Chaos mortals players/fans. Also, let’s be honest. This Open Day was a bust. GW might have got rid of a few armies in need of BTs in one go, that’s true and it’s a good thing, but the whole thing offered us just two soup BTs and a whopping one new miniature reveal. Even the expected Underworlds S3 reveal was a few seconds of two model silhouettes. Seriously all that could be covered in one Community article, without the whole show.
  4. It’s not lazy, it was needed. It’s just that mindset (which I also have) that no new models = no proper release. But in all honesty it had to happen at some point.
  5. New BTs look dope, though definitely not what I wanted. Hope I’m getting something like a UW wb or the 2 missing Warcry wbs.
  6. I will forgive if neither BT is StD only if we’re getting a cool looking Underworlds warband, like Nurgle or Slaanesh.
  7. Tbh, the fist looks like the armored gauntlet in rumor engine, so it could be a chaos sculpt.
  8. I can’t wait for the day when they will unveil the updated StD, and I really hope tomorrow is the day, but that’s an Untamed Beasts illustration.
  9. That’s correct. It’s in the description too. Scions lore is so hot (pun) if you give it a read.
  10. I think I’m gonna like Scions of the Flame.
  11. Great! I wasn’t sure about the starter, and now knowing you can buy everything separately, from rulebook to ruler, I’m ready to invest on a couple of warbands, the rulebook and some more things.
  12. Knowing that Warcry is getting more factions, I really hope the game is used to show different and individual civilizations in the vastness of the mortal realms. You can get vanilla StD, but you also got all those warbands, and next seasons who knows? We may see a different Aelf warband, or anything. it could be used to represent all those different pockets of civilization that are not the vanilla factions we see in AoS, but something that evolved differently.
  13. So now that we have everything (so far), my top 3 is: 1) Splintered Fang 2) Cypher Lords 3) Untamed Beasts Can’t wait to see more of this game and more warbands.
  14. New warband looking great. This one gives me a Tzeentch vibe, even though none of them is explicitly following a certain god.
  15. Warcry gets better and better with each reveal. My only issue now is how am I going to afford all that 😂
  16. Only 2 warbands in, and Warcry is my favorite AoS product already. I can’t wait!
  17. Wow, Untamed Beasts is everything I was looking for. Can’t wait to see the other warbands.
  18. That’s how I see it happening (and hope tbh). Slaanesh jailbreak can be an event as big as the Necroquake and everything that came after, so I guess it could be the next big event in after the Death themed one running currently, and it could be the focal point of AoS 3 when we’ll actually get a proper book. Slaanesh freed and war with Aelves. It wouldn’t even hurt if the Order focal point in AoS 3 is not Stormcasts either. Or again, that’s what I hope.
  19. Sadly, the Hedonites Battletome isn’t for me apparently. I guess I’ll just wait for Warcry and Darkoath and hope it won’t be another letdown.
  20. Yeah, that’s why I said Marauders/Darkoath kit. It would make sense to make it a dual kit imo.
  21. Yes, if they actually release a proper Warriors/Chosen kit and a proper Marauders/Darkoath kit, I believe we’ll be fine. And to everyone who says you can always use StD, I say definitely. When they replace the current models.
  22. I actually rephrased that post, so you could give that a read. Also some of us don’t like some of the models in the StD range. As you said, it’s about having fun, and trying to convert the current Marauders to not look like hairless apes is not the best idea of fun.
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