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Posts posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. 3 hours ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    anyway i did a fast photoshop of Lauka Vai and it looks a lot better.I think part of the weirdness of the model resides in the paintjob, this looks a lot more natural
    Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante 1 persona

    That looks much better. I think the bottom and the top being two completely different color schemes on the official paint job really emphasized the disconnect between the two halves. This looks a lot more like a cohesive piece.

  2. Belladama has to be my favorite reveal. Babushka Vampire being the primogenitor of Radukar's bloodline is pretty cool. Also since vampires don't age someone saw this little old lady and thought "she would make a strong new vampiric bloodline."

    I imagine she was chosen for her ability to resist death for so long. Nagash showed up on her 100th birthday and rewarded her for her sheer tenacity.

    • Haha 1
  3. What a huge chonker. He looks real cool, though I bet this means Gordrakk is going to get rocked at the start of this book. He isn't the kind of lad to share command of a Waaagh, as Skragrott knows.

    He doesn't really fit any part of Destruction's aesthetic. I love the narrative beat of a god who lost his children, but there's a severe lack of horses and well-crafted gear in destruction. Like I don't see my Gitz or Orruks marching behind this big Bronze Age beastie. I wonder if this is temporarily for everyone (like the fungoid shaman in Malign Portents before Gloomspite's reveal) or if he will be like Nagash for destruction and be around permanently.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Incineroar87 said:

    17 +minutes to explain "smaller than orcs, larger than goblins" lol I'm glad they are certain on the variant itself now.

    This all sounds like a roundabout way of saying "Gitmob." We already have Rippa's Snarlfangs which are slightly larger Grots riding significantly larger wolves/wargs/snarlfangs, it's not much of a stretch to see that being expanded on as a whole faction.

    Every time I see these new rumors with speculation on mysterious wolf grots, it confuses me since we already know who those are. They appear in the Gloomspite codex, Underworlds, and a few short passages as the Gitmob. Unless they add a second separate culture of mongol-inspired grots riding wolves, it can only be the Gitmob.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Fyrenn said:

    Just wondering - the tides have really shifted to assuming Kragnos is Destruction based... knowing we're getting a sylvaneth model, and based on the list above...

    Is there a growing possible he's BoC after all? Destruction appears to be getting a new starter set, so maybe they don't need a new centerpiece / god character now - I would assume more might be on the way for them in the months ahead if they're in the starter as we expected.

    It really only leaves Skaven, Khorne, and BoC.  And I hate to say it - but at least Skaven technically DID something in Belakor.  BoC and Khorne have literally not been mentioned as far as I know....?

    My current assumption is that Kragnos is Beasts of Chaos. The face we see in one teaser pictures looks like a fancy Gor face. My guess is that he is some sort of god of Ur-Centaurs/Bull-Centaurs that built that ruined city he overlooks. They lost a war or something leading to Kragnos being sealed away, and he woke up to his people being snuffed out by the forces of Order. In a rage or searching for the closest thing to his children he takes command of the Beasts of Chaos.

    I don't think he is destruction anymore, since the Kragnos book character line-up seems very focused on "Order vs Chaos." From what we have seen of the Broken Realms so far, Destruction isn't a factor and him being destruction would compete for attention with whatever Gordrakk is doing in the background.

  6. 15 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I guess if destruction was purposely left out of BR then this book would only need Sylvaneath (confirm) BoC, Khorne, Skaven, and Slaanesh (confirmed) to cover most major factions.

    Gravelord are a new army for the most part and LoN is probably going out the door so they are probably excluded from BR as well

    It's funny, Destruction gets a lot of attention in the side stories they publish online, but none of the factions have gotten BR rules yet. It's surprising because I thought they would have at least compiled some of the White Dwarf bonus rules in a book (like the Troggherd stuff). From the line-up we see for Kragnos it's too crowded with all-star demigods to fit Gordrakk and friends.

    It's not like we are being forgotten about since there are the recent Underworlds warbands and all the fluff, but omission from the books is odd. Not even the shiny new toys like the Megagargants get stuff. I wonder if AoS 3.0 is going to get an early campaign supplement with bonus rules for Grots/Orruks/Ogors, like what everyone else got during Broken Realms.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    You know what really grinds my gears? That elves seem to have more models teased than the dawi!A0980AC4-2162-43B8-A744-3CFC28DA318B.jpeg.88e2b8b0434d0758d18b6f94262c0522.jpeg

    At this point maybe they need to split GA:Order into GA:Aelves and GA:Other. We got a love of Aelves mucking about; normal CoS aelves, blind sea aelves, monster-girl aelves, light elemental aelves, tree aelves, even chaos aelves if you count that fella from Warcry. I don't have anything against people who like aelves, but that's a lot of aelves. They seem to be more numerous than greenskins in the Mortal Realms. Seeing even more elves in the potential Kurnothi and/or Malerion's kids means we are reaching maximum aelf capacity.

    Would love some more stunties though, I need some more trophies for my bosspole. And if Grombrindal or Valaya comes back I may need to join the clan.

    • Like 4
  8. 7 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The Cursed City stuff sounds dumb enough to be believable.

