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Posts posted by Ironbreaker

  1. 1 minute ago, MrFouly said:

    I'd bet the terrain piece is a dwarf statue like in the image you posted. :)

    How about giving us the statues and giving us the ability to blow them up North Korea style and have them topple on top of our enemies that break through our lines.

  2. 21 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

    @Ironbreaker that's some quality report! :)

    How do you value your Organ gun+ gunmaster? I like to bring a Cannon instead (last game in 4 turn the cannon did exactly 24 damage to a 30 man block of Graveguard, got lucky with damage rolls but still the reroll against horde is massive)

    Give us your thinking process around the teardrop of grugni pick, please. I'm so used to the pickaxe that I'm kinda blind around other artifacts options!

    I like my Organ Gun and Gunmaster. I initially took it because I liked the look of it. It's got a potentially higher volume of fire than the cannon so that's a plus. I'm usually knocking out good numbers of models with each attack. It's a little wishy washy even with the Gunmaster. Some games I never have to reroll while others I still fail mostly even with the reroll. I also like that it has psychological warfare potential with the people I play at least. A few times I have been able to use their fear of getting into range of it to control the battlefield. I usually deploy it further back while keeping only part of the enemy army in range and constantly maneuver it to maintain this distance. Artillery is stupidly vulnerable to damage to the crew like mortal wounds and I would like to keep it functioning.  Thankfully I don't have anyone at the store playing teleport heavy armies. 


    I've never had much luck around taking a pickaxe. Units I wanted to use might be killed off or locked into combat, hero might get into combat, ect. There is also the delay that can make the pop-up location sometimes predictable. (I did however use it once to escape the battlefield with fragile units until a major threat was taken care of and brought them back in the exact same location they left.) My games usually follow the pattern of an enemy rush into my units, I beat them back while taking loses, and push up to capture objectives once they are defeated. Lately I have instead opted for taking a the pile driver gauntlets on the Warden King. Screening line of Warriors or other Duardin charge in for the attack and the Warden King moves in behind them. Start of combat the King hits the ground to make the Duardin harder to hit. Once the enemy is thinned out, Warden King charges in for the clean up if it is safe, if it isn't he will strike the ground again. I use this often against Khorne since he usually can't be shot from behind the line. I took tear drop the recent game just to try it out while keeping in mind the flamethrowers that often get me in the game. It could be used to mortal wound the flamethrower or maybe slow the Verminlord so more Drakes can target it. Potentially it could have even killed it if the Verminlord was whittled down from the Organ Gun and Drakes. I think if facing situations like these, tear drop is somewhat viable.

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  3. Ok, I will start off with our lists. I am not sure what the Skaven general took for items, but it does not exactly matter given how the game went.

    Allegiance: Skaventide
    Verminlord Warpseer (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Master of Magic 
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Spear
    1 x Warpfire Thrower (70)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

    Total: 950 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 103

    Here was my list.

    Allegiance: Dispossessed
    Warden King (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Grudgebearer 
    - Artefact: Teardrop of Grugni 
    Runelord (100)
    Gunmaster (80)
    20 x Warriors (160)
    - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
    10 x Ironbreakers (140)
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Irondrakes (180)
    Organ Gun (120)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 69

    The image is of how the game roughly began. We played the Total Commitment battleplan.

    So first round started with me actually having the first turn. I really wanted to get my Warriors and Warden King on that objective with the clan rats. My problem was the flamethrower in between. I devised a strategy with two fail safes. Plan A was to run the Warden King as close as I could to the flame thrower and throw the teardrop at it and hope to kill it. I tried that and never got into range. Plan B kicked in. Charge the Warriors into the Flamethrower to kill it and to get extra distance. I rolled the charge and needed to get an 8. I rolled a 7. Used a command ability to re-roll the charge and got 7 again. Warriors stayed put and I awaited the inevitable. I forgot to mention that on the other side of the board, Irondrakes lowered his Verminlord to 4 wounds. and his clanrats away from the objective started to flank the Ironbreakers and Drakes. Organ Gun failed to fire. In his turn, he used the flamethrower to kill the entire unit of warriors and then the lightning cannon blasted my general for 6 mortal wounds. This was when I really wanted to just quit because I saw no more hope. Still in a bit of shock and frustration, I watched as his Verminlord used his orb to kill 6 Irondrakes instantly crippling them and removing the double tap. The score was 2-2.

    My head started to get a little dizzy from the emotions I was feeling at the time. I know it's just a game, but to see devastation turn 1 sent my head spinning. I abandoned reason for a bit and went full assault Ironbreakers and charged his Verminlord the next turn while the 4 Irondrakes and Runelord stayed at the objective.  They attacked and killed his General as revenge for their king. The Organ gun failed to fire again and the Longbeards moved back a bit while still holding the objective to keep out of range of the cannon. In the second Skaven turn, the flanking clan rats began their turn into the location of my objective. There is a wooden plank fence running along the section they are flanking so it slows down and advance they attempt. His war machines moved up but there out of range. The cannon had to move around terrain. The score was 4-4.

    Third turn saw me charge the back clan rats with my Ironbreakers in an attempt to claim that objective. They killed all of them and caused the objective to turn in my favor. Irondrakes fired at the flanking rats and killed a few. Organ gun managed to fire and too out a great deal of them. I forgot to mention but Runeelord has been forgefiring Drakes the whole game. Longbeards stepped back a half inch. In the Skaven turn. the side rats continued to flank and charged the Irondrakes and killed all but one. They now contested my original right objective. His warmachines attempted to move up and fire at the longbeards but were still out of range. The score was now 6-10. I was winning.

