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Posts posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. 56 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Oooh, that's a cool idea! The only thing I have an issue with is the "make one a hero" option. This complicates things and imo is lazy on GWs part, unless that is you can add to the squad count by single models. 

    As far as the subfactions go Spiderfang is the least popular so I don't expect them to get much love. If they are going to get a kit, I want it to be multipurpose so they get the most out of it. Yes it's a bit lazy, but it's better than a single new kit and still being stuck with that terrible resin Scuttleboss.

    • Like 1
  2. Pure wishlisting here and I don't expect anything for Gloomspite for a while, but for fun here's one idea for each subfaction of Gloomspite.

    • Moonclan - Some sort of artillery piece. There is the Gobba but I don't trust Forgeworld to keep supporting models. I would say an updated Doom Diver catapult (which is more of a slingshot really), with an alternate build for a Squig-a-pult that launches caged squigs or jars of buzzer squigs.
    • Moonclan Squig - Honestly pretty good right now, but maybe a mounted shaman.
    • Troggoths - Plastic Hag. I already mentioned that I don't like Forgeworld, so seeing an updated model in plastic so she can use Gloomspite spells/artifacts would be good. Also gives a chance to shrink her to Dankhold size and use the rest of the big base for something witch-y. For example a chariot with a cauldron that she can throw people in like the Cauldron endless spell.
    • Spiderfang - New giant spiders riders, a size up from the normal ones, same size as the current Scuttleboss. Comes in a squad of 3, and like the Blightking cavalry you can build one as a Scuttleboss. Would solve two problems of the subfaction; lack of unit choice and the fragile resin Scuttleboss.
    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    maybe an expansion? Btw, I love when they create new characters and can be sued on the table!!

    It's an improvement over Blackstone. I love Blackstone's use of weird and new units in it's expansions, but most were unusable in 40k. No one is bringing Spindle Drones or Ambulls with their 40k army. Even units like the Chaos Commissar and Chaos Ogryn Bodyguard which could easily be ported into 40k weren't really used.

    Meanwhile all the stuff we see in Ulfenkarn and this new guy really fit in with the Gravelords and are actually usable in AoS.

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/29/2021 at 2:55 AM, Dankboss said:

    Thinking about it, there's a lot of design directions they could go with designing a new multi-kit hag, akin to the treelord or GuO kit. Named character could also be a thing; there is one in the lore.

    Might be heretical, but I would like if she shrunk a little if she went into plastic. Still want a massive troggoth lady, but imagine if she was Dankhold Troggoth or Fomoroid Crusher sized, and they used the rest of her big base size for a cool witch-y mount? Like a chariot with a big hag's cauldron pulled by squigs or spiders? Or like Baba Yaga's hut, but with spider legs and mushroom monsters.

    I think Total War did a perfect job making her big enough to be imposing and awesome, but small enough that she doesn't stand out that majorly from other river trolls (merely twice the size instead of four times bigger).

  5. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    Zarbag's Gitz are great! Such good characters.

    I also want to make a few grot tanks, but I'm just going to print/purchase a few interwar tanks and kitbash them a bit to make them more goblin. The Lee/Grant, Char 1 B, Ha-Go and T-35 are first contenders, with an M2 if I can find one.

    I love Zarbag's Gitz, I already have a set for my Gloomspite since they are so good, I kind of want more to convert some shamans. For some Grot Tanks I found some 1 dollar toy cars with friction motors on clearance at the local pharmacy. I tore the car part off so I just had the friction motors and the wheels, and I am going to build a tank/armored car body on top of it. I love the idea of printing it, but I need to wait since my local library is still setting up a 3d printer. 

    The friction motor wheels are so they can roll around if pushed with enough force, that way they double as a desk toy for when Grot Tanks eventually get discontinued by Forgeworld and their rules disappear into the aether. 😄

  6. I put some 1 unit of Rockguts to fill out a squad for my Gloomspite, some Madcap shamans, and then 5 squads of Killa Kanz for a 40k grot army project. I am building a Grot Armored Company, except instead of tanks I am using Killa Kanz.

    I would have thrown in Zarbag's Gitz too since I want them for a conversion but they are sold out.

  7. 8 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    GW has done that multiple times in the past, and from a scummy business perspective, it makes perfect sense. Why wouldn't they try to move the remaining stock of something they're going to discontinue? The alternative is letting it sit in a warehouse and rot, or to through it in the garbage and not make any money off it.

    Like the mercenary rules for models, then the models were discontinued in 2-3 months. (yes I am still salty about the Duardin cannon disappearing).

