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Posts posted by Icegoat

  1. The worst balance at the moment is magic. I am forced to take a disgustingly trash battle mage or nurgle sorcerer in every game just to have the minimal chance at a dispel of some uber powered endless spell. 

    A lot of armies at the moment have basically no good magic or absolutely overpowering face melting magic control that destroys your entire army turn 1. Endless spell were a great well to sell cheap plastic. But they have destroyed the magic phase in aos completely.

    The next necroquake should be a void null explosion and destroy magic in the realms. 

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  2. This army as a collector is not a sustainable army it is not an army you collect it is an army you buy once and that's it. 

    The entire range is built of 2 kits that In itself is disastrous but that each kit cost so many in game points is a tragedy. I collect maggotkin and cities of sigmar. This means every month I realistically can buy a box of a new unit and add it in to one of my forces. I have what 50 plaguebearers, 50 chaos warriors 30 blighkings, a giant, maggots riders, chaos knights, beats of nurgle plague drones the list is endless and so are the possibilities of what to build and buy next and the combinations used .

    Well if I was a mega gargant collector  what do i add? What new creature what new unit fits into my army? None. I can have what max 9 small giants. Now sold in boxes of 2 or I can have 3 mega gargant max. Now maybe their are some crazy people who will build 3 each of each variant of mega gargant but really? 

    Sob is not about collecting and building it's the first of what are going to be many I believe gw releases one and done they got your 400 quid goodbye armies. I will be very interested to see how many years it's going to be until the next sons of behemat release. I think we will be waiting for a long while. How many people in 40k run pure knight lists and how many use them in conjunction with an imperium force? Sons of behemat have even less options than imperial knights in their book and far fewer kits.

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  3. Only thing I can say about lumineth is that yes there has been a pandemic and maybe that's the reason but I dont know of anyone who has taken them on as a collectable force. 

    I've had more than one discussion about cows and especially the cow heads on top of the stoneguard. I seriously truly believe if these guys helmets were different I know at least 2 people who would have collected them. As is the best units are the wardens and the riders which are very similar to just old high elves. 

    The rest I think was too out there and has not been embraced by as many people as maybe it should have. Especially old high elf players many of whom are now waiting for the tyrion side to release instead.

    Also lack of interesting heroes will kill any range.

  4. You clearly never played fantasy. High elves were the exact same masters of all, able to take in any army and insta win.  perks beyond all perks master wizards with always strike first 3 rank deep basic spearman. They are always seriously individually OP. 

    And now their age old weakness t3 means nothing in aos stats prepare to see them dominate from now on. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Greasygeek said:

    Hey Icegoat’s back🎉

    With all the positive energy released from @KingBrodd I started to fear that their might be some disturbance in the Force. Good to see you pop in to bring a bit of balance yet again🙃

    Brodd has his mega gargant. Positivity is allowed for sure.

    But it's been 5 years and not an order human in sight. I'm starting to think order humans clearly have no place in Aos except as decapitated trophies used by every single faction. Meanwhile what are we 4-5aelf armies deep. Idoneth, lumineth, sylvaneth, morathians and now the inevitable umbraneth. 

    • Like 2
  6. Aos will always be unbalanced due to the way unit stats work point adjustments never do anything. Warscrolls are all that matter

    . As a maggot kin player I've been unmeta for three years nearly. Its tragic and no way for a game to thrive. 

    Gw wont care they will just be rubbing their hands together after that article as countless meta chasers Hoover up ironclads and kroaks.

    The 'meta' inbalance is created purely to drive sales. Its intentional and will never stop or change.

    • Like 7
  7. All that article shows as we have all known is if you dont collect am order army dont bother showing up. 

    Release after release of overpowered dwarves aelves stormcast and now seraphon have plagued aos for the past two years. 

    The slaves to darkness book makes a mockery of warhammers oldest institution. A gobo can now easily destroy a chaos warrior in combat. The meta is now just 40k but with bows and more squats. 

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  8. I mean if we get yet another aelf release before a single human update that will be a real shame.

    I still am not certain how popular the lumineth were/are. I dont know anyone around my group that has collected them. Some got the first box but no one I know has bought teclis or a big cow. Surely umbraneths main foes would be the tyrionic lumineth of which we have seen nothing.

    I have a feeling both tyrion aelves and 'umbraneth' are years away. 

    • Confused 1
  9. I think the price rises certaintly for Aos are happening because the system seems to have lost a lot of popularity this year rather than gained. 

    40k is being kept alive by lore great new models  and memes  

    But AoS has nowhere near the same level of media/cultural impact/fame. With the only big releases in 2020 being an overpriced giant and some very expensive elves I just think AOS is now a niche brand and has lost a lot of the steam it had built up in the last few years. 

    Thusly AoS now commands premium prices. That the new monolith andvoid dragon are both cheaper than the mega gargant basically proves this. 

    • Haha 2
  10. I think this price point must reflect that warcry is maybe not a big seller. Knowing the terrain the war bands in this box will eventually be resold individually at some point means this price is almost ludicrous.

    I dont think this is going to attract many new customers . And how many veteran warcry players need another core book or flat terrain pieces? Especially at this cost!

  11. Well I only collect one army and it's an army that has been forgotten about and not updated for 10 years even though it still the highest selling army in Aos. Most AOS stories contain  a human character a human city of sigmar seems to be where a lot of aos stories are set and yet in 5 years we have had one order human released and that was discontinued.  No matter what army you collect every single one has had a model released in aos. Apart from cities of sigmar.

