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Posts posted by Vastus

  1. While I'm not impressed by the execution, I think there may be a good idea here if you narrow it down. Giving extra VPs for powerful named (especially God) characters and monsters is an interesting idea to combat the hero/monsterhammer that AoS is prone to by adding more risk to these resilient models.

    I don't think it should be extended to regular units, and I do not like the 'hunters' idea though as it feels like a lazy bandfix for weaker armies.

  2. Did a few more of the Harridans. The others actually had a lot less of the graininess, so I'm happy with that. I decided to make the heads more copper-y to make them stand out, not entirely certain about it though.


    EDIT: managed to make the claws pop out a bit more. Not a lot of sun rn, but hopefully you can see the effect.



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  3. Did a color test on the first Harridan sticking to the usual paint scheme. Unfortunately the priming went awry and came out somewhat crackly. I've never had this before but I'm guessing I sprayed from a bit too far away, or maybe it was still too humid? Not too bad from a distance but it becomes noticeable up close or especially when there's light shining on them.

    I think I'll mostly stick to this scheme with some more highlights and washes. Only thing I'm unsure about is the claws. I do like that bit of extra color but it does contrast a lot. Maybe go easier on the highlights and go for a sort of checkerboard highlight pattern similar to what you'd do for power weapons.



  4. Hmm, uploaded the images actually look fuzzier than on my pc, guess a compression thing? (Edit: okay doing it through Imgur is slightly better)

    Anyway, I also wanted to drop some images of the army that the lovely ladies will be joining.




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  5. Seeing as the weekly Wednesday updates posts seem to be no more and I don't want to spam the specific discussion threads, I'll make this thread to keep track of and organize the stuff I'm working on right now.

    I generally like putting a spin on things, and the magical nature of the Realms gives an easy avenue for that. The idea I had originally was a Legion of Sacrament mixed army where the abundant metal dust of Chamon had settled on the bones and covered them, and materials like wood and such were replaced with metal as well. Over time this morphed a bit into the magitek/machine spirit theme I have right now. I also have some other ideas for other races, one of which I'll hopefully be able to work on next month when my order arrives. For now though, it's focused on the spooky boys.


    Lore Keynotes:

    Between the Viscid Flux and the lands of Prosperis, near the Vale of Golden Idols lies the valley of the Metalgrinder Teeth mountains. A kingdom of alchemists once reigned here, but they were largely slaughtered and forced to flee during Tzeentch's invasion of Chamon. Now the mountains are home to only ruins, which still house secrets.

    In the hills south of the mountains lies a brass keep overlooking a lake of silver. Known as the Citadel of the Exile, this place is home to the exiled Necro-Engineer Har'Kaldur. He believed that instead of just using spirits, stronger legions could be created by trapping them into sturdy metal bodies, forging them into something new. He may have been cast out, but he has made significant strides in his study of using realmstone fragments as a core to bind souls to simple objects or liquid metal, creating amalgams of metal and spirit. Now he aims to explore some of the ruins in the area, as well as potentially the abandoned temple-city, to gain knowledge and arcane power.

    A little further east, near the jungles once home to a Seraphon temple city, the land is adorned by the Goldtooth Mountain. A jagged peak of glittering gold that is home to the Goldchaser Maw-Walkers, a ferocious Mawtribe of Ogors led by Zurug Goldchaser, Chosen of the Mawpath. They have sacked the abandoned temple city nearby and seek out more wealth, believing that the beautiful gold is a sign left by the Great Maw's will. They follow any source of the precious metal they can find like a breadcrumb trail, while attacking most mortals they come across due to a scarcity of food in the region.

    Deep in the Metalgrinder Teeth mountains lies an outpost that is the site of a duardin mining system that has recently been recolonized. The settlers originate from both the nearby Ironbark Glades as well as Kharadron Sky-Ports and thus they have several trade connections. Being able to exchange raw materials for knowledge and more advanced equipment has allowed the settlement to grow rapidly, even as they are surrounded by vile undead, savage beastmen and hungry ogors. Their military forces are known for their firepower, and they have mapped out the mountain ranges well so they can traverse them at high speeds.

    The barren plains south of the Metalgrinder Teeth mountains were once a lush, green land thanks to a series of lakes that gathered here. But agents of Tzeentch corrupted the place, turning the lakes metallic and the lands barren. The monastic Order of the Purelakes that was once a common stop-over for the weary traveler and well-regarded in the region, sank into depravity. And thanks to a chance encounter the Abbott of the Order became infected with a gift of blood that caused a delusion to spread to his people, making them believe they were still the munificent order they once were. Any agent of Order that approaches them is now mistaken for an agent of Chaos come to corrupt their beautiful lakes.



    Nighthaunt - Brass Legion

    Reason I'm making this thread now is because I just did some of the conversion work on my lovely harridans. The heads arrived yesterday and that was the part I was waiting on. Since I did the tube(-hair) and heads so far apart I need to adjust in some places, so when things have hardened out I'll do a second pass to smooth some of these areas over.



    Oh yeah, since I don't have a camera all the pictures will unfortunately be phone quality.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Or ignore line-of-sight. But hopefully not right, that's an awful mechanic.

    Definitely it, 100%.

    Anyway, still excited to see what we get. Them being tied to Kurdoss implies a sub-allegiance for them where he is automatically general too.

    Gonna think a bit about how I'd convert them, could be fun.