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    We might see an elephant-type of creature for the River Temple if the article in new WD is an indication : ) 



    I know everyone is predicting Elephants or Rhino for the cool factor, but I really want it to be Giant Tapirs as the pachyderm. There is a joke my ex-mormon friend introduced me to where to justify the presence of horses in their religious texts (which were not yet introduced by explorers), some translate "Horse" as Tapir. So just imagining Jesus riding a tapir around gives me a good laugh. For the sake of r/horse, please give Tapir cavalry.

    Also tapirs are aquatic which fits the river theme.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I don't see any rule that says the wizard can't access the spell lore. It is just a slaves to darkness wizard after all. Given that a wizard plus a bodyguard of three extra models for 35 points isn't bad. 

    Also as said above you could use this warband to make a sorcerer lord an exalted hero and even an alternative slambo. 

    I don't know how Slaves to Darkness work, but many battletomes have restrictions on what can cast spell lores based on their keywords. The Gloomspite's Boggleye for example is a single character who is a wizard, but can't take from the Gloomspite spell lists because he lacks the Hero keyword. If she can take Lore of the Damned spells then that may be pretty decent, having a wizard with 8 wounds, 4 bodies, and some decent attacks.

  10. 1 hour ago, sfe667 said:

    That is insanely lame for a stat-block. I didn't expect them to be good, but usually the warbands with wizards have fun unique spells like Zarbag's Face of Da Bad Moon or Fecula's Stream of Corruption. Their increased cost is offset by these unique spells. No one is going to pay 35 more points than a minimum squad of Chaos Warriors for less special abilities, less wounds, not battleline, and can only cast Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield...

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  11. For something COMPLETELY new, I have some ideas for the Gitz.

    • Siege Troggoths. Troggoths given ramshackle armor and large flails (similar to Fanatics), or wielding a statue like a battering ram.
    • Grot Foot Knights (I would call them Shroomguard or Shamanguard). It's a common conversion, but Boingrots without their squigs as an elite option, sort of like Stormvermin for Skaven. Give them the ability to receive wounds for nearby foot characters, Not a killy unit, but an expensive investment to protect an important shaman/Skragrott from being focused out. Makes it so you can have a cheap shaman vulnerable to ranged fire, or bulk him up with a bodyguard squad for a significant cost.
    • Burrowing Spider Riders. Remix of Spider Riders as a more elite unit (riding spiders as big as the Scuttleboss), with the ability to burrow around the battlefield. Spider Grots need more than 3 kits. Maybe with unique poison weapons, throwing jars of venomous spiders for AoE damage, or riding non-spider mounts (like the giant centipede from the Troggboss kit maybe?)
    • Like 4
    • LOVE IT! 2
  12. On 1/18/2021 at 8:16 PM, MitGas said:

    This. While I'm happy for fans of Aelfs and Slaanesh, we got a lot of armies that feel far from finished and others that could really need a proper first wave (Skaven, Seraphon, CoS) too... so yeah, while this new release strategy might benefit those armies IF they finally get an update, I feel like the first edition armies will have to wait even longer to become proper armies now. 

    I think Ironjawz hurts the most for me. They are marketed as the face of the Destruction alliance, Gorkamorka's equivalent to Stormcast/Chaos Warriors/Ossiarchs, Lead by the unstoppable avatar of Gorkamorka, but are currently the smallest and least diverse of the Destruction factions. You have armored Orruks, somewhat bigger armored Orruks, and then somewhat bigger armored Orruks on pigs. Until Orruk Warclans all their stats were similar but with different wound counts/point costs/movement speed. They were almost interchangeable in terms of combat ability. Orruk Warclans sort of fixed it by giving abilities to each unit to differentiate their roles (Brutes with "Duff Up" for anti-monster, Gruntas with charge, Ardboyz volume of weaker attacks). Still a unit of Orruk Crossbow/javelin-throwers, mini rogue idols, or something to add more variety to the faction would be very appreciated.

    With how active and numerous Skragrott and his Gitz are, I am surprised we aren't seeing his face represent the armies of Destruction.

  13. 4 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Oh that’s a good point. Il have a quick check. But death never caught my fancy so far. Except the old krell model. And some models seem great for freeguild conversions for Warcry. 
    a run down group of nobles seeking fame and fortune by venturing in the eight points. 

    Krell is a pretty good thing to buy. If the new Vampires are absorbing the zombies/skeletons, ol' Krell is probably one of the models on the chopping block. When updating these factions they cut down on a lot of "extra" hero options; Loonboss with Stabba and Shield, Beastlord with Great Weapon, Freeguild General on horse, Runepriest (the little one), etc. They seemingly don't like duplicate heroes with slightly different weapons or shared roles.

    I wouldn't put it past Krell being phased out since they already have a plastic Wight King for sale, and we have that fancy zombie with an axe teaser that may be a reinvented Wight King (or similar character).