    But I'm hijacking this thread so I'll stop

    • Haha 1
  12. Another yearly aos event with far reaching consequences for all the aos factions and new war cry and new dire chasm. And not an order human model in sight. Lumineth havent even released as a full army yet and they get an underworlds warband before humans. Not to mention to say seraphim are the most requested underworlds warbands is laughable I've seen thousands of requests for new freeguild models. A real shame.

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  13. I would really like to know if this new section is for stuff that's actually selling well or stuff GW is just under producing.

    I mean it makes for very interesting reading currently 6 of the kits selling fast and running low in stock are human empire figures. The only others for AOS are the gaunt summoner saurus and gotrek three overpowered units. Oh and the arachnok.

    The fact that the human empire sets sell so well is not surprising the fact they continue to be out of stock half the time is though. Is GW creating the inflated demand by under producing these sets because they are old? Or is that the sets are still there best selling sets in the range and that's why we havent got them updated? Why update models your making massive profits out of? 

    It's a really weird new section to have on the website and I'll be interested to see what else pops up on their in the future.

  14. Gw I used to think did support multiple sub factions and otherrlines but in both aos and 40k its space marines sigmarines andthen all the rest. We havent had an order human army release in 8 years

    Looking at the website destruction badly needs a new faction but it will come with a caveat of stormcast I think

  15. Small aos games can be worthwhile but I find with smaller armies units really in their raw stats more than  buffs magics command points etc. Which is fine until you get something like stabbas or marauders who have innately good warscrolls which are buffed without other factors. Then it becomes a bit difficult. 

    Also a lot of units and stuff at low point levels never die. For instance a unit of 10 liberator backed by a castellant will take all game to kill in a small point game 

  16. I mean 100%in current AOS lore there are multiple mentions of human knightly orders riding horses. Now admittedly most of those are I assume to be old empire knights rather than brettonia but within the realms human order cavalry certainly exists. 

    I think maybe it does just come down to being seen as generic which is a real shame. As the brettonians had a fairly decent background yes its was a complete rip off of arthurian legend but people seem to like that story a lot and its still a strong IP so cant see the harm myself.

  17. I was talking more of a redesign ala lumineth rather than just releasing the old models. The fact there are lumineth cavalry and chaos knights still suggests there would be some order human foil to them.

    I mean in warhammer fantasy the bretonnians living alongside the empire made no real sense just as how in aos it doesnt really make sense chaos warriors arent totting cannons and gatling guns around.

    They are a strong army concept maybe not the peasant side but the pegasus knights and Griffin riders could easily fit into aos and large special warehouses would look great with updated sculpts. 

  18. Having read quite a lot of the novels and background lore of aos now I'm certain now is the time that brettonia type knights and chivalry etc belong back in aos. 

    The age of chaos destroyed entire civilisations and countries were wiped off the map. You could easily justify that the remaining humans were sent back to a feudal like society. In fact the flesh eater courts basically seem to exclusivly come from these feudal type societies and yet none remain?? 

    The loss of brettonia was the single greatest tragedy in warhammers history. People would absolutely lap up a re release of the knights I mean who doesnt like fantasy knights?

    We have aelves still fighting with spear and bow while dwarves are carrying gatling guns, logic no longer plays a part in how each different army is composed and an AOS style brettonia releases would be a sell out.

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  19. Truthfully if GW went back to doing no mixed boxes of new releases I think it would make absolutely no difference to those boxes sales. Having a mix of men and women in a box pleases no one. I cant make a full unit of male lumineth spearman or a unit of female lumineth it just means constant disparity within units. 

    If you think about all the steps needed before someone even sees a mixed unit of stormcast and goes oh wow representation I must buy that you realise it's almost not worth GW bothering. It's never going to attract NEW people in on it's own. There are so many other barriers to entry in this hobby. 

    • Confused 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    Ah the "Scale Creep" thing again 🙄
    The 32mm Bases are also a bit higher than the 25mm Bases .....
    Even though - a common Fantasy Trope is: (A)Elves are taller than men.

    Aelves are taller sure but twice as wide and 2 foot height difference I've never seen before. I mean they are almost as tall as stormcast just not as chonky. 

  21. 8 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

    Anecdotally in my local scene I see slightly more POC and women playing D&D, WFRP and other tabletop rpgs than I do tabletop GW miniatures games. I wonder if the blanker slate you get when you can create almost any character you can think of without being tied to an existing miniatures range partly accounts for the relative diversification of pen and paper player bases, whereas GW has lagged behind due to the large production lead-in and the large amount of established ranges that weren't really made with that stuff in mind.

    Also the barrier to entry is lower so you can pick and choose who you play with a bit more and dodge creeps/racists/gatekeepers more easily


    D and d costs almost nothing to begin and play. Warhammer realistically paints plus models plus glue its hundreds easily to get an army sometimes thousands. I know from all the people I've played with and talked to about warhammer that adding more female armies and diverse armies it will not create a sudden influx of people taking up this hobby. It may attract a few more people that arent white and male. But there will be a hundred white teenage guys who take it up in turn that's the nature of this hobby. 

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  22. Being really harsh to the community within this hobby I've been to Nottingham I've been to warhammer stores up and down the country and there is no diversity. Like let's be truly honest there isn't. We have sisters of battle we have daughters of khaine you've got sylvaneth, mixed stormcast. I dont think it's made a massive difference and I dont think adding more diverse armies will either. The hobby the background the gameplay the price! It's not for everyone and I dont think releasing armies of nuns or whatever is going to do much for people outside the warhammer bubble. 

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