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Posts posted by Ironbreaker

  1. 3 hours ago, WarbossKurgan said:

    I disagree that it would be a good thing to fully flesh out any Realm. There is too much to be gained by having anything possible in the vast "unmapped" spaces that we can fill ourselves without fear of "official" contradiction. It also leaves the official background space to add anything later. The world-that-was became stale because it was too fixed and prescriptive.

    Each Realm is a bigger surface than the world-that-was (and the world-that-was was bigger than Earth). The Realms are not planets - they hang within "Realm Spheres" but they are more like flat "diskworlds" than planets. They have said each Realm is as-near-as-makes-no-difference to infinite, so there won't ever be maps of a whole Realm.

    Ok, but what's the point of having a setting if I can't tell where everything is? The Realms being so unmapped leads to a confusion on relations between places. How far is Hammerhall from some other place? Doesn't matter guys, just play the game. Don't think about trade or logistics. Who cares about territory? Just make it all up. Order lost this fortress? I'm not really sure how that relates to other areas in the realm so I guess it's a bad thing.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, michu said:

    Why? Use axe as a sword, shield as a, well, shield, I'm sure if you tell your opponent before they won't be making any problems.

    I guess, but all mine are two handed. My biggest issue is I play this game as a simulation. I want everything to really represent what is going on. I know lots of people with say that is stupid and the game isn't made to be one, but that's how I play. This is why I'm loving the rules for Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game more and more as I play it. It's far closer to a simulation. I play for the cinematic spectacle (a diorama in motion I like to call it) and having to pretend my warriors are free guild soldiers with swords and shields and the weapon profiles not matching really breaks the game for me. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

    Steam Tanks are duardin engineering and easy to build without the human character. All of mine have a Cogsmith.

    They have the human keyword. I'm just going to join DGTOW (Duardin Going Their Own Way) and enjoy my new Kharadron Overlords. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Televiper11 said:

    You could still do an all Duardin army w/Gotrek, all the remaining Dispo, Gyros, and Steam Tanks. Would be pretty lethal.

    They did squat my Order Draconis army so I get the resentment.

    I don't want to support CoS. I'm done with this faction. Also Steam Tanks are human. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

    Try Open Play or are your only a tournament player?

    I usually only play matched play. I just hate being dragged along for years thinking I might get a Dispossessed battletome only to see my army I had spent time painting and lots of money buying get cut to below even 500 points. This tome is forcing soup upon people who don't want it. I want to just play pure duardin but my artillery has been taken from me and my cheap chaff eliminated.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Forrix said:

    Yeah, I'm super excited for the new start collecting box. I wanted to start a dwarf army in 8th but couldn't afford it and then with AoS I've been waiting for them to get updated rules.

    I'm surprised at the negativity considering they're getting warscroll rewrites, a new battletome, and a SC box but I suppose if any thread is going to be full of old grumblers it would be this one.

    I'm negative about CoS because half of my army is gone and I lost my favorite models (being playable) because of it. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    Most of models can still be used a count-ins. I already made the list once. IIRC you play dispossessed - use the warriors as Longbeards (if the rumour is true they will be renamed Clanshields and become regular duardin infantry) or slightly shorter Freeguild Guards with sword and shield. Cannons can still be used as Mercenary Companies. Unforged is a Grimwrath Berzerker (or even GOTREK!!).

    With Aelves it depends on the unit: Swordmasters as Greatswords (or *gasp* Executioners), Dragon Blades as Drakespawn, Reavers as Pistoliers, High Elf Dragons as their Dark Elf counterparts, if you have Skycutter chariot on the flying stand just put him down and use it as regular or drakespawn chariot.

    Freeguild: regular priests were promoted to Excelsiors, just add Gryph-hound. Only mounted General was lost.

    See? When you think calmly about it everything can be fixed and there is no reason to panic. You haven't lost that much.

    I don't want to play count-as. I play for the "immersion". I want what is shown on the table to reflect the army and battle. Warriors were also my favorite model tbh, they looked quite cute. I'd rather just kill my Dispossessed army and call it a day then find out how I can beat GW and "fix" my army to fit their new "Sigmar's Super Pals" battletome. I have not touched my Dispossessed since the cull besides moving them into storage and I am very thankful I never got around to doing the Warrior horde spam list I had been planning on running. I'm playing Kharadron Overlords now and I am never looking back.  