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Overread said:



    A reminder to all with the new Vampire stuff on the horizon if there are any metal/finecast characters from the Legions of Nagash line that you want then you might want to pick them up now. There is no guarantee that GW will keep any of them when the new models start launching. GW has quite a few vampire lord and such models in that grouping and some are quite classic sculpts. They'll certainly stand the test of time well and translate into the new army, but if you want the sculpts best grab them before its too late. 

    Yep, grab any old metal/resin/plastic models that are likely to be replaced or discontinued. I still regret not getting that Gitmob shaman. I honestly suspected that the metal Madcap shamans would be discontinued and they would rename the Gitmob Shaman to Madcap Shaman (with an appropriate paint job making his cloak and clothes black and purple to match the Gloomspite). That lad is now surprisingly hard to find on eBay (and even harder at a reasonable price), while the metal ones I have are everywhere.

  15. 5 hours ago, Sance said:

    The rumour engine is bait, it looks like a rat and you think Skaven of course.

    But let's be real, it's probably the base of some Space Marine Primaris

    You joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was for Necromunda. Cawdor is the next on the chopping block for updates, and they are known for using rats and other vermin as pets. The Necromunda updates tend to add a specialist/leader, a special juve, and sometimes beasts. Especially since there is a matching bird with a key, it could be something like a "Cawdor Scrap Master" with trained birds and rats that he sends out to scavenge scraps and ammo.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, carnith said:

    I am super happy for everything we have, the downside is Glisette, best girl, is a one off. 


    Judging by the name of her weapon, the Slickblade Glaive, I bet she represents the Slickblade Seekers except without the mount. So she is a one off in that she doesn't have her daemonic mount or horse. This is all assuming the leader of the archers doesn't get access to the Glaive for some reason. So this means every member of the Dread Pageant represents one of the new units that was leaked;

    • Vasillac represents the Myrmidesh Warriors.
    • Slakeslash represents the Slaangor Fiendbloods.
    • Hadzu represents the Blissbarb Archers.
    • Gilsette represents the Slickblade Seekers.
    • Like 3
  17. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    They may not even be the same book either depending on how they line up the armies in each book. they both operate in different realms too

    Though I think common consensus is that Gordrakk is the most likely to get the heading for the Broken realm book for destruction then Skargrott. Of course those are the two only named character in the whole GA.

    Skragrott can leave his realm, but it is a stretch. He is based in Chamon, Gordrakk in Ghur. There is some precedent with the Gloomspite book where his Grots travel all the way to Aqshy to sabotage Hammerhal's water supply though. Gordrakk is the BBEG of Destruction though, there is no way he isn't the main event (unless they introduce a new named character).

    I think if Skragrott shows up, it won't be a planned major event thing like Morathi's machinations or Gordrakk beating down the gates of Azyr. He isn't really a big demi-god who is a mover and shaker, he is just an uppity (and powerful) shaman who schemes things on the side. It's more likely that the main event of the book is some battle between Chaos/Destruction and Order, then Skragrott or the Skaven appear from under them.

    Edit: I just remembered that the original Gloomspite trailer implies that Skragrott wanders the realms a lot. Based in Skrappa's Spill in Chamon, but he wanders wherever the moon goes. It's not too far-fetched that he wandered into Ghur to joing Gordrakk.

    • Like 2
  18. 22 hours ago, KaptainWalrus said:

    The dagger looks a lot like the one on the Chaos Champion from 6th edition.


    You know what, I think you are on the mark. Looks very similar to those old Chaos Champions, the silhouette looks like he is dual wielding too. I am going to bet it's a Slaves to Darkness Underworlds Warband. Chaos Champion leader supported by two Warriors or Chosen, kind of like how Zarbag is an update of the metal grot shamans, or how Hrothgorn is an update to the resin Icebrow Hunter.

    • Like 3
  19. On 11/16/2020 at 3:28 AM, C0deb1ue said:

    Yes I saw the responses... 

    they were either collecting both armies, selling the other half or acting like you would actually put random troggs in Jaws of Mork or squigs in a mega mob (good luck with that). I guess it just depends on how broad your definition of focus is?!

    yeah you can put anything with anything but you won’t because the points are too tight and the units don’t do enough without the synergy.

    but im defo looking forward to seeing all the trogg/Squig mash-ups


    If you are starting a Troggherd there is some decent synergy. I mean, you are going to want more Troggoths obviously, but it's a solid start having a troggboss and two units to fill battleline requirements. Add some more Rockguts, Fellwaters, and a Shaman and you are pretty set. 15 Hoppers and a Hopper Loonboss may sound a bit disjointed, but it's actually a decent support group that can work independent from the Troggs. You can build them as a hammer using 15 Bounders and the Loonboss to be your mobile kill squad or you can build them as small squads of hoppers to run around and grab objectives (which troggs aren't great at). Last year's box was like a grab bag of random units, this one seems more intentional in how it's designed.