    My turn yet again (Kept winning roll offs) and I kept the Ironbreakers on the enemy objective. Irondrake killed a rat with a punch and was promptly poked to death, Runelord had charged the clan rats. Organ gun moved and was able to just barely hit the clan rats and took out a couple. Longbeards stayed still. Clanrats now contested my objective with the runelord and were safe from the organ gun. His war machines moved up once more to shoot the longbeards and the cannon managed to fire and killed the entire squad. I was now down to a single controlled objective with the Ironbreakers. Skaven attacked the Runelord and did no damage. Runelord hit back and killed a few. Battleshock failed and the skaven all fled. I held the objective once more. The score was 7-14. Seeing as there was no way to win, the Skaven player conceded the game to me and I won. Some of the details of the game maybe wrong as I am typing this from memory. Games like this are lessons in why you should always play the objective. It's still hard to believe I made a comeback after that.

    set up.png

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  4. Well, I managed to beat the new Skaven book with Dispossessed first try. It was a hard battle with many rage inducing moments, but I managed to pull through. The new rules for Warpfire Throwers are brutal. We were playing Total Commitment so the deployment zones were closer and he got a blaze off on my Warriors. Managed to kill the entire 20 duardin squad in one blast turn one. To add further insult, he targeted my Warden King and killed him turn 1 with a Warplightning cannon. I was basically nearly crippled as it was a 1000 point game and I nearly conceded right there.  Took some deep breaths, focused entirely on maximizing objective holding, and held out with pure Dispossessed determination and grit. Managed to salvage a victory much to my surprise. 

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  5. I like Starstike for the unpredictability and crazy landings that can happen. My one problem with it is that I play Dispossessed so I have the Disadvantage on most objective games. One of the memorable moments I had playing Starstrike was that when we set up the board, we had a large hill in the center. When we rolled to see what kind of terrain it was, it turned out to be deadly. It just so happens that was exactly where the center objective landed. The center objective battle was clan rats vs dispossessed warriors while each respective warlord watched just outside of the terrain range not daring to risk taking damage before a duel.

    • Haha 1
  6. The new Skaven battletome makes references to Duardin Karaks. There is even a small picture of what looks like a duardin hold in the realm of fire. Most importantly, the statues shown bear horned helmets like Dispossessed warriors. There is also this small section that describes a battle between Skaven and Duardin. The Duardin are implied to be using gunpowder with guns and cannons. In another section, Skaven have captured Karak-a-Zaruk and are described as using the former forges for the creation of warp weapons. 

    I really like the hints at what might be Dispossessed in the newest battletomes. It is worth noting that they never name the Dispossessed. I think this might be because they are going to get a new name if they ever get a battletome. Dispossessed is definitely not very copyright friendly. 

    Skaven Dispossessed.png

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  7. 18 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    So yeah.. ehm Stormvaults is out and ehm.. its not quite what was hoped for. 



    I see something interesting in the box art. All the Stormcast have the same Hammer symbol despite being from separate Stormhosts. It might be an oversight by the artist. GW no longer sales Knights Excelsior upgrade kits so its kind of hard to model them with their sun and moon symbol especially since newer models feature molded on pauldrons.

  8. 10 hours ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    I explain the Karl Franz part as being a patron saint of the army, I'm sure Sigmar's probably mentioned him before. At least for my army.

    Unless they re-sculpt all the old models, I am very interested to hear if GW has any official explanation for why Freeguild carry the name of a dead emperor from another world on their armor. Especially when records from the World that Was are extremely rare and often indecipherable.

  9. 2 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Agreed, that said, I think that is how you fix Dispossessed.  By the lore, they're dwarves that have been rejected from their holds, hence the name. I think you keep the core faction and keywords, but allow them to include any other Duardin keyworded unit (so FS, KO, Iron Weld) in the army as not an ally, although they gain the dispossessed abilities (i.e. grudges for past sins against them, resolute, etc.). So those other allegiances (KO and FS) maintain their distinct character, while recognizing that even Fyreslayers can be dispossessed of their holds and find common cause in grudge-settling with their kin. 

    That's not their lore. Dispossessed are not dwarves that are rejected from holds. They are the remnants of the original duardin culture that flourished during the Age of Myth. Fyreslayers evolved alongside Khazalid Empires. During the Age of Chaos, the technically adapt duardin of the Khazalid Empires escaped into the sky and evolved into the Kharadron Overlords. Those left on the ground and who survived the Chaos invasions by fleeing to Azyr became the Dispossessed. It is now the goal of the Dispossessed to retake their former Karaks from Chaos or whoever now squats there. Along the way, they also help tear down chaos forts and build Order forts and cities in their place. 

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  10. 20 minutes ago, lordreaven448 said:

    I wonder if the Chaos picture is a hint to a Daemons battletome ala 40k. Right now furies, Daemon Princes, Soul Grinders and Belakor kind of lack a home.

    I think it's just to represent all 5 gods. You have a red blob, green thing, blue something, pink stuff, and a growth with whiskers. 

  11. 59 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    The pictures are generic ones from homepage don’t take any stock in them except the new chaos one. The death and destruction "new" armies are quite unknown. Though if I were a gambling man grotbags.



    ahh misread that. Back to being disappointed. 

    A grotbags release soon after gloomspite would be a longshot to me. 

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