  7. Like all of my hobbies, it simply calms me down. Sitting down to paint for an hour or two is rather relaxing and the time passes by so quickly.

    I don't like having to force myself to paint large batches though, so I no longer try to paint large armies. Which is why I stick more to the hobby side and less to the wargaming side as a result.

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  8. 24 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Well, if you really need internet points...

    But if you want to discuss those rules/units, absolutely. That's what discussion fora are for.

    Haha, if only I could pay my rent with them.

    Anyway I was just being cheeky. I do like seeing some discussion on this as I don't really have a good overview on the competitive environment since I'm not in it.


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  9. 2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    Of course not, they are *good*, likely as good as the lists consistently doing well (gargants, the two versions of LRL, legion of the first prince, seraphon dynos&sallies, morathi&the bowsnakes...) all of which can be absolutely oppressive in more casual settings, most of which can come close to tabling you on a bad double turn, none of which has deserved a whole thread lamenting they are "beyond absurd".

    So what you're saying is...I should make a thread about gargants, one about LRL, one about LotFP, one about seraphon and one about Morathi/snakes and farm likes?

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  10. 2 hours ago, angrycontra said:

    There was rumour earlier in this thread that stated something like this: Idoneth will get their battletome soon after this box (like a month at most) while fyreslayers will get their tome like couple months later and there might even be some other battletome released before them.

    If this rumour is to be believed, I wouldn't be surprised if then after idk comes nighthaunt tome (since the new year preview model is apparently nighthaunt) and then fyreslayers (hopefully with some new units). But this is a rumour that could just as well be pure guesses or dreamlisting so take it with some salt.

    Makes some sense though. Idoneth only need a slight touch-up, they have a decent model range already.

    Nighthaunt desperately needs a rules update, but has a decently sized model range already, so it would be a relatively easy update to do.

    Meanwhile Fyreslayers could desperately use some more unit variety, so they would need more work (=time) to update.

    Basically a wishlist at this point, but one I could see happening.

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  11. Anyway for something other than wishlisting...my Harridans arrived yesterday evening!

    My army is kind of Chamon or 'machine spirit'-themed, so my plan was to cut off all the hair and roses and make new hair out of tubing and chains. I've done greenstuff tubing before using a comb, but turns out I don't have one here. And we're in lockdown so I can't easily buy one. But I saw the head of my beard trimmer had lines too, so I thought why not try it? If there's one thing this hobby teaches you, it's ingenuity I swear.

    Now, it was a bit finicky and the first tube I made way too thick, but overall I still like the idea. I think I'll keep going in this direction with the rest of them while trying to improve on the execution.

    For the heads I was thinking of trying to find more Necron Deathmark heads like I did for my Grimghasts, but I saw these on Liber Daemonica that looked quite nice, so maybe I'll try those. Harridans don't really have a clear indent for the head though like the Grimghasts did, so that might be an issue.

    Must say, it is nice to get back in this and the ghosties are still really pretty models like always.



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  12. Honestly with just:

    • Updates to certain existing warscrolls to bring them up to 3E levels.
    • Additional sub-allegiances/processions so every unit has one in which they shine.
    • And a fix to make Wave of Terror less gimmicky/more consistent (maybe turn it into a command ability?).

    I would be more than happy. (Maybe make Frightful Touch a Battle Trait, and move it to 5+ for Spirit Host/Hexwraiths? I'm not a huge fan of the MW spam that I'm seeing, but it just kind of fits thematically and it wasn't too powerful for Kruleboyz apparently.)

    Anything beyond that (new models, update spell lore, unique batallions) would be a nice extra. Nighthaunt is a very thematic army with a decently-sized range of models, but they lack uniqueness. Grimghasts, Bladegheists and Harridans all fulfill more or less the same role for example. With new processions we could have unique niches for each of them which would give variety in list-building. Looking at Reikenor's and the Emerald Host those both provide very key specific benefits that set certain units apart, while also giving them that slight boost to make those units more competitive.

    A new large centerpiece would be cool, but I don't think Nighthaunt really need a monster per se. Sure they lack the means to take down monster heroes, but that niche could be assigned to one of the existing units instead.


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    3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Don’t worry.

    the points update changed literally nothing.

    Gw did their worst again.

    Just like good ol’ times.

    at least their small changes to certain core rules and core artifacts, were less disappointing.

    Ah oh well, at least they tried to nudge things then. It looks more expansive than what I'm used to at least.

  14. Another wednesday, another project. My Tech-Priest Dominus and Kurdoss arrived yesterday evening, so I've started my necroengineer conversion (counts-as Necromancer I guess) for my Legions. Rather happy with how it looks so far, perhaps a bit more tubing and I'll have to wait a week or so for more Deathmark head bits to arrive so I can put together the other flanking ghost.

    edit: grammar


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  15. By the way, what's everyone's thoughts on the Tuskgor Chariots and has anyone played with them already? 6 wounds 4+ save for 60 points doesn't seem bad and they seem like they could be a decent ambushing unit with the re-rolling charges. With cogs that is a 7" charge with a reroll which is pretty likely to succeed, then they also gain more attacks on the charge. The fact that it has multiple weapon profiles actually works well with the Gavespawn command ability since it adds +1 attack to every weapon. 4 of them on the charge have 40 attacks, 52 with the Gavespawn ability (and you can summon Spawn for just 3 Primordial points).

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