    I find it difficult to believe GW is immediately showing off conversions done in-house, but I suppose they did show that one Sigvald-into-Vampire conversion on Community pretty quickly.

    Recently they have been showing off conversions on the Community site and in white dwarf articles, so it's not super far fetched. Especially since the same white dwarf has the anvil of apotheosis/blood rules. They aren't afraid to show off converted models, and to me it definitely looks like a modified Sigvald.

    Edit: Maybe it is something new? I saw a slightly clearer picture of the thing on another site and the "legs" were bat wing bits I don't recognize. The shoulder and sword arm still looks like Sigvald to me, but those bat wings being used like a seals flipper look too defined to be a kitbash. I am going to leave this at a "I dunno."

  9. 15 minutes ago, Lengthster said:

    Absolutely massive month.


    Do we know what faction Kragnos belongs to? I know some factions have centaurs, Sylvaneth, Beasts of Chaos or Legions of Azgorh. He seems to have a collection of other people's bits, do we recognise any of the dangly bits? 

    Also I just checked Forge World and there's no LoA stuff, its all gone O.o. There's no way right? Plastic LoA???


    Before we knew it was attached to Kragnos the common consensus was that it was a Duardin thing. The charms attached represent the different Duardin cultures (Hammer for Dispossessed, Ship's Wheel for KO, Axe head for Fyreslayers), and it has a mountain in the top left similar to how WHFB dwarves depicted mountains. Now that we know it's the shield of Kragnos it's harder to say, but I would say it's still related.

    My guess is Grungni or Grimnir is responsible for imprisoning Kragnos and killing off his people. His shield is made from the trophies he has claimed from killing lots of Duardin in revenge. I am still wondering if Kragnos is related to the Kurnothi, Beasts of Chaos, Bull Centaurs, or something new. If this is his face at the top then I want to say Beastmen but something is telling me he is a Destruction demigod.

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/22/2021 at 12:07 AM, Malakithe said:

    Fyreslayers wouldnt fit at all into Dispossessed. They are much more like KO in the sense that they are a far off shot of what 'traditional' dwarfs are. People need to stop roping them into the old Slayers. They are vastly, vastly different then the old Slayers. They share a partial name and mohawks. Thats it.

    If anything Fyreslayers are more related to Bonesplitterz because they are super religious zealots on a race wide crusade to piece together their fallen god.

    Maybe at some point there will be a full merged dwarf book but they would still keep their separate lore.

    That's why I like the Orruk Warclans tome idea. Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz are treated are two seperate armies in the same Battletome each with their own lore, with the "Big Waaagh" being a third option to bring both. Most Orruk lore treats them as two distinct cultures that sometimes work together (just like Duardin do).

    • Like 3
  11. 8 hours ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I feel like it’d be the first cavalry heavy army I’d be keen on. Fast, vicious hoblins on wolves sounds really fun! I really hope this is the case!

    Hope they are still cheap and fragile like normal goblins. Live fast, die faster!

    • Like 2
  12. If it is Snarlfang Goblins, I kind of hope they get lumped into Gloomspite (even if they worship the Sun and not Moon). I really like that Destruction has fewer but larger factions. I like Grots and I like having all my Grots in the same book so I can mix and match easier. I could see it done similar to Spiderfang in a few kits; Snarlfang mounted Hero/Wizard, Snarlfang Riders (Melee and Ranged options) Snarlfang Chariot (with hero option), and a Snarlfang-pulled artillery piece (like a ballista mounted on a chariot). 3-4 kits and you have a new sub faction.

    I see Kharadron and Fyreslayers in separate books and not combined like Gloomspite/Warclans/Mawtribes and feel a bit sad. Neither are very large factions and it doesn't make sense to me that they aren't combined in some sort of "Children of Karugromthi" book.

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  13. 49 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    You can still buy the first ever warbands released when the game was released in 2017. You're in no rush. 

    Which is great, since even if Warbands are typically bad in regular AoS, they are awesome for cheap heroes, alternate models, and conversions. I plan on buying two more sets of Zarbag's Gitz one day just for AoS and 40k Conversions.

    I kind of hope if/when Underworlds gets discontinued (not that it's anytime soon) the character sets stay around and become "true" named characters. Some like Mollog, Fecula Flyblown, and the Crimson Court are ripe for being used outside of Underworlds. Like imagine the Crimson Court acting in the narrative similar to the Council of Sisters from the Castlevania TV series, or Fecula leading a Nurglite host against Gardus. It would be rad.

  14. I think Mortal Wounds on missile weapons are fine as long as they are limited. Basic archers/gunners shouldn't have it (to reduce the ability to spam it), but artillery and heroes should still have access to mortal wounds. If you have an archer hero it makes sense that they can do those Legolas head shots and cause Mortal Wounds. For artillery maybe the projectile is explosive or extremely magical that it rends/ignores armor. If a Arkanaut Admiral take a direct hit from a Warp Lightning Cannon, their fancy armor won't do anything to stop the ray gun from boiling them like an egg.

    My thinking is ranged artillery/heroes/behemoths are expensive enough and limited enough that it would balance out.

