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Posts posted by Bululu

  1. Well only change to our points is raised rogue idol 40 pts to 440 points and the lost artifacts from malign sorcery. All the new realm artifacts are useless generic things like reroll charges and 1s to saves or hit or wound etc

  2. MiniMagTray ones are great, you can move your minis fearless and they go practically unvisible on the table. Also if you place a magnet on the centre of the miniature you get some space to move the minis around when you remove some death ones or when you pile in.  I made a big order a bit around and they came in and i am trully surprised by them, besides @Sedge  followed very closely my package to canary islands because we have some special rules for importing, he gives  a very good customer support.

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  3. 17 hours ago, Tsokuma said:

    Hi everyone! I am complete novice in AOS, and I'd love to know about your experience as orruk players to help me with my orruk army!

    Currently I have two SC, one box of ardboys, one box of svage orruks (I need another one I guess), one Wurrgog Porphet, one Weirdnob Shaman, one megaboss on foot, and a handmade Rogue Idol.

    Here are examples of 2 lists that I try to make as big waaagh. Please keep in mind that I have not thought of artifacts, reigns and stuff like that (any advice is greatly appreciated).

    I would love your feedback on those, based on the fact that I would love to keep the Rogue Idol to try combos on him. And also I have a few questions: Is it viable to play Big Waaagh with my comp, maximizing waaagh points (by now being mostly ironjawz)? Knowing that you can get 2 wardoks out of 2 savage boxes, what would you take out to put them since they seem so valuable for their low cost? Are there any other army lists based on these kits that you would recommend me to try?


    Thank you very much in advance!

    AOS LIST 1.pdf 5.73 MB · 6 downloads AOS LIST 2.pdf 5.73 MB · 2 downloads

    I would stick to having 2 warchanters on the list. Besides i would try to get one batallion (proably ironfist and put the 6 goregruntas on one unit and have the champion there) . So you get the extra artifact. Also try to get a wardokk so you can double buff your rogue idol and teleport it to give them hell

  4. 48 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    Isnt that the whole point of adjusting unit points though? Bringing stuff in line according to their power, not outright removing said unit from matched play. 

    If Warchanters went up 30 points, you would still take Warchanters, but your overall army is nerfed since you might have to give up a screen of 5 Ardboyz or whatever to fit everything else within the 2.000 pts. mark.

    But thing is, orruk warclans doesnt need any nerf, nor do warchanters. Only fix this army need y is to replace the brute warscroll batallion for something unique. The battletome is pretty balanced and on a sweet tier spot for competitive games.

    • Like 2
  5. Hi guys,

        Im doing the classic eurlbad :

           2 x FLSH

           1 x HKSH

           1 x BRSH

           1 x  2  Mourffang

           1 x  4  Mourfang


          The thing is, for the 2 mourfang unit will have ironfist to return mortal dmg, but what about the 4 mourfang unit ? should i go ironfist too? or should i go gargant hackers?




  6. Yeah, specially because brute models are amazing. I will allways play a 5-10 man squad just for the looks of it. But yeah they are like 70% optimized versus a ardboyz equivalent. They are not useless by any means, but they are substancially behind gore gruntas and ardboyz. Hopefully they will get fixed on points on next GHB.

  7. 1 hour ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Definitely, they're really good value (both $$$ and points).

    A 30-block of Savage Orruks with a Wardokk to double stack saves on them is really useful.  Great at fighting anything without an elite armour save, loads of bodies for pumping up the Waaagh, loads of wounds to get through.

    30 Arrow Boys too, they have similar advantages.  Worse armour saves and lower overall output, but handy for chipping off a support hero or shooting off anything that fights when it dies.

    he is asking for boar ones, i would say that unless you like the model boar ones are not really that useful

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