  20. 1 hour ago, Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll said:

    Come on guys I can't be the only one who can't keep my eyes off of the Keeper of Secret's alluring androgyny (also way sexier than the hyper-feminized off-brand knock-offs, fite me). 

    Honourable mention to Katakros though. Literally chiselled statue-of-david sexiness combined with prominent "package" is a win. 

    Must have been an odd conversation between the Mortisans and Katarkos.

    "But sire, your demands don't make sense. you are giant bone golem with no working equipment. Why do you need such vain modifications? Also, this is the land of the dead, who are you trying to impress? The Banshees?

    "You heard me, make the package BIGGER."

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  21. On 11/7/2020 at 6:00 AM, shinros said:

    This is actually a huge problem in 40k in my opinion, largely the lore in the psychic awakening books kinda sucked. Normally I have no interest in supplements due to this very reason, but the AOS ones always seem to capture my interest because things actually happen. 

    The most hilarious one to me was Saga of the Beast which, despite it's title and main characters, had basically nothing to do with Ghazghkull. The 6 main conflicts in the book are themed around the 6 major Ork klans fighting Space Wolves on different planets without Ghaz or Ragnar's involvement. There is a short blurb before Ghaz's stats about their fight, but it's basically nothing, there is no overarching story/"saga" between the events. The actual lore about their fight is in a booklet in the Prophecy of the Wolf box set.

  22. 5 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:


    This article is a couple years old and although focusing on 40K, still makes more or sense in the context of AoS re: Slaanesh. And while one may think the example used in the article is merely one of extremes, it is one I myself have seen one time too many.

    THAT is the baggage of Slaanesh, not 'we cannot have bare ****** on a miniature' (after all, we already have Drycha and nobody has any issues with that).

    * I see hints of this changing, such as the new Underworlds warband...I was extremely happy over them! Looking oppulent and covered in baubles, some of the models looked outright perfect!

    I mean, AoS 1.0 avoided Slaanesh pretty bad, but 2.0 seemed to lean back into it pretty well. If you want the lewd the new Fiends are covered in bare ****** and the Contorted Epitome has a mirror shaped like a stretched open... ya know. All the new daemons have garish and excessive decorations, and the underworlds warband seems to embrace this too.

    Also one thing I like is that their first named Daemon Prince, Syll'esske, has a love story which kind of subverts the trope-y parts of Slaanesh. They are god of debauchery, lust, and excess but are also the god of strong emotions. As sappy as it is, love is a strong emotion and motivator and is really unique among a faction that is typically over-simplified to "drugs, BDSM, and sex."

    • Like 4
  23. On 11/6/2020 at 5:45 PM, novakai said:

    Hot take: Broken realm is going to rewrite the Gobblapalooza Warscroll and Battallion, making  them able to be taken separately by themselves and changing their buffs to be stronger and less restrictive

    Don't know if we will get the spotlight at all, but I would love if they revisited some warscrolls. Gobbapalooza is the most obvious one, but I would like to see Dankholds revisited too. Rockguts are bulky and good against armor, Fellwaters are harder to hit and better against hordes, and Dankholds... exist? In a void they aren't bad, but they don't math out very good against other Troggoth/Gloomspite choices. I don't think they need a massive change, maybe an extra attack and/or a change to Squiggly-beast Followers (seriously, a single mortal wound at point blank range against a unit with less than 6 models is terrible).

  24. 5 hours ago, Doko said:

    Australian site we can read Two new sets of allegiance abilities for the Cities of Sigmar, representing the newly-annexed Anvilgard – now known as Har Kuron –


    so or new har kuron is 100% old anvilguard rules but only with a name change that would be stupid yes we have lost the rules of anvilgaurd and we cant play it



    So there was an accidental misprint on Warhammer Community recently where instead of Daughters of Khaine they were called the Umbraneth. They fixed in within the hour, but that name probably didn't come out of thin air. We also had the agents of Morathi who were a mix of DoK and classic Dark Aelf designs. Maybe we will see some big reunion of DoK with some of the more classic Dark Aelf stuff in a future codex. Kind of like the Bonesplitter/Ironjawz combo in Orruk Warclans, Gutbusters/Beastclaw combo in Mawtribes, or multiple subfactions of Gloomspite.

    It's a long shot, but the Lumineth lore is set up to be divided between Tyrion and Teclis followers, so the rumored Umbraneth could have the Morathi-Khainites in one half and the Malerion worshippers on the other to mirror their light-attributed kin (like how Hysh and Ulgu oppose eachother).

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