  15. Troggherd Gloomspite can be done decently with minimal heroes. You only really need a single Troggboss to make Troggoths battleline, maybe a Fungoid Shaman so you can play around with magic.  It sort of betrays the requirement of "No character buffs" since the Troggboss's buff is pretty important for Rockguts, but it does reduce it to the minimum of a single hero and a horde of trolls.

    You won't win any tournaments but it will be a fun army.

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  16. I actually really like mortal wounds since it gives a way to hurt durable targets even if you lost the right tools for it.  Even if I lose my high rend Troggoths/Fanatics I can still throw out a few mortal wounds on a durable target with my shaman and maybe take it out or take it down a notch. They have certainly become much more prevalent than one might like, but as a mechanic I think they are good for the game.

  17. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Nice! So Jelsen Darrok from Cursed City was not just a one-off.

    Also worth noting that these are (presumably) new Cities of sigmar models, which a lot of people are still doubting would ever happen.

    I admit I was on the "Cities of Sigmar aren't going to stick around" boat, but the Cursed City box dispelled that for me with all the new heroes.  Two new named characters coming with a Broken Realms book definitely shows that they are going to be around for the long haul.

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  18. On 3/22/2021 at 3:48 PM, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Troggoth Hag has gone “out of stock” which hasn’t been a good thing lately for AoS FW models.  Will have to wait until GH21 to see if they get squatted/sent to Legends but given how many at risk models already have had been reluctant even before that to invest in Hag.  Know the preference here is pure Hag lists but with a Troggboss, regular Dankhold and now 12x Rockgut trying to figure out viability of a path to 2K sans Hag?  Points wise doesn’t make up much ground but already have Fungoid to add in some spell casting. E87E93D1-D1DE-4DA7-9757-025101A8F2DB.jpeg.2f34c0f32fe6b3063670e86c3c0eb605.jpeg

    Or are these bad boys destined to be just allies or Automata?

    Forgeworld models have always scared me, and this is exactly why. I started playing 40k in 7th edition, and the Forgeworld catalogue for 40k and AoS has been shrinking since I started. Unless you played 30k, Necromunda, or Custodes the catalogue is constantly shrinking. Entire FW ranges have been silently discontinued without a weeks warning. I don't want to spend 100$ on a Hag or Rogue Idol if it's going to be a paperweight in a month.

    I don't think the Hag is disappearing this week, but the uncertainty of it makes me wary. Even with my Troggs I am just doubling up on Fungoids instead since I am a huge coward. It's why my biggest hope for a Gloomspite update would be a plastic Hag.

  19. 5 hours ago, Wraith said:

    This is unexpected. My 40k army is Space Orks. This looks like a new clan, so not sure if I could fit these minis in. They really look like they should be in AoS.


    On a different subject, so I guessed correctly that the new zombies would have Cursed City style graves on their backs when most other people were saying that wasn’t so. At least some of them have graves, anyway. Does that mean I get a free zombie from GW?

    Luckily it doesn't seem like they are a specific Klan, just a new subkultur. Imagine it like Ork Speed Freeks; not all Speed Freeks are Evil Sunz, but most Evil Sunz are Speed Freeks. They certainly seem themed like Snakebites, and I bet the upcoming codex will have the Snakebites specializing in them, but the narrator outright states that they are part of any ork klan.

    • Like 4
  20. 35 minutes ago, rosa said:

    I would prefer if we get 2 Warscrolls...

    One as the old version, which is totally fine rulewise. Especially for a 240?! points model. One could use the older Finecast model to play him.

    And then the new pumped up version Warscroll for the new model which will be like 400-500 points and does the new model and size justice.

    At least the old one is the same size as a Daemon Prince, so he is still usable.

  21. I don't really mind mirror matches, but all the two armies I play are kind of well known for their infighting. Gloomspite and Orks aren't know for their unity. We'll throw down on whether red or blue is the better color for our pants (it's red you git).

    For example at my local shop there are at least 3 other Ork players I know about, but we all get a kick out of Ork vs Ork shenanigans. I assume that all the Loyalist Space Marines don't find the same fun, but I can enjoy mirror matches. The AoS community at my place is small and diverse, I don't think they have any mirror matches.

  22. 9 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    @dirkdragonslayer As much as people give the blightlord kit flak because you end up with an extra model when you build the hero I'd be down for exactly that but with Gigantic spider cav/new scuttleboss. Spiderfang could be completely fleshed out/updated with that kit, and a new spider rider dual kit.

    Personally I don't hate the resin one, but It could be so much cooler.

    I don't hate how it looks per se, I hate what it's made of. The GW paint job is a bit unflattering, but a well painted one looks pretty good.  It could be a lot cooler in how it's posed or looks, but it isn't a bad looking model. It's terrible for a different reason.

    The problem arises from it being a spindly spider, and that doesn't play well with heat-sensitive, brittle, and fragile resin. I have seen a lot of Scuttlebosses bending in the middle due to heat and weight, or missing their fragile legs online. I don't play Spiderfang currently but I know some people who do, and it's a common problem. The thin legs worked when it was still metal, but when it was changed to resin it became a fragile mess.

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