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  8. 14 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    It's a lovely thought but I doubt they'd leave a large amount of new miniatures off the covers of the battletomes. 😕

    We could always get lucky and score a new character or two though!


    I find it funny how there are more Stormcast Enternals than regular humans on the cover of Cities of Sigmar.

    • Haha 2
    • Sad 4
  9. As others have said, we don't really have a baseline to compare everything to. Most of the armies are supernaturally empowered and feature aspects that we as regular people can't exactly relate to. Most fictional settings need something that the reader/viewer/player can look at and compare it to themselves. Like @dekay mentioned, Imperial Guard provide this in the Warhammer 40k setting as they are more or less regular humans and we are able to see from their interactions with the universe, even if they are a trained military force, the way the universe affects regular humans. Want to know how a regular human fairs against Tyranids? Look at their encounter with the Imperial Guard. We have Cities of Sigmar releasing soon so we might get to see some of this in AoS. Again, it's hard to relate to a setting and ground yourself in it if you never get a sense to what the reality of the setting is. A lot of things in the game seem so fantastical that it's so hard to imagine how anyone could possible live in such an environment let alone thrive and create civilizations. My most hated argument is "What does it matter? It's fantasy, it doesn't have to be realistic". What's the point of the setting if nothing has limits or boundaries? It just becomes a playground argument where children continue to invent even stronger and more outlandish events until the bounds imagination are stressed. Battles and struggles look less like a gritty battle of good against evil and more like a Saturday morning romp of Marvel super heroes against the weekly villains. Hopefully we can get some relief from this problem with Cities of Sigmar (as much as I despise that book) and the upcoming RPG. 

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  10. 10 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    Sure, because they were once closely allied with the Wood Elves, and there are leftover associations with that.

    But make no mistake - Sylvaneth are not now, nor have they ever been (even back during the Old World tree spirits days) related to Elves, or considered to be elves (or Aelves) of any form


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  11. 1 minute ago, Enwolved said:

    Hey guys,

    I was thinking about starting a Dispossessed army.  I had a few dwarves back in Warhammer Fantasy and I came back to the hobby about 1 year ago. I started with Chaos and Death, but now its time for Order and I think there still nothing that I like more than them.
    I know CoS is coming, so I'll wait for the book to drop.

    But isnt it in general a problem, that all the stuff, thats left now (I think its still enough to build a solid army - I dont have a problem with Warriors etc beeing gone) is web exclusive and you dont get any discount on all the boxes? That makes them really expensive unfortunately  o_O

    Because I am afraid I need like 10 Boxes to build a proper 2k army..  

    Yeah, they are expensive. Check Ebay for discounts unless you want to support a local store or something. Personally I think Dispossessed are more or less dead at this point and are just being thrown in a book with the other rejects just to get them over with. Don't expect to win the vast majority of your games playing pure dorf. I know you want to start Dispossessed, but I would stay away if possible even as much as I loved this army myself when there was still hope. 

  12. On 9/14/2019 at 1:11 PM, mikethefish said:

    Not loving the new warband.

    It would be like if some auto manufacturer took the time to recreate a 1980's Volvo sedan, without bothering to upgrade or add any new features.  Even if they took painstaking detail and lots of brilliant engineering to recreate the original car...at the end of the day, it's still an ugly-ass Volvo, no matter how much talent went into recreating it.

    Same thing with these figs.  Yes, they are well realized and nicely sculpted figures.  They are, however, realizations the same tired old tropes we've seen hundreds of times before - even down to the ridiculous looking fur-lined Mongol helmet.  I wanted something new.  This isn't it.

    The nineties called and they want their minis back.  Hard pass.

    I don't see what's wrong with throwing in some old tropes. The majority of the other warbands are high fantasy crazy silly stuff, and one is goblins riding wolves. I think there needs to be at least a sprinkle of semi-regular looking stuff in AoS. Not everything has to be balls to the wall insane super fantasy stuff that takes leaps in mentality to really understand. Sometimes a stinky goblin riding a snarling wolf just works. 

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