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Ryan Taylor

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Everything posted by Ryan Taylor

  1. Correct but wasn't last years only 1 hour? 2>1 = Bigger
  2. Something is Fishy if you aren't anticipating deepkin first and foremost.
  3. I think 11 and 13 have a strong possibility to be deepkin.
  4. You are right I can't see it either... Can't see 20 on the Skaven model. I would also agree about the back banner on the Lord of Blights but actually it came out after he was shown and is different. The Lord of blights one has 3 nails at the top.
  5. We don't know her exact ruling on how she transforms. She can lose control. I would assume that unloess you chose to transform her she would transform when she suffers he last wound as the Oracle. So 3 wounds a round. 4 rounds of combat. 2 battlerounds.
  6. If she transforms she doubles her wounds left so it would take 3. Assuming she could transform after the first. EDIT: Reread the above post yest she could die in 2 battlerounds of combat.
  7. I think it would be a great piece of trolling on GWs part to do atlantean’s to Make nicer models than mantic. Would make me chuckle.
  8. I did not say this was perfect. I did not say it was in depth analysis. Just analysis. If you look at the breakdown of armies vs allegiances you get a nice look at how GW saw these races over the years. Now they have changed I had you that. The game is changed but to assume that each grand alliance is going to be fair is naive at best. GW is going to sell what is popular. They are going to experiment within the confines of what they want to and what they think will sell. They are a publicly traded company so the only way they get to take a gamble is if they are sure they can recoup the costs. Does this mean they wont have a flop? I am sure they will at some point. (Not sure where.) Is it fair that most of the battletomes released have been Order? Chaos? Death being left rotting? Destruction who? TBH I think GW doesn't give a second thought which grand alliance they belong to. Can they create a marketable product that they are passionate about, and will it make them money and be IP covered? Yes? Then proceed. Allies were part of the 8th edition rules. Just no one used them. So I would love to be wrong but I can guess we will see this disparity for a long time. There will be people with genuine gripes about all the compendium stuff going away and then different races not being supported 15 years down the line but trying to get everyone a participation award will lead to less product that sells and that just removes the game from our hands (in 30 years or so) and replaces it with a new game for the cycle to begin.
  9. Ok so I did a bit of analysis based on current battletomes comparing it to 8th edition (or WHFB) here is the breakdown. (this is not taking into considerations of the 3 battletomes that were released and then replaced.) WHFB Chaos - 27% Order - 47% Death - 13% Destruction - 13% AoS* Chaos - 35% Order - 35% Death - 7% Destruction - 21% Not including the new DoK So if anything Order needs more books, Death needs a little more and Destruction should not see a book for a while, Chaos is almost spot on. We notice it more in this game that's 2.5 years old than we ever did in WHFB.
  10. I don't know why people are reading too much into the Shadow comment. I think this is still Neferata. Remember if Vampires are at least similar to their old background they still need to be protected from the sun... (Or the realm of light in the realms case) so coming from the shadows makes sense. It also makes sense for Neferata and her children to be working in the shadows as that is what she is all about. Edit: If we are reading into the shadow just look at her warscroll: Neferata is the Mortarch of Blood and the Queen of Mysteries, a vampiric empress who has cast a long shadow across the reaches of history. Emphasis mine.
  11. No one knows what the Heralds are doing yet. The "Darkoath" are currently 2 models the guy from Silver Tower and then this Warqueen.
  12. Can't wait to see what we get for destruction... I think a Goblin hero in a new style would be great.
  13. God I hope not Uveron. We have two SCE starters. A death VS ??? Would be appreciated though.
  14. A really long horses tail. Without riders... We all know they are useless anyway.
  15. Don't think they are particularly deep if those are KO. More like shallow cloud monsters.
  16. For me it's an aesthetics and availability thing. Also (from my experience) those that play them are deeply rooted in a bygone game and have at times been frustrating to play against as they lament on the days of old. Also every minute spent balancing those points is less development time doing new and fresh ideas. and to quote the great Mr Stinson "newer is always better"
  17. Hopefully not. Time to cut the cord with those remnants. The GHB changes seem to have given us a whole new game! Amazing considering its only 2 years old. Can't wait.
  18. Ignore. Did not see what page I was on. That Video of Shadespire has me wanting it to come out now.
  19. I think this could be the look of the Shadow Aelves. Or the new game. hmmm. The Ulgu Aelves have been in there on their own (or without sigmar) for centuries by the sounds of it so they could be twisted or evloved into something much more than an aelf.
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