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Posts posted by Zamik

  1. I was curious if there has been any kind of erratum or clarification about this: all three Wildercorps Warden builds have a dog on the base, so why does only the "with Grizzled Trailhound" build get access to "[Triple] Kill"? And why doesn't the Warden have the Beast runemark, when he has a dog right there? It's just an irritating thing to me.

  2. 1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

    anyone catch this miniature on the warhammer community home page? Its a thumbnail for the warhammer+ article. The figure does not appear in the article, but it was on the homepage as a thumbnail for some reason. Do the horns match the recent Tuesday rumor thread? I think its one of the Cities of SIgmar Knights, with a different helmet option than I've seen so far, but I could be mistaken. I know that kit has a lot of options on the sprue



    It reminds me of a Wild Rider, and now I'm sad about Wanderers again lol

  3. I played a game yesterday vs Skaven, using a Tome of Champions 2021 matched play scenario (I forget the name, but it's the first one in the book, with five objectives that also heal you when you control them). I was running Swampcalla Shaman, Pot-Grot, Hobgrot Boss, 3x Slittaz, a Gutrippa with Stikka, and allied Rippa Narkbad and Stabbit. The Shaman's Gloom ability  and his ranged attack worked well, the Hobgrot Boss's Stab 'Em Good also helped make my grots more dangerous. In the end though, the rats pared my band down and took the game by one point. It was a great game though, with the two pettiest factions looking to get the better of each other.

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  4. I just played two Warcry games about two weeks back since I'm trying to get back into it before I tackle some narrative quests. I played an SCE Sacrosanct warband vs Skaven. I was out-activated, but luckily the mission was to prevent a ritual from happening (in this case my friend and I decided the Skaven were attempting to summon a Cheese Elemental), so I could plonk my 30-wound warriors down around the objective and hope the Skaven rolled low. They ended up with 12 ritual points--1 point shy of victory!

    In the other game I played Khorne Bloodbound with Garrek's Reavers and 6 more Bloodreavers vs a spider-heavy Gitz list. I really like Garrek's crew and the Quad ability they get is just the most Khorne thing ever: the activating model gets an extra attack for every model that's been killed that round!

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  5. It's a shame the WD rules won't be enough for me to bring out my full Khorne army to play; but that's okay, I still have Warcry, where Bloodbound are incredibly good, and witht he new Tome of Champions I can throw Garrek's Reavers and Magore's Fiends in there too!


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  6. 2 hours ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

    If you’re looking for inspiration, you could also see if the Mordheim forums are still active as well.  A lot of incredible terrain and war bands were there. GW really dropped the ball on that game and faithful community that continued on for many, many years after GW stopped supporting it.

    Tom's Boring Mordheim  Forum I believe.

    Ooh I just started digging through that Mordheim forum, and it looks very promising! Thank you!

  7. This kind of reminds me of a 2+ Tough video I saw a few years ago, where he had the idea of allying in a wizard as a captive, compelled to unbind spells for the Bloodbound. I think it would be really fun to represent the Arcane Tome as a captive wizard dangling from a chain attached to a Bloodthirster's wing.

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  8. I picked up the Tome of Champions 2021, and looking at the Siege of Carngrad mission has gotten me interested in big Warcry builds--large, dense, vertical builds. Does anyone have any to show? This year I'm really looking to have some SPECTACLE games of Warcry, so I want to see what others have built.

  9. Keep in mind, though, that Coherency rules in 3rd edition make it difficult to get every Bloodreaver in a unit into combat (what with 32mm bases and 1" weapon reach), so that output might be drastically different from what you expect--and Bloodreaver damage is unfortunately nothing you can count on.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    The Nighthaunt clearly resembles a Librarian or someone Nagash has cursed for all eternity to read his enemies bedtime stories, so frightfully boring that they literally bore them to death. 

    Causes mortal wounds if you actually read your opponent a bedtime story before you attack with this character. 

    It shushes you so you can't use command abilities in its presence


    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Everyone in my gaming group who have played Khorne (4 people) have quit because of their battletome and how bad it feels.

    I understand why people like it, but personally I think it's my least favourite tome. 

    I haven't gotten to that point with my Khorne boys yet, though I have been focusing more on my SCE this year.

    To me, it seems there are tomes that set the curve and expand what AoS on the whole can do, and there are tomes that just play catch up. The 2019 Khorne book was just playing catch up to a meta state that was already going out of date. And to be fair, it has its tricks, but the warscrolls are too pitiful to take advantage of them fully.

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  12. In my experience I've never really needed Bloodslick Ground all game. I use it to create favorable charging conditions for my boys, and then I forget about it once everyone's in combat. There are a lot more CP to go around this edition too, so I'd rather get an Amulet of Destiny. Just me, though.

  13. Just wanted to note my best AoS experience of the last year and a half happened yesterday, playing against Seraphon, when my Reapers of Vengeance general unbound one of Lord Kroak's spells with an 8 and did 5 mortal wounds to the toad. Then my friend rolled really high on Kroak's death check, and Kroak exploded! It didn't even matter that I lost the game (though it was much closer than I had expected, having eaten a double turn worth of shooting in Rounds 1-2)--bet the Grand Plan didn't account for that!

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